[x265] [PATCH 2 of 3] TComPrediction: save CU data (partAddr, width, height) as member fields

deepthi at multicorewareinc.com deepthi at multicorewareinc.com
Wed Jul 23 02:11:07 CEST 2014

# HG changeset patch
# User Deepthi Nandakumar <deepthi at multicorewareinc.com>
# Date 1406028818 -19800
#      Tue Jul 22 17:03:38 2014 +0530
# Node ID a5422a41c85ac06fc773f1179e6fbea1a80a5e98
# Parent  d8d26a695cf6734ad2180c4694360ef6e71ead81
TComPrediction: save CU data (partAddr, width, height) as member fields

Before motion compensation, save CU related data inside the TComPrediction structure

diff -r d8d26a695cf6 -r a5422a41c85a source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPrediction.cpp
--- a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPrediction.cpp	Mon Jul 21 16:06:31 2014 +0530
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPrediction.cpp	Tue Jul 22 17:03:38 2014 +0530
@@ -223,18 +223,18 @@
  * \param TComDataCU* cu
  * \param uint32_t PartAddr
-bool TComPrediction::xCheckIdenticalMotion(TComDataCU* cu, uint32_t partAddr)
+bool TComPrediction::xCheckIdenticalMotion(TComDataCU* cu)
     X265_CHECK(cu->m_slice->isInterB(), "identical motion check in P frame\n");
     if (!cu->m_slice->m_pps->bUseWeightedBiPred)
-        int refIdxL0 = cu->getCUMvField(0)->getRefIdx(partAddr);
-        int refIdxL1 = cu->getCUMvField(1)->getRefIdx(partAddr);
+        int refIdxL0 = cu->getCUMvField(0)->getRefIdx(m_partAddr);
+        int refIdxL1 = cu->getCUMvField(1)->getRefIdx(m_partAddr);
         if (refIdxL0 >= 0 && refIdxL1 >= 0)
             int refPOCL0 = cu->m_slice->m_refPOCList[0][refIdxL0];
             int refPOCL1 = cu->m_slice->m_refPOCList[1][refIdxL1];
-            if (refPOCL0 == refPOCL1 && cu->getCUMvField(0)->getMv(partAddr) == cu->getCUMvField(1)->getMv(partAddr))
+            if (refPOCL0 == refPOCL1 && cu->getCUMvField(0)->getMv(m_partAddr) == cu->getCUMvField(1)->getMv(m_partAddr))
                 return true;
@@ -243,89 +243,83 @@
 void TComPrediction::motionCompensation(TComDataCU* cu, TComYuv* predYuv, int list, int partIdx, bool bLuma, bool bChroma)
-    int  width;
-    int  height;
-    uint32_t partAddr;
+    X265_CHECK(partIdx >= 0, "partidx is not positive\n");
+    if (cu->m_slice->isInterP())
+        list = REF_PIC_LIST_0;
+    if (list != REF_PIC_LIST_X)
+    {
+        if (cu->m_slice->m_pps->bUseWeightPred)
+        {
+            ShortYuv* shortYuv = &m_predShortYuv[0];
+            int refId = cu->getCUMvField(list)->getRefIdx(m_partAddr);
+            X265_CHECK(refId >= 0, "refidx is not positive\n");
-    X265_CHECK(partIdx >= 0, "partidx is not positive\n");
-    {
-        cu->getPartIndexAndSize(partIdx, partAddr, width, height);
-        if (cu->m_slice->isInterP())
-            list = REF_PIC_LIST_0;
-        if (list != REF_PIC_LIST_X)
-        {
-            if (cu->m_slice->m_pps->bUseWeightPred)
-            {
-                ShortYuv* shortYuv = &m_predShortYuv[0];
-                int refId = cu->getCUMvField(list)->getRefIdx(partAddr);
-                X265_CHECK(refId >= 0, "refidx is not positive\n");
+            MV mv = cu->getCUMvField(list)->getMv(m_partAddr);
+            cu->clipMv(mv);
+            if (bLuma)
+                xPredInterLumaBlk(cu->m_slice->m_refPicList[list][refId]->getPicYuvRec(), cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU(),
+                &mv, shortYuv);
+            if (bChroma)
+                xPredInterChromaBlk(cu->m_slice->m_refPicList[list][refId]->getPicYuvRec(), cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU(), 
+                &mv, shortYuv);
