[x265] [PATCH 2 of 2] asm:intra pred planar32 sse2 high bit

chen chenm003 at 163.com
Wed Mar 11 00:17:37 CET 2015


At 2015-03-11 06:01:08,dave <dtyx265 at gmail.com> wrote:
>On 03/10/2015 12:12 PM, Steve Borho wrote:
>> On 03/10, dave wrote:
>>>>> This produces some interesting numbers.
>>> sorry, I mixed these two up.
>>>>>>> incorrect:Without using registers for constants
>>>>>>> with using registers
>>>>>>> x265 [info]: I32: Intra 100%(DC 0% P 40% Ang 58%)
>>>>>>> encoded 2000 frames in 95.98s (20.84 fps), 1020.04 kb/s
>>>>>>> incorrect:With using registers for constants
>>>>>>> without using registers
>>>>>>> x265 [info]: I32: Intra 99%(DC 39% P 16% Ang 43%)
>>>>>>> encoded 2000 frames in 93.10s (21.48 fps), 1008.63 kb/s
>>>>>>> I just added --cu-stats to the same command options that I used
>>>>>>> previously and I ran it several times and got exactly the same
>>>>>>> percentages.  Times varied by less than a second for each build.  So
>>>>>>> how can simple register usage in one primitive affect intra pred
>>>>>>> decisions?
>>>>>> it shouldn't, the behavior must be wrong in one of the cases. no change
>>>>>> in performance should be able to impact the encoder output (or any
>>>>>> coding decisions)
>>>>> So execution time isn't directly measured for decision making?
>>>>> The output is also different.
>>>>> ls -l bridge-close*
>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 shakezula shakezula 8432204 Mar 10 09:25 bridge-close1.y4m
>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 shakezula shakezula 8527219 Mar 10 07:49 bridge-close.y4m
>>>>>   bridge-close1.y4m was generated without the use of registers to hold
>>>>> constants.
>>>> yeah, definitely a bug in one of the two versions and if the testbench
>>>> doesn't catch it that's really bad.
>>> I am using the same source tree for both so the only differences is
>>> the register usage.
>>> The unpatched tip, which is going to use c code for planar32,
>>> produces the same intra pred decision percentages as not using
>>> registers for constants but different encoded output.
>>> x265 [info]: I32: Intra 99%(DC 39% P 16% Ang 43%)
>>> encoded 2000 frames in 101.82s (19.64 fps), 1008.64 kb/s
>>> ls -l bridge-close.*
>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 shakezula shakezula   8432239 Mar 10 10:03 bridge-close.hevc
>>> The reconstructed output of all three looks the same.
>>> Just to test for overflow I modified the testbench to test with all
>>> maximum 10-bit values of 0x3FF instead of random values and it
>>> passes.  One more bit, 0x4FF, and it fails.  Though the y4m file has
>>> 8 bit depth.
>> this sounds like your outputs would be non-deterministic if you just ran
>> the same encode multiple times? That would be a different class of bug,
>> perhaps unrelated to your work on the intra primitives.
>> I don't think we often check for non-determinism on older architectures.
>> we regularly test --no-asm against fully optimized outputs but this
>> only tests primitives normally used on our test machines.
>According to agner(The microarchitecture of Intel and AMD CPUs, p169) 
>there is a non-deterministic aspect of my processor but it should only 
>affect execution time, not output.  Most of the primitives that I have 
>worked on have variable results from the testbench when run repeatedly.  
>A few even seem to randomly alternate between two distinct execution 
>times, something that you might expect from agner's findings.
>The qp and bits generated is consistent across encodes.  The qp is 
>mostly consistent across builds only varying by .01 if at all but the 
>bits varies more so across builds.
>After all this, what is preferred?  Constants copied to registers or 
>used from memory?  The benchtest says memory runs faster(I believe they 
>are cached in a temp register,see agner).  Encodes are less conclusive 
>since each build doesn't use planar32 equally.
Are you save and restore the extra constant XMM register? the compiler store float in it
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