[x265] Cosmetics: missing line break in CLI help for --refine-inter 1

Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer contact at ligh.de
Wed Nov 8 13:07:41 CET 2017

You may also prefer to break at the end of the first sentence, just like  
--refine-intra 1 (except you have an agreement about a sensible maximum  
line width, which would be far beyond 78 characters anyway).

    --refine-intra <0..3>         Enable intra refinement for encode that  
uses analysis-reuse-mode=load.
                                     - 0 : Forces both mode and depth from  
the save encode.
                                     - 1 : Functionality of (0) + evaluate  
all intra modes at min-cu-size's depth when current depth is one smaller  
than min-cu-size's depth.
                                     - 2 : Functionality of (1) +  
irrespective of size evaluate all angular modes when the save encode  
decides the best mode as angular.
                                     - 3 : Functionality of (1) +  
irrespective of size evaluate all intra modes.
    --refine-inter <0..3>         Enable inter refinement for encode that  
uses analysis-reuse-mode=load.
                                     - 0 : Forces both mode and depth from  
the save encode.
                                     - 1 : Functionality of (0) + evaluate  
all inter modes at min-cu-size's depth when current depth is one smaller  
than                                           min-cu-size's depth. When  
save encode decides the current block as skip(for all sizes) evaluate  
                                     - 2 : Functionality of (1) +  
irrespective of size restrict the modes evaluated when specific modes are  
decided as the best mode by the save encode.
                                     - 3 : Functionality of (1) +  
irrespective of size evaluate all inter modes.


Fun and success!
Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
mailto:contact at ligh.de

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