[x265] [PATCH] search: move m_bestME[] from search to Mode structure

gopu at multicorewareinc.com gopu at multicorewareinc.com
Thu Oct 30 07:23:34 CET 2014

# HG changeset patch
# User Gopu Govindaswamy <gopu at multicorewareinc.com>
# Date 1414567443 -19800
#      Wed Oct 29 12:54:03 2014 +0530
# Branch stable
# Node ID 829e84dffe17a023d96a9f33881172803358b065
# Parent  9b73a4d2210a6b9b29d209d9ca46a67f51f16e7a
search: move m_bestME[] from search to Mode structure

diff -r 9b73a4d2210a -r 829e84dffe17 source/encoder/analysis.cpp
--- a/source/encoder/analysis.cpp	Wed Oct 29 23:12:27 2014 -0500
+++ b/source/encoder/analysis.cpp	Wed Oct 29 12:54:03 2014 +0530
@@ -350,17 +350,17 @@
         slave->m_frame = m_frame;
         PicYuv* fencPic = m_frame->m_origPicYuv;
-        pixel* pu = fencPic->getLumaAddr(m_curMECu->m_cuAddr, m_curGeom->encodeIdx + m_puAbsPartIdx);
+        pixel* pu = fencPic->getLumaAddr(m_curInterMode->cu.m_cuAddr, m_curGeom->encodeIdx + m_puAbsPartIdx);
         slave->m_me.setSourcePlane(fencPic->m_picOrg[0], fencPic->m_stride);
         slave->m_me.setSourcePU(pu - fencPic->m_picOrg[0], m_puWidth, m_puHeight);
-        slave->prepMotionCompensation(*m_curMECu, *m_curGeom, m_curPart);
+        slave->prepMotionCompensation(m_curInterMode->cu, *m_curGeom, m_curPart);
     if (meId < m_slice->m_numRefIdx[0])
-        slave->singleMotionEstimation(*this, *m_curMECu, *m_curGeom, m_curPart, 0, meId);
+        slave->singleMotionEstimation(*this, *m_curInterMode, *m_curGeom, m_curPart, 0, meId);
-        slave->singleMotionEstimation(*this, *m_curMECu, *m_curGeom, m_curPart, 1, meId - m_slice->m_numRefIdx[0]);
+        slave->singleMotionEstimation(*this, *m_curInterMode, *m_curGeom, m_curPart, 1, meId - m_slice->m_numRefIdx[0]);
 void Analysis::parallelModeAnalysis(int threadId, int jobId)
diff -r 9b73a4d2210a -r 829e84dffe17 source/encoder/search.cpp
--- a/source/encoder/search.cpp	Wed Oct 29 23:12:27 2014 -0500
+++ b/source/encoder/search.cpp	Wed Oct 29 12:54:03 2014 +0530
@@ -1642,14 +1642,14 @@
 /* this function assumes the caller has configured its MotionEstimation engine with the
  * correct source plane and source PU, and has called prepMotionCompensation() to set
  * m_puAbsPartIdx, m_puWidth, and m_puHeight */
-void Search::singleMotionEstimation(Search& master, const CUData& cu, const CUGeom& cuGeom, int part, int list, int ref)
+void Search::singleMotionEstimation(Search& master, Mode& interMode, const CUGeom& cuGeom, int part, int list, int ref)
     uint32_t bits = master.m_listSelBits[list] + MVP_IDX_BITS;
     bits += getTUBits(ref, m_slice->m_numRefIdx[list]);
     MV amvpCand[AMVP_NUM_CANDS];
     MV mvc[(MD_ABOVE_LEFT + 1) * 2 + 1];
-    int numMvc = cu.fillMvpCand(part, m_puAbsPartIdx, list, ref, amvpCand, mvc);
+    int numMvc = interMode.cu.fillMvpCand(part, m_puAbsPartIdx, list, ref, amvpCand, mvc);
     uint32_t bestCost = MAX_INT;
     int mvpIdx = 0;
@@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@
         if (m_bFrameParallel && (mvCand.y >= (merange + 1) * 4))
-        cu.clipMv(mvCand);
+        interMode.cu.clipMv(mvCand);
         Yuv& tmpPredYuv = m_rqt[cuGeom.depth].tmpPredYuv;
         predInterLumaPixel(tmpPredYuv, *m_slice->m_refPicList[list][ref]->m_reconPicYuv, mvCand);
@@ -1676,7 +1676,7 @@
     MV mvmin, mvmax, outmv, mvp = amvpCand[mvpIdx];
-    setSearchRange(cu, mvp, merange, mvmin, mvmax);
+    setSearchRange(interMode.cu, mvp, merange, mvmin, mvmax);
     int satdCost = m_me.motionEstimate(&m_slice->m_mref[list][ref], mvmin, mvmax, mvp, numMvc, mvc, merange, outmv);
@@ -1689,15 +1689,15 @@
     /* tie goes to the smallest ref ID, just like --no-pme */
     ScopedLock _lock(master.m_outputLock);
