[x265] [PATCH] Add VMAF suppport to report per frame and aggregate VMAF score

Mario Rohkrämer contact at ligh.de
Thu Apr 12 18:25:00 CEST 2018

Am 12.04.2018, 13:13 Uhr, schrieb <indumathi at multicorewareinc.com>:

> +.. Note::
> +
> +    When setting ENABLE_LIBVMAF cmake option to ON, it is recommended to
> +    also set ENABLE_SHARED to OFF to prevent build problems.
> +    We only need the static library from these builds.
> +
> +    Binaries build with windows will not have VMAF support.

Can you explain why support for Windows builds is not (yet?) possible?

I do remember that MABS is able to compile ffmpeg including VMAF, and also  
I do remember that it compiled only for x86-64 architecture due to some  
specific EMMS intrinsics. But, of course, MABS pulls the whole libvmaf  
source to do so. You will probably not want to require that. But it might  
not be too hard in MSYS/MinGW64 if an experienced user does it manually?


Fun and success!
Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
mailto:contact at ligh.de

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