[x265] [PATCH] Add VMAF suppport to report per frame and aggregate VMAF score

Ashok Kumar Mishra ashok at multicorewareinc.com
Mon Apr 16 12:30:18 CEST 2018

On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 3:33 PM, Deepthi Nandakumar <
deepthipnandakumar at gmail.com> wrote:

> Not sure I understand - are you saying you write the frame level VMAF
> score into the CSV file, and then read it back again to compute the mean?

Yes, now I sense something wrong in our code. If we are computing per frame
vmaf score,  we can take the mean of vmaf scores of all frames to get the
aggregate vmaf score.
So file reads are not required. I was thinking in a different way that a
user may be interested in either frame level or file level vmaf score.

Is it the aggregate vmaf score is same as the mean of per frame vmaf scores
of all the frames in a file or there are some other methods used to
calculate aggregate vmaf score for a file?

> On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 3:24 PM, Ashok Kumar Mishra <
> ashok at multicorewareinc.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 2:42 PM, Deepthi Nandakumar <
>> deepthipnandakumar at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Why are file reads required to compute vmaf? The recon and original yuv
>>> sources are available.
>> File reads are required when you compute vmaf score of the complete file,
>> and it is not required for frame level vmaf score.
>>> Why floating point reads?
>> I believe there is no floating point reads, the vmaf score is floating
>> point. Correct me if I am wrong.
>>> On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 5:31 PM, Ashok Kumar Mishra <
>>> ashok at multicorewareinc.com> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 4:43 PM, <indumathi at multicorewareinc.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> # HG changeset patch
>>>>> # User IndumathiR<indumathi at multicorewareinc.com>
>>>>> # Date 1518528290 -19800
>>>>> #      Tue Feb 13 18:54:50 2018 +0530
>>>>> # Node ID 27e3b161cd8b59ad1cae67a96e11e3e0506d5017
>>>>> # Parent  04a337abd70de269cef7d9655365f3a3ebde02aa
>>>>> Add VMAF suppport to report per frame and aggregate VMAF score
>>>>> diff -r 04a337abd70d -r 27e3b161cd8b doc/reST/api.rst
>>>>> --- a/doc/reST/api.rst  Thu Apr 12 15:10:59 2018 +0530
>>>>> +++ b/doc/reST/api.rst  Tue Feb 13 18:54:50 2018 +0530
>>>>> @@ -398,7 +398,30 @@
>>>>>          *     release library static allocations, reset configured
>>>>> CTU size */
>>>>>         void x265_cleanup(void);
>>>>> +VMAF (Video Multi-Method Assessment Fusion)
>>>>> +==========================================
>>>>> +If you set the ENABLE_LIBVMAF cmake option to ON, then x265 will
>>>>> report per frame
>>>>> +and aggregate VMAF score for the given input and dump the scores in
>>>>> csv file.
>>>>> +The user also need to specify the :option:`--recon` in command line
>>>>> to get the VMAF scores.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    /* x265_calculate_vmafScore:
>>>>> +     *    returns VMAF score for the input video.
>>>>> +     *    This api must be called only after encoding was done. */
>>>>> +    double x265_calculate_vmafscore(x265_param*, x265_vmaf_data*);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    /* x265_calculate_vmaf_framelevelscore:
>>>>> +     *    returns VMAF score for each frame in a given input video. */
>>>>> +    double x265_calculate_vmaf_framelevelscore(x265_vmaf_framedata*);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +.. Note::
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    When setting ENABLE_LIBVMAF cmake option to ON, it is recommended
>>>>> to
>>>>> +    also set ENABLE_SHARED to OFF to prevent build problems.
>>>>> +    We only need the static library from these builds.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    Binaries build with windows will not have VMAF support.
