[x265] [PATCH] optimize and remove Pow() in processRowEncoder() to avoid VS2008 build error 'ambiguous...'

Derek Buitenhuis derek.buitenhuis at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 21:56:12 CEST 2014

On 7/3/2014 8:29 PM, chen wrote:
> At 2014-07-04 03:00:31,"Derek Buitenhuis" <derek.buitenhuis at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 7/3/2014 7:40 PM, Min Chen wrote:
>>>  -            double scale = pow((double)2, g_maxCUSize / 16);
>>>  +            static const uint32_t scaleTable[] = {2, 4, 16};
>>>  +            uint32_t scaleIndex = (g_convertToBit[g_maxCUSize] + 2 - 4);
>>>  +            double scale = (double)scaleTable[scaleIndex];
>>>  +            X265_CHECK(pow((double)2, (int)(g_maxCUSize >> 4)) == scale, "Failed on scale!\n");
>> Any reason you cant just use 1<<N ?
> In here, you need (1 << (1 << N)), it is more operators

Uh? Do yo perhaps mean:

    double scale = (double)(1 >> (g_maxCUSize / 16)); // Yes, every compiler can figure out that /16 is >>4. Seriously.

So, two operations one var access.

Yous has one operation, two table accesses, one var access.
My money is that it is *possibly* slower due to cache misses, but that is
just wild speculation by me.

Just my 1 cents on micro-optimzation via obfuscation.

- Derek

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