-    if (cost < master.m_bestME[list].cost ||
-       (cost == master.m_bestME[list].cost && ref < master.m_bestME[list].ref))
+    if (cost < interMode.m_bestME[list].cost ||
+       (cost == interMode.m_bestME[list].cost && ref < interMode.m_bestME[list].ref))
-        master.m_bestME[list].mv = outmv;
-        master.m_bestME[list].mvp = mvp;
-        master.m_bestME[list].mvpIdx = mvpIdx;
-        master.m_bestME[list].ref = ref;
-        master.m_bestME[list].cost = cost;
-        master.m_bestME[list].bits = bits;
+        interMode.m_bestME[list].mv = outmv;
+        interMode.m_bestME[list].mvp = mvp;
+        interMode.m_bestME[list].mvpIdx = mvpIdx;
+        interMode.m_bestME[list].ref = ref;
+        interMode.m_bestME[list].cost = cost;
+        interMode.m_bestME[list].bits = bits;
@@ -1771,14 +1771,14 @@
         uint32_t bidirCost = MAX_UINT;
         int bidirBits = 0;
-        m_bestME[0].cost = MAX_UINT;
-        m_bestME[1].cost = MAX_UINT;
+        interMode.m_bestME[0].cost = MAX_UINT;
+        interMode.m_bestME[1].cost = MAX_UINT;
         getBlkBits((PartSize)cu.m_partSize[0], slice->isInterP(), puIdx, lastMode, m_listSelBits);
         if (bDistributed)
-            m_curMECu = &cu;
+            m_curInterMode = &interMode;
             m_curGeom = &cuGeom;
             /* this worker might already be enqueued for pmode, so other threads
@@ -1803,9 +1803,9 @@
                     id -= 1;
                     if (id < numRefIdx[0])
-                        singleMotionEstimation(*this, cu, cuGeom, puIdx, 0, id);
+                        singleMotionEstimation(*this, interMode, cuGeom, puIdx, 0, id);
-                        singleMotionEstimation(*this, cu, cuGeom, puIdx, 1, id - numRefIdx[0]);
+                        singleMotionEstimation(*this, interMode, cuGeom, puIdx, 1, id - numRefIdx[0]);
                     if (ATOMIC_INC(&m_numCompletedME) == m_totalNumME)
@@ -1815,7 +1815,7 @@
             /* we saved L0-0 for ourselves */
-            singleMotionEstimation(*this, cu, cuGeom, puIdx, 0, 0);
+            singleMotionEstimation(*this, interMode, cuGeom, puIdx, 0, 0);
             if (ATOMIC_INC(&m_numCompletedME) == m_totalNumME)
@@ -1869,31 +1869,31 @@
                     /* Refine MVP selection, updates: mvp, mvpIdx, bits, cost */
                     checkBestMVP(amvpCand[l][ref], outmv, mvp, mvpIdx, bits, cost);
-                    if (cost < m_bestME[l].cost)
+                    if (cost < interMode.m_bestME[l].cost)
-                        m_bestME[l].mv = outmv;
-                        m_bestME[l].mvp = mvp;
-                        m_bestME[l].mvpIdx = mvpIdx;
-                        m_bestME[l].ref = ref;
-                        m_bestME[l].cost = cost;
-                        m_bestME[l].bits = bits;
+                        interMode.m_bestME[l].mv = outmv;
+                        interMode.m_bestME[l].mvp = mvp;
+                        interMode.m_bestME[l].mvpIdx = mvpIdx;
+                        interMode.m_bestME[l].ref = ref;
+                        interMode.m_bestME[l].cost = cost;
+                        interMode.m_bestME[l].bits = bits;
         /* Bi-directional prediction */
-        if (slice->isInterB() && !cu.isBipredRestriction() && m_bestME[0].cost != MAX_UINT && m_bestME[1].cost != MAX_UINT)
+        if (slice->isInterB() && !cu.isBipredRestriction() && interMode.m_bestME[0].cost != MAX_UINT && interMode.m_bestME[1].cost != MAX_UINT)
-            bidir[0] = m_bestME[0];
-            bidir[1] = m_bestME[1];
+            bidir[0] = interMode.m_bestME[0];
+            bidir[1] = interMode.m_bestME[1];
             /* Generate reference subpels */
