[x265] [ANN] x265 2.0 released

Deepthi Nandakumar deepthi at multicorewareinc.com
Wed Jul 13 16:02:49 CEST 2016

x265 version 2.0 has been released. This release supports many new features
as well as support for ARM assembly optimizations for most basic pixel and
ME operations, as well as SAO cleanups and a fully tested reconfigure

Full documentation is available at http://x265.readthedocs.org/en/stable/

=========================================== New Features

   - uhd-bd: Enable Ultra-HD Bluray support
   - rskip: Enables skipping recursion to analyze lower CU sizes using
   heuristics at different rd-levels. Provides good visual quality gains at
   the highest quality presets.
   - rc-grain: Enables a new ratecontrol mode specifically for grainy
   content. Strictly prevents QP oscillations within and between frames to
   avoid grain fluctuations.
   - tune grain: A fully refactored and improved option to encode film
   grain content including QP control as well as analysis options.
   - asm: ARM assembly is now enabled by default, native or cross compiled
   builds supported on armv6 and later systems.

==================================== API and Key Behaviour Changes

   - x265_rc_stats added to x265_picture, containing all RC decision points
   for that frame
   - PTL: high tier is now allowed by default, chosen only if necessary
   - multi-pass: First pass now uses slow-firstpass by default, enabling
   better RC decisions in future passes
   - pools: fix behaviour on multi-socketed Windows systems, provide more
   flexibility in determining thread and pool counts
   - ABR: improve bits allocation in the first few frames, abr reset, vbv
   and cutree improved

=============================================== Misc

   - An SSIM calculation bug was corrected

Deepthi Nandakumar
Engineering Manager, x265
Multicoreware, Inc
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