[x265] Interested in fast popcnt substitute below SSE4.2?

Praveen Tiwari praveen at multicorewareinc.com
Thu Mar 2 06:29:25 CET 2017

Hi Mario,

Sorry for late reply, you have shared an interesting and useful
information. Currently we are doing some experimental refactoring over the
ASM code base, so it might take some time. Hoping to receive more post like

Praveen Tiwari

On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 8:21 PM, Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer <contact at ligh.de>

> Apparently not interesting...
> Am 23.02.2017, 10:05 Uhr, schrieb Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer <contact at ligh.de
> >:
> Another point of view on this matter:
>> http://danluu.com/assembly-intrinsics/
>> Seems to relativate the impact.
>> I don't know if you already knew about all this before...
>> Am 22.02.2017, 13:39 Uhr, schrieb Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer <contact at ligh.de
>> >:
>> http://wm.ite.pl/articles/sse-popcount.html
>>> May even be faster than the popcnt instruction implemented in a
>>> supporting CPU!
>>> Found via a German "conspiracy news" blog (no, that's not at all meant
>>> seriously) which sometimes also mentions computer security issues and
>>> interesting programming challenges: https://blog.fefe.de/?ts=a653b91f
> --
> Fun and success!
> Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
> mailto:contact at ligh.de
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