[x265] [ANN] x265 1.7 released

Steve Borho steve at borho.org
Tue May 19 03:21:27 CEST 2015


x265 version 1.7 has been released. This release contains a large amount
of assembly code optimizations, some preliminary support for high
dynamic range content, improvements for multi-library support, and some
new quality features.

Full documentation at: http://x265.readthedocs.org/en/1.7/

This release simplifies the multi-library support introduced in version
1.6. Any libx265 can now forward API requests to other installed libx265
libraries (by name) so applications like ffmpeg and the x265 CLI can
select between 8bit and 10bit encodes at runtime without the need of a
shim library or library load path hacks. See --output-depth, and

For quality, x265 now allows you to configure the quantization group
size smaller than the CTU size (for finer grained AQ adjustments). See

x265 now supports limited mid-encode reconfigure via a new public
method: x265_encoder_reconfig()

For HDR, x265 now supports signaling the SMPTE 2084 color transfer
function, the SMPTE 2086 mastering display color primaries, and the
content light levels. See --master-display, --max-cll

x265 will no longer emit any non-conformant bitstreams unless
--allow-non-conformance is specified.

The x265 CLI now supports a simple encode preview feature. See

The AnnexB NAL headers can now be configured off, via x265_param.bAnnexB
This is not configurable via the CLI because it is a function of the
muxer being used, and the CLI only supports raw output files. See

* --lossless encodes are now signaled as level 8.5
* --profile now has a -P short option
* The regression scripts used by x265 are now public, and can be found at:
* x265's cmake scripts now support PGO builds, the test-harness can be
  used to drive the profile-guided build process.

Steve Borho

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