[x265] api: change name of 32-bit dll from libx265.dll to libx265-32.dll

Mateusz mateuszb at poczta.onet.pl
Mon May 30 08:43:18 CEST 2016

W dniu 2016-05-30 o 08:26, Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer pisze:
> Am 29.05.2016, 08:51 Uhr, schrieb Mateusz <mateuszb at poczta.onet.pl>:
>> api: change name of 32-bit dll from libx265.dll to libx265-32.dll
> So in fact, if one builds separate DLLs depending on the internal bitdepth, they will now be named libx265-32_main[10|12].dll for Win32 target?
Yes, it allows to copy 64-bit EXE+DLLs & 32-bit EXE+DLLs to one folder.

For Win32 GCC 6.1 is faster at 8-bit, GCC 5.3 is faster at 10 & 12-bit. The fastest build (for Win32) is with DLLs.

For Win64 there are problems with LTO (link time optimization) and multilib builds. There are bugs in x265 code and not works 10-bit + 12-bit in one EXE compiled by VS 2015 with LTO. So the fastest build is also with DLLs.

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