-                MV mv = cu->getCUMvField(list)->getMv(partAddr);
-                cu->clipMv(mv);
-                if (bLuma)
-                    xPredInterLumaBlk(cu->m_slice->m_refPicList[list][refId]->getPicYuvRec(), cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU(),
-                    partAddr, &mv, width, height, shortYuv);
-                if (bChroma)
-                    xPredInterChromaBlk(cu->m_slice->m_refPicList[list][refId]->getPicYuvRec(), cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU(), 
-                    partAddr, &mv, width, height, shortYuv);
-                xWeightedPredictionUni(cu, shortYuv, partAddr, width, height, list, predYuv, -1, bLuma, bChroma);
-            }
-            else
-                xPredInterUni(cu, partAddr, width, height, list, predYuv, bLuma, bChroma);
+            xWeightedPredictionUni(cu, shortYuv, m_partAddr, m_width, m_height, list, predYuv, -1, bLuma, bChroma);
-        {
-            if (xCheckIdenticalMotion(cu, partAddr))
-                xPredInterUni(cu, partAddr, width, height, REF_PIC_LIST_0, predYuv, bLuma, bChroma);
-            else
-                xPredInterBi(cu, partAddr, width, height, predYuv, bLuma, bChroma);
-        }
+            xPredInterUni(cu, list, predYuv, bLuma, bChroma);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (xCheckIdenticalMotion(cu))
+            xPredInterUni(cu, REF_PIC_LIST_0, predYuv, bLuma, bChroma);
+        else
+            xPredInterBi(cu, predYuv, bLuma, bChroma);
-void TComPrediction::xPredInterUni(TComDataCU* cu, uint32_t partAddr, int width, int height, int list, TComYuv* outPredYuv, bool bLuma, bool bChroma)
+void TComPrediction::xPredInterUni(TComDataCU* cu, int list, TComYuv* outPredYuv, bool bLuma, bool bChroma)
-    int refIdx = cu->getCUMvField(list)->getRefIdx(partAddr);
+    int refIdx = cu->getCUMvField(list)->getRefIdx(m_partAddr);
     X265_CHECK(refIdx >= 0, "refidx is not positive\n");
-    MV mv = cu->getCUMvField(list)->getMv(partAddr);
+    MV mv = cu->getCUMvField(list)->getMv(m_partAddr);
     if (bLuma)
         xPredInterLumaBlk(cu->m_slice->m_refPicList[list][refIdx]->getPicYuvRec(), cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU(), 
-        partAddr, &mv, width, height, outPredYuv);
+        &mv, outPredYuv);
     if (bChroma)
         xPredInterChromaBlk(cu->m_slice->m_refPicList[list][refIdx]->getPicYuvRec(), cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU(), 
-        partAddr, &mv, width, height, outPredYuv);
+        &mv, outPredYuv);
-void TComPrediction::xPredInterUni(TComDataCU* cu, uint32_t partAddr, int width, int height, int list, ShortYuv* outPredYuv, bool bLuma, bool bChroma)
+void TComPrediction::xPredInterUni(TComDataCU* cu, int list, ShortYuv* outPredYuv, bool bLuma, bool bChroma)
-    int refIdx = cu->getCUMvField(list)->getRefIdx(partAddr);
+    int refIdx = cu->getCUMvField(list)->getRefIdx(m_partAddr);
     X265_CHECK(refIdx >= 0, "refidx is not positive\n");
-    MV mv = cu->getCUMvField(list)->getMv(partAddr);
+    MV mv = cu->getCUMvField(list)->getMv(m_partAddr);
     if (bLuma)
         xPredInterLumaBlk(cu->m_slice->m_refPicList[list][refIdx]->getPicYuvRec(), cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU(), 
-        partAddr, &mv, width, height, outPredYuv);
+        &mv, outPredYuv);
     if (bChroma)
         xPredInterChromaBlk(cu->m_slice->m_refPicList[list][refIdx]->getPicYuvRec(), cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU(), 
-        partAddr, &mv, width, height, outPredYuv);
+        &mv, outPredYuv);
