[x265] [PATCH 1 of 2] [slice] slice feature in help menu

Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer contact at ligh.de
Tue Sep 13 09:12:33 CEST 2016

Am 07.09.2016, 22:27 Uhr, schrieb Min Chen <chenm003 at 163.com>:

> +    H0("   --[no-]slices <integer>       Enable Multiple Slices  
> feature. Default %s\n", OPT(param->maxSlices));

The result is:

    --[no-]slices <integer>       Enable Multiple Slices feature. Default  

Apparently, OPT(param->maxSlices) is preferably interpreted as boolean,  
despite requesting an integer number as parameter when enabled. I would  
guess the default number is 1?

Should there be a less ambiguous format to represent a "default value, if  
not disabled", or do I think too "German" here? ;-)


Fun and success!
Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
mailto:contact at ligh.de

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