-            PicYuv* refPic0  = slice->m_refPicList[0][m_bestME[0].ref]->m_reconPicYuv;
-            PicYuv* refPic1  = slice->m_refPicList[1][m_bestME[1].ref]->m_reconPicYuv;
+            PicYuv* refPic0  = slice->m_refPicList[0][interMode.m_bestME[0].ref]->m_reconPicYuv;
+            PicYuv* refPic1  = slice->m_refPicList[1][interMode.m_bestME[1].ref]->m_reconPicYuv;
             Yuv*    bidirYuv = m_rqt[cuGeom.depth].bidirPredYuv;
-            predInterLumaPixel(bidirYuv[0], *refPic0, m_bestME[0].mv);
-            predInterLumaPixel(bidirYuv[1], *refPic1, m_bestME[1].mv);
+            predInterLumaPixel(bidirYuv[0], *refPic0, interMode.m_bestME[0].mv);
+            predInterLumaPixel(bidirYuv[1], *refPic1, interMode.m_bestME[1].mv);
             pixel *pred0 = bidirYuv[0].getLumaAddr(m_puAbsPartIdx);
             pixel *pred1 = bidirYuv[1].getLumaAddr(m_puAbsPartIdx);
@@ -1902,10 +1902,10 @@
             primitives.pixelavg_pp[partEnum](tmpPredYuv.m_buf[0], tmpPredYuv.m_size, pred0, bidirYuv[0].m_size, pred1, bidirYuv[1].m_size, 32);
             int satdCost = m_me.bufSATD(tmpPredYuv.m_buf[0], tmpPredYuv.m_size);
-            bidirBits = m_bestME[0].bits + m_bestME[1].bits + m_listSelBits[2] - (m_listSelBits[0] + m_listSelBits[1]);
+            bidirBits = interMode.m_bestME[0].bits + interMode.m_bestME[1].bits + m_listSelBits[2] - (m_listSelBits[0] + m_listSelBits[1]);
             bidirCost = satdCost + m_rdCost.getCost(bidirBits);
-            bool bTryZero = m_bestME[0].mv.notZero() || m_bestME[1].mv.notZero();
+            bool bTryZero = interMode.m_bestME[0].mv.notZero() || interMode.m_bestME[1].mv.notZero();
             if (bTryZero)
                 /* Do not try zero MV if unidir motion predictors are beyond
@@ -1917,38 +1917,38 @@
                 mvmin <<= 2;
                 mvmax <<= 2;
-                bTryZero &= m_bestME[0].mvp.checkRange(mvmin, mvmax);
-                bTryZero &= m_bestME[1].mvp.checkRange(mvmin, mvmax);
+                bTryZero &= interMode.m_bestME[0].mvp.checkRange(mvmin, mvmax);
+                bTryZero &= interMode.m_bestME[1].mvp.checkRange(mvmin, mvmax);
             if (bTryZero)
                 // coincident blocks of the two reference pictures
-                pixel *ref0 = slice->m_mref[0][m_bestME[0].ref].fpelPlane + (pu - fencPic->m_picOrg[0]);
-                pixel *ref1 = slice->m_mref[1][m_bestME[1].ref].fpelPlane + (pu - fencPic->m_picOrg[0]);
+                pixel *ref0 = slice->m_mref[0][interMode.m_bestME[0].ref].fpelPlane + (pu - fencPic->m_picOrg[0]);
+                pixel *ref1 = slice->m_mref[1][interMode.m_bestME[1].ref].fpelPlane + (pu - fencPic->m_picOrg[0]);
                 intptr_t refStride = slice->m_mref[0][0].lumaStride;
                 primitives.pixelavg_pp[partEnum](tmpPredYuv.m_buf[0], tmpPredYuv.m_size, ref0, refStride, ref1, refStride, 32);
                 satdCost = m_me.bufSATD(tmpPredYuv.m_buf[0], tmpPredYuv.m_size);
-                MV mvp0 = m_bestME[0].mvp;
-                int mvpIdx0 = m_bestME[0].mvpIdx;
-                uint32_t bits0 = m_bestME[0].bits - m_me.bitcost(m_bestME[0].mv, mvp0) + m_me.bitcost(mvzero, mvp0);
-                MV mvp1 = m_bestME[1].mvp;
-                int mvpIdx1 = m_bestME[1].mvpIdx;
-                uint32_t bits1 = m_bestME[1].bits - m_me.bitcost(m_bestME[1].mv, mvp1) + m_me.bitcost(mvzero, mvp1);
+                MV mvp0 = interMode.m_bestME[0].mvp;
+                int mvpIdx0 = interMode.m_bestME[0].mvpIdx;
+                uint32_t bits0 = interMode.m_bestME[0].bits - m_me.bitcost(interMode.m_bestME[0].mv, mvp0) + m_me.bitcost(mvzero, mvp0);
+                MV mvp1 = interMode.m_bestME[1].mvp;
+                int mvpIdx1 = interMode.m_bestME[1].mvpIdx;