>>>>> +
>>>>>  Multi-library Interface
>>>>>  =======================
>>>>> diff -r 04a337abd70d -r 27e3b161cd8b source/CMakeLists.txt
>>>>> --- a/source/CMakeLists.txt     Thu Apr 12 15:10:59 2018 +0530
>>>>> +++ b/source/CMakeLists.txt     Tue Feb 13 18:54:50 2018 +0530
>>>>> @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
>>>>>  option(STATIC_LINK_CRT "Statically link C runtime for release builds"
>>>>> OFF)
>>>>>  # X265_BUILD must be incremented each time the public API is changed
>>>>> -set(X265_BUILD 157)
>>>>> +set(X265_BUILD 158)
>>>>>  configure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/x265.def.in"
>>>>>                 "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/x265.def")
>>>>>  configure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/x265_config.h.in"
>>>>> @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@
>>>>>      if(NO_ATOMICS)
>>>>>          add_definitions(-DNO_ATOMICS=1)
>>>>>      endif(NO_ATOMICS)
>>>>> +    find_library(VMAF vmaf)
>>>>> +    option(ENABLE_LIBVMAF "Enable VMAF" OFF)
>>>>> +    if(ENABLE_LIBVMAF)
>>>>> +        add_definitions(-DENABLE_LIBVMAF)
>>>>> +    endif()
>>>>>  endif(UNIX)
>>>>>  if(X64 AND NOT WIN32)
>>>>> @@ -536,6 +541,9 @@
>>>>>  if(EXTRA_LIB)
>>>>>      target_link_libraries(x265-static ${EXTRA_LIB})
>>>>>  endif()
>>>>> +    target_link_libraries(x265-static ${VMAF})
>>>>> +endif()
>>>>>  install(TARGETS x265-static
>>>>> diff -r 04a337abd70d -r 27e3b161cd8b source/common/picyuv.h
>>>>> --- a/source/common/picyuv.h    Thu Apr 12 15:10:59 2018 +0530
>>>>> +++ b/source/common/picyuv.h    Tue Feb 13 18:54:50 2018 +0530
>>>>> @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
>>>>>      pixel   m_maxChromaVLevel;
>>>>>      pixel   m_minChromaVLevel;
>>>>>      double  m_avgChromaVLevel;
>>>>> +    double  m_vmafScore;
>>>>>      x265_param *m_param;
>>>>>      PicYuv();
>>>>> diff -r 04a337abd70d -r 27e3b161cd8b source/encoder/api.cpp
>>>>> --- a/source/encoder/api.cpp    Thu Apr 12 15:10:59 2018 +0530
>>>>> +++ b/source/encoder/api.cpp    Tue Feb 13 18:54:50 2018 +0530
>>>>> @@ -31,6 +31,10 @@
>>>>>  #include "nal.h"
>>>>>  #include "bitcost.h"
>>>>> +#include "libvmaf.h"
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>> +
>>>>>  /* multilib namespace reflectors */
>>>>>  #if LINKED_8BIT
>>>>>  namespace x265_8bit {
>>>>> @@ -302,13 +306,34 @@
>>>>>          encoder->fetchStats(outputStats, statsSizeBytes);
>>>>>      }
>>>>>  }
>>>>> +void x265_vmaf_encoder_log(x265_encoder* enc, int argc, char **argv,
>>>>> x265_param *param, x265_vmaf_data *vmafdata)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    if (enc)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        Encoder *encoder = static_cast<Encoder*>(enc);
>>>>> +        x265_stats stats;
>>>>> +        stats.aggregateVmafScore = x265_calculate_vmafscore(param,
>>>>> vmafdata);
>>>>> +        if(vmafdata->reference_file)
>>>>> +            fclose(vmafdata->reference_file);
>>>>> +        if(vmafdata->distorted_file)
>>>>> +            fclose(vmafdata->distorted_file);
>>>>> +        if(vmafdata)
>>>>> +            x265_free(vmafdata);
>>>>> +        encoder->fetchStats(&stats, sizeof(stats));
>>>>> +        int padx = encoder->m_sps.conformanceWindow.rightOffset;
>>>>> +        int pady = encoder->m_sps.conformanceWindow.bottomOffset;
>>>>> +        x265_csvlog_encode(encoder->m_param, &stats, padx, pady,
>>>>> argc, argv);
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>  void x265_encoder_log(x265_encoder* enc, int argc, char **argv)
>>>>>  {
>>>>>      if (enc)
>>>>>      {
>>>>>          Encoder *encoder = static_cast<Encoder*>(enc);
>>>>> -        x265_stats stats;
>>>>> +        x265_stats stats;
>>>>>          encoder->fetchStats(&stats, sizeof(stats));
>>>>>          int padx = encoder->m_sps.conformanceWindow.rightOffset;
>>>>>          int pady = encoder->m_sps.conformanceWindow.bottomOffset;
>>>>> @@ -457,7 +482,13 @@
>>>>>      &x265_csvlog_frame,
>>>>>      &x265_csvlog_encode,
>>>>>      &x265_dither_image,
>>>>> -    &x265_set_analysis_data
>>>>> +    &x265_set_analysis_data,
>>>>> +    &x265_calculate_vmafscore,
>>>>> +    &x265_calculate_vmaf_framelevelscore,
>>>>> +    &x265_vmaf_encoder_log
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>> +
>>>>>  };
>>>>>  typedef const x265_api* (*api_get_func)(int bitDepth);
>>>>> @@ -751,6 +782,9 @@
>>>>>                      /* detailed performance statistics */
>>>>>                      fprintf(csvfp, ", DecideWait (ms), Row0Wait (ms),
