[x265] [PATCH] rc: fix corrupted stat file issue in multipass encodes (ref #147)

aarthi at multicorewareinc.com aarthi at multicorewareinc.com
Mon Aug 17 10:47:51 CEST 2015

# HG changeset patch
# User Aarthi Thirumalai
# Date 1439801027 -19800
#      Mon Aug 17 14:13:47 2015 +0530
# Node ID 42ae42318a18111e2c76d1882ceb432731f6df7b
# Parent  996ebce8c874fc511d495cee227d24413e99d0c1
rc: fix corrupted stat file issue in multipass encodes (ref #147)

diff -r 996ebce8c874 -r 42ae42318a18 source/encoder/encoder.cpp
--- a/source/encoder/encoder.cpp	Mon Aug 17 10:52:15 2015 +0530
+++ b/source/encoder/encoder.cpp	Mon Aug 17 14:13:47 2015 +0530
@@ -682,9 +682,13 @@
             /* Allow FrameEncoder::compressFrame() to start in the frame encoder thread */
             if (!curEncoder->startCompressFrame(frameEnc))
                 m_aborted = true;
+            /* Write RateControl Frame level stats in multipass encodes */
+            if (m_param->rc.bStatWrite)
+                if (m_rateControl->writeRateControlFrameStats(frameEnc, &curEncoder->m_rce))
+                    m_aborted = true;
         else if (m_encodedFrameNum)
-            m_rateControl->setFinalFrameCount(m_encodedFrameNum);
+            m_rateControl->setFinalFrameCount(m_encodedFrameNum); 
     while (m_bZeroLatency && ++pass < 2);
diff -r 996ebce8c874 -r 42ae42318a18 source/encoder/ratecontrol.cpp
--- a/source/encoder/ratecontrol.cpp	Mon Aug 17 10:52:15 2015 +0530
+++ b/source/encoder/ratecontrol.cpp	Mon Aug 17 14:13:47 2015 +0530
@@ -2196,35 +2196,6 @@
-    // Write frame stats into the stats file if 2 pass is enabled.
-    if (m_param->rc.bStatWrite)
-    {
-        char cType = rce->sliceType == I_SLICE ? (rce->poc > 0 && m_param->bOpenGOP ? 'i' : 'I')
-            : rce->sliceType == P_SLICE ? 'P'
-            : IS_REFERENCED(curFrame) ? 'B' : 'b';
-        if (fprintf(m_statFileOut,
-                    "in:%d out:%d type:%c q:%.2f q-aq:%.2f tex:%d mv:%d misc:%d icu:%.2f pcu:%.2f scu:%.2f ;\n",
-                    rce->poc, rce->encodeOrder,
-                    cType, curEncData.m_avgQpRc, curEncData.m_avgQpAq,
-                    curFrame->m_encData->m_frameStats.coeffBits,
-                    curFrame->m_encData->m_frameStats.mvBits,
-                    curFrame->m_encData->m_frameStats.miscBits,
-                    curFrame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percent8x8Intra * m_ncu,
-                    curFrame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percent8x8Inter * m_ncu,
-                    curFrame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percent8x8Skip  * m_ncu) < 0)
-            goto writeFailure;
-        /* Don't re-write the data in multi-pass mode. */
-        if (m_param->rc.cuTree && IS_REFERENCED(curFrame) && !m_param->rc.bStatRead)
-        {
-            uint8_t sliceType = (uint8_t)rce->sliceType;
-            for (int i = 0; i < m_ncu; i++)
-                    m_cuTreeStats.qpBuffer[0][i] = (uint16_t)(curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset[i] * 256.0);
-            if (fwrite(&sliceType, 1, 1, m_cutreeStatFileOut) < 1)
-                goto writeFailure;
-            if (fwrite(m_cuTreeStats.qpBuffer[0], sizeof(uint16_t), m_ncu, m_cutreeStatFileOut) < (size_t)m_ncu)
-                goto writeFailure;
-        }
-    }
     if (m_isAbr && !m_isAbrReset)
         /* amortize part of each I slice over the next several frames, up to
@@ -2306,12 +2277,43 @@
     // Allow rateControlStart of next frame only when rateControlEnd of previous frame is over
     return 0;
+/* called to write out the rate control frame stats info in multipass encodes */
+int RateControl::writeRateControlFrameStats(Frame* curFrame, RateControlEntry* rce)
+    FrameData& curEncData = *curFrame->m_encData;
+    char cType = rce->sliceType == I_SLICE ? (rce->poc > 0 && m_param->bOpenGOP ? 'i' : 'I')
+        : rce->sliceType == P_SLICE ? 'P'
+        : IS_REFERENCED(curFrame) ? 'B' : 'b';
+    if (fprintf(m_statFileOut,
+                "in:%d out:%d type:%c q:%.2f q-aq:%.2f tex:%d mv:%d misc:%d icu:%.2f pcu:%.2f scu:%.2f ;\n",
+                rce->poc, rce->encodeOrder,
+                cType, curEncData.m_avgQpRc, curEncData.m_avgQpAq,
+                curFrame->m_encData->m_frameStats.coeffBits,
+                curFrame->m_encData->m_frameStats.mvBits,
+                curFrame->m_encData->m_frameStats.miscBits,
+                curFrame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percent8x8Intra * m_ncu,
+                curFrame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percent8x8Inter * m_ncu,
+                curFrame->m_encData->m_frameStats.percent8x8Skip  * m_ncu) < 0)
+        goto writeFailure;
+    /* Don't re-write the data in multi-pass mode. */
+    if (m_param->rc.cuTree && IS_REFERENCED(curFrame) && !m_param->rc.bStatRead)
+    {
+        uint8_t sliceType = (uint8_t)rce->sliceType;
+        for (int i = 0; i < m_ncu; i++)
+                m_cuTreeStats.qpBuffer[0][i] = (uint16_t)(curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset[i] * 256.0);
+        if (fwrite(&sliceType, 1, 1, m_cutreeStatFileOut) < 1)
+            goto writeFailure;
+        if (fwrite(m_cuTreeStats.qpBuffer[0], sizeof(uint16_t), m_ncu, m_cutreeStatFileOut) < (size_t)m_ncu)
+            goto writeFailure;
+    }
+    return 0;
+    writeFailure:
     x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "RatecontrolEnd: stats file write failure\n");
     return 1;
 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
 #pragma warning(disable: 4996) // POSIX function names are just fine, thank you
diff -r 996ebce8c874 -r 42ae42318a18 source/encoder/ratecontrol.h
--- a/source/encoder/ratecontrol.h	Mon Aug 17 10:52:15 2015 +0530
+++ b/source/encoder/ratecontrol.h	Mon Aug 17 14:13:47 2015 +0530
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
     int  rateControlSliceType(int frameNum);
     bool cuTreeReadFor2Pass(Frame* curFrame);
     void hrdFullness(SEIBufferingPeriod* sei);
+    int writeRateControlFrameStats(Frame* curFrame, RateControlEntry* rce);
     static const int   s_slidingWindowFrames;

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