-void TComPrediction::xPredInterBi(TComDataCU* cu, uint32_t partAddr, int width, int height, TComYuv* outPredYuv, bool bLuma, bool bChroma)
+void TComPrediction::xPredInterBi(TComDataCU* cu, TComYuv* outPredYuv, bool bLuma, bool bChroma)
     X265_CHECK(cu->m_slice->isInterB(), "biprediction in P frame\n");
     int refIdx[2];
-    refIdx[0] = cu->getCUMvField(REF_PIC_LIST_0)->getRefIdx(partAddr);
-    refIdx[1] = cu->getCUMvField(REF_PIC_LIST_1)->getRefIdx(partAddr);
+    refIdx[0] = cu->getCUMvField(REF_PIC_LIST_0)->getRefIdx(m_partAddr);
+    refIdx[1] = cu->getCUMvField(REF_PIC_LIST_1)->getRefIdx(m_partAddr);
     if (refIdx[0] >= 0 && refIdx[1] >= 0)
@@ -333,13 +327,13 @@
             X265_CHECK(refIdx[list] < cu->m_slice->m_numRefIdx[list], "refidx out of range\n");
-            xPredInterUni(cu, partAddr, width, height, list, &m_predShortYuv[list], bLuma, bChroma);
+            xPredInterUni(cu, list, &m_predShortYuv[list], bLuma, bChroma);
         if (cu->m_slice->m_pps->bUseWeightedBiPred)
-            xWeightedPredictionBi(cu, &m_predShortYuv[0], &m_predShortYuv[1], refIdx[0], refIdx[1], partAddr, width, height, outPredYuv, bLuma, bChroma);
+            xWeightedPredictionBi(cu, &m_predShortYuv[0], &m_predShortYuv[1], refIdx[0], refIdx[1], m_partAddr, m_width, m_height, outPredYuv, bLuma, bChroma);
-            outPredYuv->addAvg(&m_predShortYuv[0], &m_predShortYuv[1], partAddr, width, height, bLuma, bChroma);
+            outPredYuv->addAvg(&m_predShortYuv[0], &m_predShortYuv[1], m_partAddr, m_width, m_height, bLuma, bChroma);
     else if (cu->m_slice->m_pps->bUseWeightedBiPred)
@@ -349,10 +343,10 @@
             X265_CHECK(refIdx[list] < cu->m_slice->m_numRefIdx[list], "refidx out of range\n");
-            xPredInterUni(cu, partAddr, width, height, list, &m_predShortYuv[list], bLuma, bChroma);
+            xPredInterUni(cu, list, &m_predShortYuv[list], bLuma, bChroma);
-        xWeightedPredictionBi(cu, &m_predShortYuv[0], &m_predShortYuv[1], refIdx[0], refIdx[1], partAddr, width, height, outPredYuv, bLuma, bChroma);
+        xWeightedPredictionBi(cu, &m_predShortYuv[0], &m_predShortYuv[1], refIdx[0], refIdx[1], m_partAddr, m_width, m_height, outPredYuv, bLuma, bChroma);
     else if (refIdx[0] >= 0)
@@ -360,7 +354,7 @@
         X265_CHECK(refIdx[list] < cu->m_slice->m_numRefIdx[list], "refidx out of range\n");
-        xPredInterUni(cu, partAddr, width, height, list, outPredYuv, bLuma, bChroma);
+        xPredInterUni(cu, list, outPredYuv, bLuma, bChroma);
@@ -370,7 +364,7 @@
         X265_CHECK(refIdx[list] < cu->m_slice->m_numRefIdx[list], "refidx out of range\n");
-        xPredInterUni(cu, partAddr, width, height, list, outPredYuv, bLuma, bChroma);
+        xPredInterUni(cu, list, outPredYuv, bLuma, bChroma);
@@ -385,15 +379,15 @@
  * \param height   Height of block
  * \param dstPic   Pointer to destination picture
-void TComPrediction::xPredInterLumaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, uint32_t partAddr, MV *mv, int width, int height, TComYuv *dstPic)
+void TComPrediction::xPredInterLumaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, MV *mv, TComYuv *dstPic)
     int dstStride = dstPic->getStride();
-    pixel *dst    = dstPic->getLumaAddr(partAddr);
+    pixel *dst    = dstPic->getLumaAddr(m_partAddr);
     int srcStride = refPic->getStride();
     int srcOffset = (mv->x >> 2) + (mv->y >> 2) * srcStride;
-    int partEnum = partitionFromSizes(width, height);
-    pixel* src = refPic->getLumaAddr(cuAddr, zOrderIdxinCU + partAddr) + srcOffset;
+    int partEnum = partitionFromSizes(m_width, m_height);
+    pixel* src = refPic->getLumaAddr(cuAddr, zOrderIdxinCU + m_partAddr) + srcOffset;