>>>>> Wall time (ms), Ref Wait Wall (ms), Total CTU time (ms),"
>>>>>                          "Stall Time (ms), Total frame time (ms), Avg
>>>>> WPP, Row Blocks");
>>>>> +                    fprintf(csvfp, ", VMAF Frame Score");
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>                  }
>>>>>                  fprintf(csvfp, "\n");
>>>>>              }
>>>>> @@ -759,6 +793,9 @@
>>>>>                  fputs(summaryCSVHeader, csvfp);
>>>>>                  if (param->csvLogLevel >= 2 || param->maxCLL ||
>>>>> param->maxFALL)
>>>>>                      fputs("MaxCLL, MaxFALL,", csvfp);
>>>>> +                fputs(" Aggregate VMAF Score,", csvfp);
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>                  fputs(" Version\n", csvfp);
>>>>>              }
>>>>>          }
>>>>> @@ -868,6 +905,9 @@
>>>>>                 frameStats->totalFrameTime);
>>>>>          fprintf(param->csvfpt, " %.3lf, %d", frameStats->avgWPP,
>>>>> frameStats->countRowBlocks);
>>>>> +        fprintf(param->csvfpt, ", %lf", frameStats->vmafFrameScore);
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>      }
>>>>>      fprintf(param->csvfpt, "\n");
>>>>>      fflush(stderr);
>>>>> @@ -886,7 +926,11 @@
>>>>>              fputs(summaryCSVHeader, p->csvfpt);
>>>>>              if (p->csvLogLevel >= 2 || p->maxCLL || p->maxFALL)
>>>>>                  fputs("MaxCLL, MaxFALL,", p->csvfpt);
>>>>> +            fputs(" Aggregate VMAF score,", p->csvfpt);
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>              fputs(" Version\n",p->csvfpt);
>>>>> +
>>>>>          }
>>>>>          // CLI arguments or other
>>>>>          if (argc)
>>>>> @@ -919,7 +963,6 @@
>>>>>          char buffer[200];
>>>>>          strftime(buffer, 128, "%c", timeinfo);
>>>>>          fprintf(p->csvfpt, ", %s, ", buffer);
>>>>> -
>>>>>          // elapsed time, fps, bitrate
>>>>>          fprintf(p->csvfpt, "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f,",
>>>>>              stats->elapsedEncodeTime, stats->encodedPictureCount /
>>>>> stats->elapsedEncodeTime, stats->bitrate);
>>>>> @@ -981,7 +1024,11 @@
>>>>>              fprintf(p->csvfpt, " -, -, -, -, -, -, -,");
>>>>>          if (p->csvLogLevel >= 2 || p->maxCLL || p->maxFALL)
>>>>>              fprintf(p->csvfpt, " %-6u, %-6u,", stats->maxCLL,
>>>>> stats->maxFALL);
>>>>> +        fprintf(p->csvfpt, " %lf,", stats->aggregateVmafScore);
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>          fprintf(p->csvfpt, " %s\n", api->version_str);
>>>>> +
>>>>>      }
>>>>>  }
>>>>> @@ -1072,4 +1119,318 @@
>>>>>      }
>>>>>  }
>>>>> +/* Read y values of single frame for 8-bit input */
>>>>> +int read_image_byte(FILE *file, float *buf, int width, int height,
>>>>> int stride)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    char *byte_ptr = (char *)buf;
>>>>> +    unsigned char *tmp_buf = 0;
>>>>> +    int i, j;
>>>>> +    int ret = 1;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        goto fail_or_end;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    if (!(tmp_buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(width)))
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        goto fail_or_end;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    for (i = 0; i < height; ++i)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        float *row_ptr = (float *)byte_ptr;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        if (fread(tmp_buf, 1, width, file) != (size_t)width)
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            goto fail_or_end;
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        for (j = 0; j < width; ++j)
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            row_ptr[j] = tmp_buf[j];
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        byte_ptr += stride;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    ret = 0;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +fail_or_end:
>>>>> +    free(tmp_buf);
>>>>> +    return ret;
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +/* Read y values of single frame for 10-bit input */
>>>>> +int read_image_word(FILE *file, float *buf, int width, int height,
>>>>> int stride)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    char *byte_ptr = (char *)buf;
>>>>> +    unsigned short *tmp_buf = 0;
>>>>> +    int i, j;
>>>>> +    int ret = 1;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        goto fail_or_end;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    if (!(tmp_buf = (unsigned short*)malloc(width * 2))) // '*2' to