+                uint32_t bits1 = interMode.m_bestME[1].bits - m_me.bitcost(interMode.m_bestME[1].mv, mvp1) + m_me.bitcost(mvzero, mvp1);
                 uint32_t cost = satdCost + m_rdCost.getCost(bits0) + m_rdCost.getCost(bits1);
                 if (bDistributed)
-                    cu.fillMvpCand(puIdx, m_puAbsPartIdx, 0, m_bestME[0].ref, amvpCand[0][m_bestME[0].ref], mvc);
-                    cu.fillMvpCand(puIdx, m_puAbsPartIdx, 1, m_bestME[1].ref, amvpCand[1][m_bestME[1].ref], mvc);
+                    cu.fillMvpCand(puIdx, m_puAbsPartIdx, 0, interMode.m_bestME[0].ref, amvpCand[0][interMode.m_bestME[0].ref], mvc);
+                    cu.fillMvpCand(puIdx, m_puAbsPartIdx, 1, interMode.m_bestME[1].ref, amvpCand[1][interMode.m_bestME[1].ref], mvc);
                 /* refine MVP selection for zero mv, updates: mvp, mvpidx, bits, cost */
-                checkBestMVP(amvpCand[0][m_bestME[0].ref], mvzero, mvp0, mvpIdx0, bits0, cost);
-                checkBestMVP(amvpCand[1][m_bestME[1].ref], mvzero, mvp1, mvpIdx1, bits1, cost);
+                checkBestMVP(amvpCand[0][interMode.m_bestME[0].ref], mvzero, mvp0, mvpIdx0, bits0, cost);
+                checkBestMVP(amvpCand[1][interMode.m_bestME[1].ref], mvzero, mvp1, mvpIdx1, bits1, cost);
                 if (cost < bidirCost)
@@ -1965,7 +1965,7 @@
         /* select best option and store into CU */
-        if (mrgCost < bidirCost && mrgCost < m_bestME[0].cost && mrgCost < m_bestME[1].cost)
+        if (mrgCost < bidirCost && mrgCost < interMode.m_bestME[0].cost && mrgCost < interMode.m_bestME[1].cost)
             cu.m_mergeFlag[m_puAbsPartIdx] = true;
             cu.m_mvpIdx[0][m_puAbsPartIdx] = merge.index; // merge candidate ID is stored in L0 MVP idx
@@ -1977,39 +1977,39 @@
             totalmebits += merge.bits;
-        else if (bidirCost < m_bestME[0].cost && bidirCost < m_bestME[1].cost)
+        else if (bidirCost < interMode.m_bestME[0].cost && bidirCost < interMode.m_bestME[1].cost)
             lastMode = 2;
             cu.m_mergeFlag[m_puAbsPartIdx] = false;
             cu.setPUInterDir(3, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
             cu.setPUMv(0, bidir[0].mv, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
-            cu.setPURefIdx(0, m_bestME[0].ref, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
+            cu.setPURefIdx(0, interMode.m_bestME[0].ref, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
             cu.m_mvd[0][m_puAbsPartIdx] = bidir[0].mv - bidir[0].mvp;
             cu.m_mvpIdx[0][m_puAbsPartIdx] = bidir[0].mvpIdx;
             cu.setPUMv(1, bidir[1].mv, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
-            cu.setPURefIdx(1, m_bestME[1].ref, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
+            cu.setPURefIdx(1, interMode.m_bestME[1].ref, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
             cu.m_mvd[1][m_puAbsPartIdx] = bidir[1].mv - bidir[1].mvp;
             cu.m_mvpIdx[1][m_puAbsPartIdx] = bidir[1].mvpIdx;
             totalmebits += bidirBits;
-        else if (m_bestME[0].cost <= m_bestME[1].cost)
+        else if (interMode.m_bestME[0].cost <= interMode.m_bestME[1].cost)
             lastMode = 0;
             cu.m_mergeFlag[m_puAbsPartIdx] = false;
             cu.setPUInterDir(1, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
-            cu.setPUMv(0, m_bestME[0].mv, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
-            cu.setPURefIdx(0, m_bestME[0].ref, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
-            cu.m_mvd[0][m_puAbsPartIdx] = m_bestME[0].mv - m_bestME[0].mvp;
-            cu.m_mvpIdx[0][m_puAbsPartIdx] = m_bestME[0].mvpIdx;
