[x265] [PATCH 1 of 4] add function to copy analysis data after z scan

Sean McGovern gseanmcg at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 12:52:17 CET 2017


Same as I noted for other changes, please be sure to export this in the .def.in

-- Sean McG.

  Original Message  
From: santhoshini at multicorewareinc.com
Sent: November 6, 2017 3:35 AM
To: x265-devel at videolan.org
Reply-to: x265-devel at videolan.org
Subject: [x265] [PATCH 1 of 4] add function to copy analysis data after z scan

# HG changeset patch
# User Santhoshini Sekar <santhoshini at multicorewareinc.com>
# Date 1502258938 -19800
#      Wed Aug 09 11:38:58 2017 +0530
# Node ID 2508de5ad27440f650a6ba68a42febc273a2cd17
# Parent  aa9649a2aa8c30bcb84ee8287839fa877978d4a7
add function to copy analysis data after z scan

The pointer to x265_analysis_data sent as parameter to this function has data for
16x16 blocks stored continuously. To store this data in bigger CTU sizes(32x32 or 64x64) we
need to perform z-scan of constituent 16x16 blocks before copying.

diff --git a/source/encoder/encoder.cpp b/source/encoder/encoder.cpp
--- a/source/encoder/encoder.cpp
+++ b/source/encoder/encoder.cpp
@@ -487,6 +487,95 @@
     return 0;

+int Encoder::setAnalysisDataAfterZScan(x265_analysis_data *analysis_data, Frame* curFrame)
+    int mbImageWidth, mbImageHeight;
+    mbImageWidth = (curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picWidth + 16 - 1) >> 4; //AVC block sizes
+    mbImageHeight = (curFrame->m_fencPic->m_picHeight + 16 - 1) >> 4;
+    if (analysis_data->sliceType == X265_TYPE_IDR || analysis_data->sliceType == X265_TYPE_I)
+    {
+        curFrame->m_analysisData.sliceType = X265_TYPE_I;
+        if (m_param->analysisReuseLevel < 7)
+            return -1;
+        curFrame->m_analysisData.numPartitions = m_param->num4x4Partitions;
+        int num16x16inCUWidth = m_param->maxCUSize >> 4;
+        uint32_t ctuAddr, offset, cuPos;
+        analysis_intra_data * intraData = (analysis_intra_data *)curFrame->m_analysisData.intraData;
+        analysis_intra_data * srcIntraData = (analysis_intra_data *)analysis_data->intraData;
+        for (int i = 0; i < mbImageHeight; i++)
+        {
+            for (int j = 0; j < mbImageWidth; j++)
+            {
+                int mbIndex = j + i * mbImageWidth;
+                ctuAddr = (j / num16x16inCUWidth + ((i / num16x16inCUWidth) * (mbImageWidth / num16x16inCUWidth)));
+                offset = ((i % num16x16inCUWidth) << 5) + ((j % num16x16inCUWidth) << 4);
+                if ((j % 4 >= 2) && m_param->maxCUSize == 64)
+                    offset += (2 * 16);
+                if ((i % 4 >= 2) && m_param->maxCUSize == 64)
+                    offset += (2 * 32);
+                cuPos = ctuAddr  * curFrame->m_analysisData.numPartitions + offset;
+                memcpy(&(intraData)->depth[cuPos], &(srcIntraData)->depth[mbIndex * 16], 16);
+                memcpy(&(intraData)->chromaModes[cuPos], &(srcIntraData)->chromaModes[mbIndex * 16], 16);
+                memcpy(&(intraData)->partSizes[cuPos], &(srcIntraData)->partSizes[mbIndex * 16], 16);
+                memcpy(&(intraData)->partSizes[cuPos], &(srcIntraData)->partSizes[mbIndex * 16], 16);
+            }
+        }
+        memcpy(&(intraData)->modes, (srcIntraData)->modes, curFrame->m_analysisData.numPartitions * analysis_data->numCUsInFrame);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        uint32_t numDir = analysis_data->sliceType == X265_TYPE_P ? 1 : 2;
+        if (m_param->analysisReuseLevel < 7)
+            return -1;
+        curFrame->m_analysisData.numPartitions = m_param->num4x4Partitions;
+        int num16x16inCUWidth = m_param->maxCUSize >> 4;
+        uint32_t ctuAddr, offset, cuPos;
+        analysis_inter_data * interData = (analysis_inter_data *)curFrame->m_analysisData.interData;
+        analysis_inter_data * srcInterData = (analysis_inter_data*)analysis_data->interData;
+        for (int i = 0; i < mbImageHeight; i++)
+        {
+            for (int j = 0; j < mbImageWidth; j++)
+            {
+                int mbIndex = j + i * mbImageWidth;
+                ctuAddr = (j / num16x16inCUWidth + ((i / num16x16inCUWidth) * (mbImageWidth / num16x16inCUWidth)));
+                offset = ((i % num16x16inCUWidth) << 5) + ((j % num16x16inCUWidth) << 4);
+                if ((j % 4 >= 2) && m_param->maxCUSize == 64)
+                    offset += (2 * 16);
+                if ((i % 4 >= 2) && m_param->maxCUSize == 64)
+                    offset += (2 * 32);
+                cuPos = ctuAddr  * curFrame->m_analysisData.numPartitions + offset;
+                memcpy(&(interData)->depth[cuPos], &(srcInterData)->depth[mbIndex * 16], 16);
+                memcpy(&(interData)->modes[cuPos], &(srcInterData)->modes[mbIndex * 16], 16);
+                memcpy(&(interData)->partSize[cuPos], &(srcInterData)->partSize[mbIndex * 16], 16);
+                int bytes = curFrame->m_analysisData.numPartitions >> ((srcInterData)->depth[mbIndex * 16] * 2);
+                int cuCount = 1;
+                if (bytes < 16)
+                    cuCount = 4;
+                for (int cuI = 0; cuI < cuCount; cuI++)
+                {
+                    int numPU = nbPartsTable[(srcInterData)->partSize[mbIndex * 16 + cuI * bytes]];
+                    for (int pu = 0; pu < numPU; pu++)
+                    {
+                        int cuOffset = cuI * bytes + pu;
+                        (interData)->mergeFlag[cuPos + cuOffset] = (srcInterData)->mergeFlag[(mbIndex * 16) + cuOffset];
+                        (interData)->interDir[cuPos + cuOffset] = (srcInterData)->interDir[(mbIndex * 16) + cuOffset];
+                        for (uint32_t k = 0; k < numDir; k++)
+                        {
+                            (interData)->mvpIdx[k][cuPos + cuOffset] = (srcInterData)->mvpIdx[k][(mbIndex * 16) + cuOffset];
+                            (interData)->refIdx[k][cuPos + cuOffset] = (srcInterData)->refIdx[k][(mbIndex * 16) + cuOffset];
+                            memcpy(&(interData)->mv[k][cuPos + cuOffset], &(srcInterData)->mv[k][(mbIndex * 16) + cuOffset], sizeof(MV));
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
void Encoder::destroy()
diff --git a/source/encoder/encoder.h b/source/encoder/encoder.h
--- a/source/encoder/encoder.h
+++ b/source/encoder/encoder.h
@@ -209,6 +209,8 @@

     int getRefFrameList(PicYuv** l0, PicYuv** l1, int sliceType, int poc);

+    int setAnalysisDataAfterZScan(x265_analysis_data *analysis_data, Frame* curFrame);
     void getStreamHeaders(NALList& list, Entropy& sbacCoder, Bitstream& bs);

     void fetchStats(x265_stats* stats, size_t statsSizeBytes);

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