     int xFrac = mv->x & 0x3;
     int yFrac = mv->y & 0x3;
@@ -412,7 +406,7 @@
-        int tmpStride = width;
+        int tmpStride = m_width;
         int filterSize = NTAPS_LUMA;
         int halfFilterSize = (filterSize >> 1);
         primitives.luma_hps[partEnum](src, srcStride, m_immedVals, tmpStride, xFrac, 1);
@@ -421,26 +415,26 @@
 //Motion compensated block for biprediction
-void TComPrediction::xPredInterLumaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, uint32_t partAddr, MV *mv, int width, int height, ShortYuv *dstPic)
+void TComPrediction::xPredInterLumaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, MV *mv, ShortYuv *dstPic)
     int refStride = refPic->getStride();
     int refOffset = (mv->x >> 2) + (mv->y >> 2) * refStride;
-    pixel *ref    = refPic->getLumaAddr(cuAddr, zOrderIdxinCU + partAddr) + refOffset;
+    pixel *ref    = refPic->getLumaAddr(cuAddr, zOrderIdxinCU + m_partAddr) + refOffset;
     int dstStride = dstPic->m_width;
-    int16_t *dst  = dstPic->getLumaAddr(partAddr);
+    int16_t *dst  = dstPic->getLumaAddr(m_partAddr);
     int xFrac = mv->x & 0x3;
     int yFrac = mv->y & 0x3;
-    int partEnum = partitionFromSizes(width, height);
+    int partEnum = partitionFromSizes(m_width, m_height);
-    X265_CHECK((width % 4) + (height % 4) == 0, "width or height not divisible by 4\n");
+    X265_CHECK((m_width % 4) + (m_height % 4) == 0, "width or height not divisible by 4\n");
     X265_CHECK(dstStride == MAX_CU_SIZE, "stride expected to be max cu size\n");
     if ((yFrac | xFrac) == 0)
-        primitives.luma_p2s(ref, refStride, dst, width, height);
+        primitives.luma_p2s(ref, refStride, dst, m_width, m_height);
     else if (yFrac == 0)
@@ -452,7 +446,7 @@
-        int tmpStride = width;
+        int tmpStride = m_width;
         int filterSize = NTAPS_LUMA;
         int halfFilterSize = (filterSize >> 1);
         primitives.luma_hps[partEnum](ref, refStride, m_immedVals, tmpStride, xFrac, 1);
@@ -471,7 +465,7 @@
  * \param height   Height of block
  * \param dstPic   Pointer to destination picture
-void TComPrediction::xPredInterChromaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, uint32_t partAddr, MV *mv, int width, int height, TComYuv *dstPic)
+void TComPrediction::xPredInterChromaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, MV *mv, TComYuv *dstPic)
     int refStride = refPic->getCStride();
     int dstStride = dstPic->getCStride();
@@ -481,16 +475,16 @@
     int refOffset = (mv->x >> shiftHor) + (mv->y >> shiftVer) * refStride;
-    pixel* refCb = refPic->getCbAddr(cuAddr, zOrderIdxinCU + partAddr) + refOffset;
-    pixel* refCr = refPic->getCrAddr(cuAddr, zOrderIdxinCU + partAddr) + refOffset;
+    pixel* refCb = refPic->getCbAddr(cuAddr, zOrderIdxinCU + m_partAddr) + refOffset;
+    pixel* refCr = refPic->getCrAddr(cuAddr, zOrderIdxinCU + m_partAddr) + refOffset;
-    pixel* dstCb = dstPic->getCbAddr(partAddr);
-    pixel* dstCr = dstPic->getCrAddr(partAddr);
+    pixel* dstCb = dstPic->getCbAddr(m_partAddr);
+    pixel* dstCr = dstPic->getCrAddr(m_partAddr);
     int xFrac = mv->x & ((1 << shiftHor) - 1);
     int yFrac = mv->y & ((1 << shiftVer) - 1);
-    int partEnum = partitionFromSizes(width, height);
+    int partEnum = partitionFromSizes(m_width, m_height);
     if ((yFrac | xFrac) == 0)
@@ -509,7 +503,7 @@
-        int extStride = width >> m_hChromaShift;
+        int extStride = m_width >> m_hChromaShift;
         int filterSize = NTAPS_CHROMA;
         int halfFilterSize = (filterSize >> 1);
@@ -522,7 +516,7 @@
 // Generate motion compensated block when biprediction