>>>>> accommodate words
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        goto fail_or_end;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    for (i = 0; i < height; ++i)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        float *row_ptr = (float *)byte_ptr;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        if (fread(tmp_buf, 2, width, file) != (size_t)width) // '2'
>>>>> for word
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            goto fail_or_end;
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        for (j = 0; j < width; ++j)
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            row_ptr[j] = tmp_buf[j] / 4.0; // '/4' to convert from 10
>>>>> to 8-bit
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        byte_ptr += stride;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    ret = 0;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +fail_or_end:
>>>>> +    free(tmp_buf);
>>>>> +    return ret;
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>>> +int read_frame(float *reference_data, float *distorted_data, float
>>>>> *temp_data, int stride_byte, void *s)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    x265_vmaf_data *user_data = (x265_vmaf_data *)s;
>>>>> +    int ret;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    // read reference y
>>>>> +    if (user_data->internalBitDepth == 8)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        ret = read_image_byte(user_data->reference_file,
>>>>> reference_data, user_data->width, user_data->height, stride_byte);
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    else if (user_data->internalBitDepth == 10)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        ret = read_image_word(user_data->reference_file,
>>>>> reference_data, user_data->width, user_data->height, stride_byte);
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    else
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid bitdepth\n");
>>>>> +        return 1;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    if (ret)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        if (feof(user_data->reference_file))
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            ret = 2; // OK if end of file
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +        return ret;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    // read distorted y
>>>>> +    if (user_data->internalBitDepth == 8)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        ret = read_image_byte(user_data->distorted_file,
>>>>> distorted_data, user_data->width, user_data->height, stride_byte);
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    else if (user_data->internalBitDepth == 10)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        ret = read_image_word(user_data->distorted_file,
>>>>> distorted_data, user_data->width, user_data->height, stride_byte);
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    else
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid bitdepth\n");
>>>>> +        return 1;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    if (ret)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        if (feof(user_data->distorted_file))
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            ret = 2; // OK if end of file
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +        return ret;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    // reference skip u and v
>>>>> +    if (user_data->internalBitDepth == 8)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        if (fread(temp_data, 1, user_data->offset,
>>>>> user_data->reference_file) != (size_t)user_data->offset)
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_ERROR, "reference fread to skip u
>>>>> and v failed.\n");
>>>>> +            goto fail_or_end;
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    else if (user_data->internalBitDepth == 10)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        if (fread(temp_data, 2, user_data->offset,
>>>>> user_data->reference_file) != (size_t)user_data->offset)
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_ERROR, "reference fread to skip u
>>>>> and v failed.\n");
>>>>> +            goto fail_or_end;
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    else
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid format\n");
>>>>> +        goto fail_or_end;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    // distorted skip u and v
