[x265] [PATCH] stats: write encoder summary in the console to libx265

Divya Manivannan divya at multicorewareinc.com
Fri Jun 12 11:32:09 CEST 2015

# HG changeset patch
# User Divya Manivannan <divya at multicorewareinc.com>
# Date 1434101056 -19800
#      Fri Jun 12 14:54:16 2015 +0530
# Node ID 91f6f8daef59781f45d3d13a931b7b6196a31465
# Parent  54c798d021019d820224bdd74cb78e20bf317fc8
stats: write encoder summary in the console to libx265

diff -r 54c798d02101 -r 91f6f8daef59 source/encoder/encoder.cpp
--- a/source/encoder/encoder.cpp	Fri Jun 12 14:27:01 2015 +0530
+++ b/source/encoder/encoder.cpp	Fri Jun 12 14:54:16 2015 +0530
@@ -786,8 +786,6 @@
         x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_INFO, "frame P: %s\n", statsString(m_analyzeP, buffer));
     if (m_analyzeB.m_numPics)
         x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_INFO, "frame B: %s\n", statsString(m_analyzeB, buffer));
-    if (m_analyzeAll.m_numPics)
-        x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_INFO, "global : %s\n", statsString(m_analyzeAll, buffer));
     if (m_param->bEnableWeightedPred && m_analyzeP.m_numPics)
         x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_INFO, "Weighted P-Frames: Y:%.1f%% UV:%.1f%%\n",
@@ -821,6 +819,30 @@
         x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_INFO, "lossless compression ratio %.2f::1\n", uncompressed / m_analyzeAll.m_accBits);
+    if (m_analyzeAll.m_numPics)
+    {
+        int p = 0;
+        double elapsedEncodeTime = (double)(x265_mdate() - m_encodeStartTime) / 1000000;
+        double elapsedVideoTime = (double)m_analyzeAll.m_numPics * m_param->fpsDenom / m_param->fpsNum;
+        double bitrate = (0.001f * m_analyzeAll.m_accBits) / elapsedVideoTime;
+        p += sprintf(buffer + p, "\nencoded %d frames in %.2fs (%.2f fps), %.2f kb/s, Avg QP:%2.2lf", m_analyzeAll.m_numPics,
+                     elapsedEncodeTime, m_analyzeAll.m_numPics / elapsedEncodeTime, bitrate, m_analyzeAll.m_totalQp / (double)m_analyzeAll.m_numPics);
+        if (m_param->bEnablePsnr)
+        {
+            double globalPsnr = (m_analyzeAll.m_psnrSumY * 6 + m_analyzeAll.m_psnrSumU + m_analyzeAll.m_psnrSumV) / (8 * m_analyzeAll.m_numPics);
+            p += sprintf(buffer + p, ", Global PSNR: %.3f", globalPsnr);
+        }
+        if (m_param->bEnableSsim)
+            p += sprintf(buffer + p, ", SSIM Mean Y: %.7f (%6.3f dB)", m_analyzeAll.m_globalSsim / m_analyzeAll.m_numPics, x265_ssim2dB(m_analyzeAll.m_globalSsim / m_analyzeAll.m_numPics));
+        sprintf(buffer + p, "\n");
+        general_log(m_param, NULL, X265_LOG_INFO, buffer);
+    }
+    else
+        general_log(m_param, NULL, X265_LOG_INFO, "\nencoded 0 frames\n");
     /* Summarize stats from all frame encoders */
diff -r 54c798d02101 -r 91f6f8daef59 source/x265.cpp
--- a/source/x265.cpp	Fri Jun 12 14:27:01 2015 +0530
+++ b/source/x265.cpp	Fri Jun 12 14:54:16 2015 +0530
@@ -896,26 +896,6 @@
         general_log(param, NULL, X265_LOG_INFO, "aborted at input frame %d, output frame %d\n",
                     cliopt.seek + inFrameCount, stats.encodedPictureCount);
-    if (stats.encodedPictureCount)
-    {
-        char buffer[4096];
-        int p = sprintf(buffer, "\nencoded %d frames in %.2fs (%.2f fps), %.2f kb/s", stats.encodedPictureCount,
-                        stats.elapsedEncodeTime, stats.encodedPictureCount / stats.elapsedEncodeTime, stats.bitrate);
-        if (param->bEnablePsnr)
-            p += sprintf(buffer + p, ", Global PSNR: %.3f", stats.globalPsnr);
-        if (param->bEnableSsim)
-            p += sprintf(buffer + p, ", SSIM Mean Y: %.7f (%6.3f dB)", stats.globalSsim, x265_ssim2dB(stats.globalSsim));
-        sprintf(buffer + p, "\n");
-        general_log(param, NULL, X265_LOG_INFO, buffer);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        general_log(param, NULL, X265_LOG_INFO, "\nencoded 0 frames\n");
-    }
     api->cleanup(); /* Free library singletons */

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