-void TComPrediction::xPredInterChromaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, uint32_t partAddr, MV *mv, int width, int height, ShortYuv *dstPic)
+void TComPrediction::xPredInterChromaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, MV *mv, ShortYuv *dstPic)
     int refStride = refPic->getCStride();
     int dstStride = dstPic->m_cwidth;
@@ -532,19 +526,19 @@
     int refOffset = (mv->x >> shiftHor) + (mv->y >> shiftVer) * refStride;
-    pixel* refCb = refPic->getCbAddr(cuAddr, zOrderIdxinCU + partAddr) + refOffset;
-    pixel* refCr = refPic->getCrAddr(cuAddr, zOrderIdxinCU + partAddr) + refOffset;
+    pixel* refCb = refPic->getCbAddr(cuAddr, zOrderIdxinCU + m_partAddr) + refOffset;
+    pixel* refCr = refPic->getCrAddr(cuAddr, zOrderIdxinCU + m_partAddr) + refOffset;
-    int16_t* dstCb = dstPic->getCbAddr(partAddr);
-    int16_t* dstCr = dstPic->getCrAddr(partAddr);
+    int16_t* dstCb = dstPic->getCbAddr(m_partAddr);
+    int16_t* dstCr = dstPic->getCrAddr(m_partAddr);
     int xFrac = mv->x & ((1 << shiftHor) - 1);
     int yFrac = mv->y & ((1 << shiftVer) - 1);
-    int partEnum = partitionFromSizes(width, height);
+    int partEnum = partitionFromSizes(m_width, m_height);
-    uint32_t cxWidth = width   >> m_hChromaShift;
-    uint32_t cxHeight = height >> m_vChromaShift;
+    uint32_t cxWidth  = m_width   >> m_hChromaShift;
+    uint32_t cxHeight = m_height >> m_vChromaShift;
     X265_CHECK(((cxWidth | cxHeight) % 2) == 0, "chroma block size expected to be multiple of 2\n");
diff -r d8d26a695cf6 -r a5422a41c85a source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPrediction.h
--- a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPrediction.h	Mon Jul 21 16:06:31 2014 +0530
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPrediction.h	Tue Jul 22 17:03:38 2014 +0530
@@ -73,19 +73,26 @@
     int       m_vChromaShift;
     int       m_csp;
+    /* CU information for prediction */
+    int       m_width;
+    int       m_height; 
+    uint32_t  m_partAddr;
+    /* ME information for prediction */
     // motion compensation functions
-    void xPredInterUni(TComDataCU* cu, uint32_t partAddr, int width, int height, int picList, TComYuv* outPredYuv, bool bLuma, bool bChroma);
-    void xPredInterUni(TComDataCU* cu, uint32_t partAddr, int width, int height, int picList, ShortYuv* outPredYuv, bool bLuma, bool bChroma);
-    void xPredInterLumaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, uint32_t partAddr, MV *mv, int width, int height, TComYuv *dstPic);
-    void xPredInterLumaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, uint32_t partAddr, MV *mv, int width, int height, ShortYuv *dstPic);
-    void xPredInterChromaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, uint32_t partAddr, MV *mv, int width, int height, TComYuv *dstPic);
-    void xPredInterChromaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, uint32_t partAddr, MV *mv, int width, int height, ShortYuv *dstPic);
+    void xPredInterUni(TComDataCU *cu, int picList, TComYuv* outPredYuv, bool bLuma, bool bChroma);
+    void xPredInterUni(TComDataCU *cu, int picList, ShortYuv* outPredYuv, bool bLuma, bool bChroma);
+    void xPredInterLumaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, MV *mv, TComYuv *dstPic);
+    void xPredInterLumaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, MV *mv, ShortYuv *dstPic);
+    void xPredInterChromaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, MV *mv, TComYuv *dstPic);
+    void xPredInterChromaBlk(TComPicYuv *refPic, uint32_t cuAddr, uint32_t zOrderIdxinCU, MV *mv, ShortYuv *dstPic);