>>>>> +    if (user_data->internalBitDepth == 8)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        if (fread(temp_data, 1, user_data->offset,
>>>>> user_data->distorted_file) != (size_t)user_data->offset)
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_ERROR, "distorted fread to skip u
>>>>> and v failed.\n");
>>>>> +            goto fail_or_end;
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    else if (user_data->internalBitDepth == 10)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        if (fread(temp_data, 2, user_data->offset,
>>>>> user_data->distorted_file) != (size_t)user_data->offset)
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_ERROR, "distorted fread to skip u
>>>>> and v failed.\n");
>>>>> +            goto fail_or_end;
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    else
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid format\n");
>>>>> +        goto fail_or_end;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +
>>>>> +fail_or_end:
>>>>> +    return ret;
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>>> +double x265_calculate_vmafscore(x265_param *param, x265_vmaf_data
>>>>> *data)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    double score;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    data->width = param->sourceWidth;
>>>>> +    data->height = param->sourceHeight;
>>>>> +    data->internalBitDepth = param->internalBitDepth;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    if (param->internalCsp == X265_CSP_I420)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        if ((param->sourceWidth * param->sourceHeight) % 2 != 0)
>>>>> +            x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid file size\n");
>>>>> +        data->offset = param->sourceWidth * param->sourceHeight / 2;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    else if (param->internalCsp == X265_CSP_I422)
>>>>> +        data->offset = param->sourceWidth * param->sourceHeight;
>>>>> +    else if (param->internalCsp == X265_CSP_I444)
>>>>> +        data->offset = param->sourceWidth * param->sourceHeight * 2;
>>>>> +    else
>>>>> +        x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid format\n");
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    compute_vmaf(&score, vcd->format, data->width, data->height,
>>>>> read_frame, data, vcd->model_path, vcd->log_path, vcd->log_fmt,
>>>>> vcd->disable_clip, vcd->disable_avx, vcd->enable_transform,
>>>>> vcd->phone_model, vcd->psnr, vcd->ssim, vcd->ms_ssim, vcd->pool);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    return score;
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>>> +int read_frame_10bit(float *reference_data, float *distorted_data,
>>>>> float *temp_data, int stride, void *s)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    x265_vmaf_framedata *user_data = (x265_vmaf_framedata *)s;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    PicYuv *reference_frame = (PicYuv *)user_data->reference_frame;
>>>>> +    PicYuv *distorted_frame = (PicYuv *)user_data->distorted_frame;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    if(!user_data->frame_set) {
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        int reference_stride = reference_frame->m_stride;
>>>>> +        int distorted_stride = distorted_frame->m_stride;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        const uint16_t *reference_ptr = (const uint16_t
>>>>> *)reference_frame->m_picOrg[0];
>>>>> +        const uint16_t *distorted_ptr = (const uint16_t
>>>>> *)distorted_frame->m_picOrg[0];
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        temp_data = reference_data;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        int height = user_data->height;
>>>>> +        int width = user_data->width;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        int i,j;
>>>>> +        for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
>>>>> +            for ( j = 0; j < width; j++) {
>>>>> +                temp_data[j] = ((float)reference_ptr[j] / 4.0);
>>>>> +            }
>>>>> +            reference_ptr += reference_stride;
>>>>> +            temp_data += stride / sizeof(*temp_data);
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        temp_data = distorted_data;
>>>>> +        for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
>>>>> +            for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
>>>>> +                 temp_data[j] = ((float)distorted_ptr[j] / 4.0);
