[x265] [PATCH] SAO: modified sao rdo cost calculation

chen chenm003 at 163.com
Wed Apr 6 17:46:29 CEST 2016

>-        m_entropyCoder.load(m_rdContexts.temp);
>-        m_entropyCoder.resetBits();
>-        for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < 2; compIdx++)
>-            m_entropyCoder.codeSaoOffsetEO(m_offset[compIdx + 1][typeIdx] + 1, typeIdx, compIdx + 1);
>-        uint32_t estRate = m_entropyCoder.getNumberOfWrittenBits();
>-        int64_t cost = calcSaoRdoCost((estDist[0] + estDist[1]), estRate, lambda[1]);
>+        // sao_eo_class_luma and sao_eo_class_chroma are fixed-length 2-bit syntax elements.
>+        cost += eo_type_cost + calcSaoRdoCost(0, 2, lambda[1]);
it is not fixed-length, the codeSaoOffsetEO output depends on Offset and plane_idx, it is different in difference input sequence
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