-    void xPredInterBi(TComDataCU* cu, uint32_t partAddr, int width, int height, TComYuv* outPredYuv, bool bLuma, bool bChroma);
+    void xPredInterBi(TComDataCU* cu, TComYuv* outPredYuv, bool bLuma, bool bChroma);
     void xGetLLSPrediction(TComPattern* pcPattern, int* src0, int srcstride, pixel* dst0, int dststride, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t ext0);
-    bool xCheckIdenticalMotion(TComDataCU* cu, uint32_t PartAddr);
+    bool xCheckIdenticalMotion(TComDataCU* cu);
diff -r d8d26a695cf6 -r a5422a41c85a source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncSearch.cpp
--- a/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncSearch.cpp	Mon Jul 21 16:06:31 2014 +0530
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncSearch.cpp	Tue Jul 22 17:03:38 2014 +0530
@@ -1911,6 +1911,11 @@
         uint32_t partAddr;
         int      roiWidth, roiHeight;
         cu->getPartIndexAndSize(partIdx, partAddr, roiWidth, roiHeight);
+        /* Prediction data for each partition */
+        m_partAddr = partAddr;
+        m_width = roiWidth;
+        m_height = roiHeight;        
         pixel* pu = fenc->getLumaAddr(cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU() + partAddr);
         m_me.setSourcePU(pu - fenc->getLumaAddr(), roiWidth, roiHeight);
@@ -1979,7 +1984,7 @@
                     // TODO: skip mvCand if Y is > merange and -FN>1
-                    xPredInterLumaBlk(cu->m_slice->m_refPicList[l][ref]->getPicYuvRec(), cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU(), partAddr, &mvCand, roiWidth, roiHeight, &m_predTempYuv);
+                    xPredInterLumaBlk(cu->m_slice->m_refPicList[l][ref]->getPicYuvRec(), cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU(), &mvCand, &m_predTempYuv);
                     uint32_t cost = m_me.bufSAD(m_predTempYuv.getLumaAddr(partAddr), m_predTempYuv.getStride());
                     cost = m_rdCost.calcRdSADCost(cost, MVP_IDX_BITS);
@@ -2026,8 +2031,8 @@
             // Generate reference subpels
             TComPicYuv *refPic0 = cu->m_slice->m_refPicList[0][list[0].ref]->getPicYuvRec();
             TComPicYuv *refPic1 = cu->m_slice->m_refPicList[1][list[1].ref]->getPicYuvRec();
-            xPredInterLumaBlk(refPic0, cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU(), partAddr, &list[0].mv, roiWidth, roiHeight, &m_predYuv[0]);
-            xPredInterLumaBlk(refPic1, cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU(), partAddr, &list[1].mv, roiWidth, roiHeight, &m_predYuv[1]);
+            xPredInterLumaBlk(refPic0, cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU(), &list[0].mv, &m_predYuv[0]);
+            xPredInterLumaBlk(refPic1, cu->getAddr(), cu->getZorderIdxInCU(), &list[1].mv, &m_predYuv[1]);
             pixel *pred0 = m_predYuv[0].getLumaAddr(partAddr);
             pixel *pred1 = m_predYuv[1].getLumaAddr(partAddr);
diff -r d8d26a695cf6 -r a5422a41c85a source/encoder/analysis.cpp
--- a/source/encoder/analysis.cpp	Mon Jul 21 16:06:31 2014 +0530
+++ b/source/encoder/analysis.cpp	Tue Jul 22 17:03:38 2014 +0530
@@ -683,7 +683,10 @@
                     // calculate the motion compensation for chroma for the best mode selected
                     int numPart = outBestCU->getNumPartInter();
                     for (int partIdx = 0; partIdx < numPart; partIdx++)
+                    {
+                        outBestCU->getPartIndexAndSize(partIdx, m_partAddr, m_width, m_height);
                         motionCompensation(outBestCU, m_bestPredYuv[depth], REF_PIC_LIST_X, partIdx, false, true);
+                    }
                     encodeResAndCalcRdInterCU(outBestCU, m_origYuv[depth], m_bestPredYuv[depth], m_tmpResiYuv[depth],