>>>>> +            }
>>>>> +            distorted_ptr += distorted_stride;
>>>>> +            temp_data += stride / sizeof(*temp_data);
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        user_data->frame_set = 1;
>>>>> +        return 0;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    return 2;
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>>> +int read_frame_8bit(float *reference_data, float *distorted_data,
>>>>> float *temp_data, int stride, void *s)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    x265_vmaf_framedata *user_data = (x265_vmaf_framedata *)s;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    PicYuv *reference_frame = (PicYuv *)user_data->reference_frame;
>>>>> +    PicYuv *distorted_frame = (PicYuv *)user_data->distorted_frame;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    if(!user_data->frame_set) {
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        int reference_stride = reference_frame->m_stride;
>>>>> +        int distorted_stride = distorted_frame->m_stride;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        const uint8_t *reference_ptr = (const uint8_t
>>>>> *)reference_frame->m_picOrg[0];
>>>>> +        const uint8_t *distorted_ptr = (const uint8_t
>>>>> *)distorted_frame->m_picOrg[0];
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        temp_data = reference_data;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        int height = user_data->height;
>>>>> +        int width = user_data->width;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        int i,j;
>>>>> +        for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
>>>>> +            for ( j = 0; j < width; j++) {
>>>>> +                temp_data[j] = (float)reference_ptr[j];
>>>>> +            }
>>>>> +            reference_ptr += reference_stride;
>>>>> +            temp_data += stride / sizeof(*temp_data);
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        temp_data = distorted_data;
>>>>> +        for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
>>>>> +            for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
>>>>> +                 temp_data[j] = (float)distorted_ptr[j];
>>>>> +            }
>>>>> +            distorted_ptr += distorted_stride;
>>>>> +            temp_data += stride / sizeof(*temp_data);
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        user_data->frame_set = 1;
>>>>> +        return 0;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    return 2;
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>>> +double x265_calculate_vmaf_framelevelscore(x265_vmaf_framedata
>>>>> *vmafframedata)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    double score;
>>>>> +    int (*read_frame)(float *reference_data, float *distorted_data,
>>>>> float *temp_data,
>>>>> +                      int stride, void *s);
>>>>> +    if (vmafframedata->internalBitDepth == 8)
>>>>> +        read_frame = read_frame_8bit;
>>>>> +    else
>>>>> +        read_frame = read_frame_10bit;
>>>>> +    compute_vmaf(&score, vcd->format, vmafframedata->width,
>>>>> vmafframedata->height, read_frame, vmafframedata, vcd->model_path,
>>>>> vcd->log_path, vcd->log_fmt, vcd->disable_clip, vcd->disable_avx,
>>>>> vcd->enable_transform, vcd->phone_model, vcd->psnr, vcd->ssim,
>>>>> vcd->ms_ssim, vcd->pool);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    return score;
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>  } /* end namespace or extern "C" */
>>>>> diff -r 04a337abd70d -r 27e3b161cd8b source/encoder/encoder.cpp
>>>>> --- a/source/encoder/encoder.cpp        Thu Apr 12 15:10:59 2018 +0530
>>>>> +++ b/source/encoder/encoder.cpp        Tue Feb 13 18:54:50 2018 +0530
>>>>> @@ -2127,6 +2127,9 @@
>>>>>  #define ELAPSED_MSEC(start, end) (((double)(end) - (start)) / 1000)
>>>>>          if (m_param->csvLogLevel >= 2)
>>>>>          {
>>>>> +            frameStats->vmafFrameScore =
>>>>> curFrame->m_fencPic->m_vmafScore;
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>              frameStats->decideWaitTime = ELAPSED_MSEC(0,
>>>>> curEncoder->m_slicetypeWaitTime);
>>>>>              frameStats->row0WaitTime = ELAPSED_MSEC(curEncoder->m_startCompressTime,
>>>>> curEncoder->m_row0WaitTime);
>>>>>              frameStats->wallTime = ELAPSED_MSEC(curEncoder->m_row0WaitTime,
>>>>> curEncoder->m_endCompressTime);
>>>>> diff -r 04a337abd70d -r 27e3b161cd8b source/encoder/frameencoder.cpp
>>>>> --- a/source/encoder/frameencoder.cpp   Thu Apr 12 15:10:59 2018 +0530
