[x265] [PATCH] asm: avx2 code for weight_sp() for 8bpp

chen chenm003 at 163.com
Thu Apr 2 12:02:36 CEST 2015

we can use this version and improve in future
please make a flag in list to remember we improve it

At 2015-04-02 17:51:08,sumalatha at multicorewareinc.com wrote:
># HG changeset patch
># User Sumalatha Polureddy
># Date 1427968258 -19800
>#      Thu Apr 02 15:20:58 2015 +0530
># Node ID 7f976e1e89c5940a8bb2f5b965ebd9ed6e6948a6
># Parent  ac85c775620f1dcb0df056874633cbf916098bd2
>asm: avx2 code for weight_sp() for 8bpp
>weight_sp  16.40x   7768.71         127369.20
>weight_sp  25.83x   4918.74         127040.17
>diff -r ac85c775620f -r 7f976e1e89c5 source/common/x86/asm-primitives.cpp
>--- a/source/common/x86/asm-primitives.cpp Tue Mar 31 20:04:28 2015 -0500
>+++ b/source/common/x86/asm-primitives.cpp Thu Apr 02 15:20:58 2015 +0530
>@@ -1604,6 +1604,7 @@
>         p.scale1D_128to64 = x265_scale1D_128to64_avx2;
>         p.weight_pp = x265_weight_pp_avx2;
>+        p.weight_sp = x265_weight_sp_avx2;
>         // intra_pred functions
>         p.cu[BLOCK_8x8].intra_pred[3] = x265_intra_pred_ang8_3_avx2;
>diff -r ac85c775620f -r 7f976e1e89c5 source/common/x86/pixel-util8.asm
>--- a/source/common/x86/pixel-util8.asm Tue Mar 31 20:04:28 2015 -0500
>+++ b/source/common/x86/pixel-util8.asm Thu Apr 02 15:20:58 2015 +0530
>@@ -1492,6 +1492,84 @@
>     dec         r5d
>     jnz         .loopH
>     RET
>+%if ARCH_X86_64
>+INIT_YMM avx2
>+cglobal weight_sp, 6, 9, 7
>+    mov             r7d, r7m
>+    shl             r7d, 16
>+    or              r7d, r6m
>+    vpbroadcastd    m0, r7d            ; m0 = times 8 dw w0, round
>+    movd            xm1, r8m            ; m1 = [shift]
>+    vpbroadcastd    m2, r9m            ; m2 = times 16 dw offset
>+    vpbroadcastw    m3, [pw_1]
>+    vpbroadcastw    m4, [pw_2000]
>+    add             r2d, r2d            ; 2 * srcstride
>+    mov             r7, r0
>+    mov             r8, r1
>+    mov             r6d, r4d            ; width
>+    ; save old src and dst
>+    mov             r0, r7              ; src
>+    mov             r1, r8              ; dst
>+    movu            m5, [r0]
>+    paddw           m5, m4
>+    punpcklwd       m6,m5, m3
>+    pmaddwd         m6, m0
>+    psrad           m6, xm1
>+    paddd           m6, m2
>+    punpckhwd       m5, m3
>+    pmaddwd         m5, m0
>+    psrad           m5, xm1
>+    paddd           m5, m2
>+    packssdw        m6, m5
>+    packuswb        m6, m6
>+    vpermq          m6, m6, 10001000b
>+    sub             r6d, 16
>+    jl              .width8
>+    movu            [r1], xm6
>+    je              .nextH
>+    add             r0, 32
>+    add             r1, 16
>+    jmp             .loopW
>+    add             r6d, 16
>+    cmp             r6d, 8
>+    jl              .width4
>+    movq            [r1], xm6
>+    je              .nextH
>+    psrldq          m6, 8
>+    sub             r6d, 8
>+    add             r1, 8
>+    cmp             r6d, 4
>+    jl              .width2
>+    movd            [r1], xm6
>+    je              .nextH
>+    add             r1, 4
>+    pshufd          m6, m6, 1
>+    pextrw          [r1], xm6, 0
>+    lea             r7, [r7 + r2]
>+    lea             r8, [r8 + r3]
>+    dec             r5d
>+    jnz             .loopH
>+    RET
> %endif  ; end of (HIGH_BIT_DEPTH == 0)
>diff -r ac85c775620f -r 7f976e1e89c5 source/common/x86/pixel.h
>--- a/source/common/x86/pixel.h Tue Mar 31 20:04:28 2015 -0500
>+++ b/source/common/x86/pixel.h Thu Apr 02 15:20:58 2015 +0530
>@@ -272,6 +272,7 @@
> int x265_psyCost_ss_16x16_avx2(const int16_t* source, intptr_t sstride, const int16_t* recon, intptr_t rstride);
> int x265_psyCost_ss_32x32_avx2(const int16_t* source, intptr_t sstride, const int16_t* recon, intptr_t rstride);
> int x265_psyCost_ss_64x64_avx2(const int16_t* source, intptr_t sstride, const int16_t* recon, intptr_t rstride);
>+void x265_weight_sp_avx2(const int16_t* src, pixel* dst, intptr_t srcStride, intptr_t dstStride, int width, int height, int w0, int round, int shift, int offset);
> #undef DECL_PIXELS
> #undef DECL_HEVC_SSD
>x265-devel mailing list
>x265-devel at videolan.org
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