+            cu.setPUMv(0, interMode.m_bestME[0].mv, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
+            cu.setPURefIdx(0, interMode.m_bestME[0].ref, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
+            cu.m_mvd[0][m_puAbsPartIdx] = interMode.m_bestME[0].mv - interMode.m_bestME[0].mvp;
+            cu.m_mvpIdx[0][m_puAbsPartIdx] = interMode.m_bestME[0].mvpIdx;
             cu.setPURefIdx(1, REF_NOT_VALID, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
             cu.setPUMv(1, mvzero, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
-            totalmebits += m_bestME[0].bits;
+            totalmebits += interMode.m_bestME[0].bits;
@@ -2017,15 +2017,15 @@
             cu.m_mergeFlag[m_puAbsPartIdx] = false;
             cu.setPUInterDir(2, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
-            cu.setPUMv(1, m_bestME[1].mv, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
-            cu.setPURefIdx(1, m_bestME[1].ref, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
-            cu.m_mvd[1][m_puAbsPartIdx] = m_bestME[1].mv - m_bestME[1].mvp;
-            cu.m_mvpIdx[1][m_puAbsPartIdx] = m_bestME[1].mvpIdx;
+            cu.setPUMv(1, interMode.m_bestME[1].mv, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
+            cu.setPURefIdx(1, interMode.m_bestME[1].ref, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
+            cu.m_mvd[1][m_puAbsPartIdx] = interMode.m_bestME[1].mv - interMode.m_bestME[1].mvp;
+            cu.m_mvpIdx[1][m_puAbsPartIdx] = interMode.m_bestME[1].mvpIdx;
             cu.setPURefIdx(0, REF_NOT_VALID, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
             cu.setPUMv(0, mvzero, m_puAbsPartIdx, puIdx);
-            totalmebits += m_bestME[1].bits;
+            totalmebits += interMode.m_bestME[1].bits;
         prepMotionCompensation(cu, cuGeom, puIdx);
diff -r 9b73a4d2210a -r 829e84dffe17 source/encoder/search.h
--- a/source/encoder/search.h	Wed Oct 29 23:12:27 2014 -0500
+++ b/source/encoder/search.h	Wed Oct 29 12:54:03 2014 +0530
@@ -98,6 +98,16 @@
     uint32_t        m_numLayers;
     uint32_t        m_refLagPixels;
+    struct MotionData
+    {
+        MV  mv;
+        MV  mvp;
+        int mvpIdx;
+        int ref;
+        uint32_t cost;
+        int bits;
+    };
     struct Mode
         CUData     cu;
@@ -114,6 +124,7 @@
         uint32_t   totalBits;  // sum of partition bits (mv + coeff)
         uint32_t   mvBits;     // Mv bits + Ref + block type (or intra mode)
         uint32_t   coeffBits;  // Texture bits (DCT Coeffs)
+        MotionData m_bestME[2];
         void initCosts()
@@ -140,16 +151,6 @@
-    struct MotionData
-    {
-        MV  mv;
-        MV  mvp;
-        int mvpIdx;
-        int ref;
-        uint32_t cost;
-        int bits;
-    };
@@ -178,10 +179,9 @@
     /* motion estimation distribution */
     ThreadLocalData* m_tld;
-    CUData*       m_curMECu;
+    Mode*         m_curInterMode;
     const CUGeom* m_curGeom;
     int           m_curPart;
-    MotionData    m_bestME[2];
     uint32_t      m_listSelBits[3];
     int           m_totalNumME;
     volatile int  m_numAcquiredME;
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
     Event         m_meCompletionEvent;
     Lock          m_outputLock;
     bool          m_bJobsQueued;
-    void     singleMotionEstimation(Search& master, const CUData& cu, const CUGeom& cuGeom, int part, int list, int ref);
+    void     singleMotionEstimation(Search& master, Mode& interMode, const CUGeom& cuGeom, int part, int list, int ref);
     void     saveResidualQTData(CUData& cu, ShortYuv& resiYuv, uint32_t absPartIdx, uint32_t depth);

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