                                               m_bestResiYuv[depth], m_bestRecoYuv[depth], false, true);
@@ -753,7 +756,10 @@
                         int numPart = outBestCU->getNumPartInter();
                         for (int partIdx = 0; partIdx < numPart; partIdx++)
+                        {
+                            outBestCU->getPartIndexAndSize(partIdx, m_partAddr, m_width, m_height);
                             motionCompensation(outBestCU, m_bestPredYuv[depth], REF_PIC_LIST_X, partIdx, false, true);
+                        }
                         encodeResAndCalcRdInterCU(outBestCU, m_origYuv[depth], m_bestPredYuv[depth], m_tmpResiYuv[depth],
                                                   m_bestResiYuv[depth], m_bestRecoYuv[depth], false, true);
@@ -775,7 +781,10 @@
                         int numPart = outBestCU->getNumPartInter();
                         for (int partIdx = 0; partIdx < numPart; partIdx++)
+                        {
+                            outBestCU->getPartIndexAndSize(partIdx, m_partAddr, m_width, m_height);
                             motionCompensation(outBestCU, m_bestPredYuv[depth], REF_PIC_LIST_X, partIdx, false, true);
+                        }
                         m_tmpResiYuv[depth]->subtract(m_origYuv[depth], m_bestPredYuv[depth], outBestCU->getLog2CUSize(0));
                         generateCoeffRecon(outBestCU, m_origYuv[depth], m_bestPredYuv[depth], m_tmpResiYuv[depth], m_bestRecoYuv[depth], false);
@@ -789,7 +798,10 @@
                         int numPart = outBestCU->getNumPartInter();
                         for (int partIdx = 0; partIdx < numPart; partIdx++)
+                        {
+                            outBestCU->getPartIndexAndSize(partIdx, m_partAddr, m_width, m_height);
                             motionCompensation(outBestCU, m_bestPredYuv[depth], REF_PIC_LIST_X, partIdx, false, true);
+                        }
@@ -1381,6 +1393,8 @@
             outTempCU->getCUMvField(REF_PIC_LIST_1)->setAllMvField(mvFieldNeighbours[mergeCand][1], SIZE_2Nx2N, 0, 0); // interprets depth relative to rpcTempCU level
             // do MC only for Luma part
+            /* Set CU parameters for motion compensation */
+            outTempCU->getPartIndexAndSize(0, m_partAddr, m_width, m_height);
             motionCompensation(outTempCU, m_tmpPredYuv[depth], REF_PIC_LIST_X, 0, true, false);
             uint32_t bitsCand = getTUBits(mergeCand, maxNumMergeCand);
             outTempCU->m_totalBits = bitsCand;
@@ -1418,7 +1432,10 @@
             //calculate the motion compensation for chroma for the best mode selected
             int numPart = outBestCU->getNumPartInter();
             for (int partIdx = 0; partIdx < numPart; partIdx++)
+            {
+                outBestCU->getPartIndexAndSize(partIdx, m_partAddr, m_width, m_height);
                 motionCompensation(outBestCU, bestPredYuv, REF_PIC_LIST_X, partIdx, false, true);
+            }
             if (outTempCU->isLosslessCoded(0))
                 outBestCU->m_totalRDCost = MAX_INT64;
@@ -1490,6 +1507,7 @@
                     outTempCU->getCUMvField(REF_PIC_LIST_1)->setAllMvField(mvFieldNeighbours[mergeCand][1], SIZE_2Nx2N, 0, 0); // interprets depth relative to outTempCU level
                     // do MC
+                    outTempCU->getPartIndexAndSize(0, m_partAddr, m_width, m_height);
                     motionCompensation(outTempCU, m_tmpPredYuv[depth], REF_PIC_LIST_X, 0);
                     // estimate residual and encode everything

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