[x265] Please try to visualize motion search methods

Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer contact at ligh.de
Mon Dec 5 08:19:03 CET 2016

Am 05.12.2016, 05:53 Uhr, schrieb Pradeep Ramachandran  
<pradeep at multicorewareinc.com>:

> A recent post on doom9 points to this post that shows HEX/DIA/FULL  
> search. http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=693742

Yes, there are a few examples. But I don't just ask for me alone. I ask  
for everyone who would be interested in understanding HEVC in general and  
x265 specifically. So I hope you will be able to display such images (and  
possibly even animations or color-layered images in cases of UMH and SEA?)  
on your web documentation (readthedocs).

If I already understood them all, I would even volunteer to create them.  
Unfortunately, I do not yet. But I can imagine that it will help imagining  
the tradeoffs between speed and quality, in relation to the probability of  
motion directions and coverage of a neighborhood of a currently discovered  
pixel/macroblock/CU ... I am already unsure about the base unit. Well,  
certainly not pixel.


Fun and success!
Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
mailto:contact at ligh.de

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