>>>>> +++ b/source/encoder/frameencoder.cpp   Tue Feb 13 18:54:50 2018 +0530
>>>>> @@ -864,6 +864,9 @@
>>>>>                  m_frameFilter.processRow(i - m_filterRowDelay);
>>>>>          }
>>>>>      }
>>>>> +    vmafFrameLevelScore();
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>      if (m_param->maxSlices > 1)
>>>>>      {
>>>>> @@ -932,7 +935,7 @@
>>>>>                  updateChecksum(reconPic->m_picOrg[1], m_checksum[1],
>>>>> height, width, stride, 0, cuHeight);
>>>>>                  updateChecksum(reconPic->m_picOrg[2], m_checksum[2],
>>>>> height, width, stride, 0, cuHeight);
>>>>>              }
>>>>> -        }
>>>>> +        }
>>>>>      } // end of (m_param->maxSlices > 1)
>>>>>      if (m_param->rc.bStatWrite)
>>>>> @@ -1189,7 +1192,7 @@
>>>>>          m_cuStats.accumulate(m_tld[i].analysis.m_stats[m_jpId],
>>>>> *m_param);
>>>>>  #endif
>>>>> -    m_endFrameTime = x265_mdate();
>>>>> +    m_endFrameTime = x265_mdate();
>>>>>  }
>>>>>  void FrameEncoder::encodeSlice(uint32_t sliceAddr)
>>>>> @@ -2058,11 +2061,36 @@
>>>>>          m_nr->nrOffsetDenoise[cat][0] = 0;
>>>>>      }
>>>>>  }
>>>>> +void FrameEncoder::vmafFrameLevelScore()
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    PicYuv *fenc = m_frame->m_fencPic;
>>>>> +    PicYuv *recon = m_frame->m_reconPic;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    x265_vmaf_framedata *vmafframedata =
>>>>> (x265_vmaf_framedata*)x265_malloc(sizeof(x265_vmaf_framedata));
>>>>> +    if (!vmafframedata)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_ERROR, "vmaf frame data alloc
>>>>> failed\n");
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    vmafframedata->height = fenc->m_picHeight;
>>>>> +    vmafframedata->width = fenc->m_picWidth;
>>>>> +    vmafframedata->frame_set = 0;
>>>>> +    vmafframedata->internalBitDepth = m_param->internalBitDepth;
>>>>> +    vmafframedata->reference_frame = fenc;
>>>>> +    vmafframedata->distorted_frame = recon;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    fenc->m_vmafScore = x265_calculate_vmaf_framelevel
>>>>> score(vmafframedata);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    if (vmafframedata)
>>>>> +    x265_free(vmafframedata);
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>  Frame *FrameEncoder::getEncodedPicture(NALList& output)
>>>>>  {
>>>>>      if (m_frame)
>>>>> -    {
>>>>> +    {
>>>>>          /* block here until worker thread completes */
>>>>>          m_done.wait();
>>>>> diff -r 04a337abd70d -r 27e3b161cd8b source/encoder/frameencoder.h
>>>>> --- a/source/encoder/frameencoder.h     Thu Apr 12 15:10:59 2018 +0530
>>>>> +++ b/source/encoder/frameencoder.h     Tue Feb 13 18:54:50 2018 +0530
>>>>> @@ -240,6 +240,9 @@
>>>>>      void enqueueRowFilter(int row)  { WaveFront::enqueueRow(row * 2 +
>>>>> 1); }
>>>>>      void enableRowEncoder(int row)  { WaveFront::enableRow(row * 2 +
>>>>> 0); }
>>>>>      void enableRowFilter(int row)   { WaveFront::enableRow(row * 2 +
>>>>> 1); }
>>>>> +    void vmafFrameLevelScore();
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>  };
>>>>>  }
>>>>> diff -r 04a337abd70d -r 27e3b161cd8b source/x265.cpp
>>>>> --- a/source/x265.cpp   Thu Apr 12 15:10:59 2018 +0530
>>>>> +++ b/source/x265.cpp   Tue Feb 13 18:54:50 2018 +0530
>>>>> @@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
>>>>>      const char* reconPlayCmd;
>>>>>      const x265_api* api;
>>>>>      x265_param* param;
>>>>> +    x265_vmaf_data* vmafData;
>>>>>      bool bProgress;
>>>>>      bool bForceY4m;
>>>>>      bool bDither;
>>>>> @@ -96,6 +97,7 @@
>>>>>          reconPlayCmd = NULL;
>>>>>          api = NULL;
>>>>>          param = NULL;
>>>>> +        vmafData = NULL;
>>>>>          framesToBeEncoded = seek = 0;
>>>>>          totalbytes = 0;
>>>>>          bProgress = true;
>>>>> @@ -216,6 +218,14 @@
>>>>>          x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_ERROR, "param alloc failed\n");
>>>>>          return true;
>>>>>      }
>>>>> +    vmafData = (x265_vmaf_data*)x265_malloc(sizeof(x265_vmaf_data));
>>>>> +    if(!vmafData)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        x265_log(NULL, X265_LOG_ERROR, "vmaf data alloc failed\n");
>>>>> +        return true;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>      if (api->param_default_preset(param, preset, tune) < 0)
>>>>>      {
>>>>> @@ -363,6 +373,7 @@
>>>>>      info.frameCount = 0;
>>>>>      getParamAspectRatio(param, info.sarWidth, info.sarHeight);
>>>>> +
>>>>>      this->input = InputFile::open(info, this->bForceY4m);
>>>>>      if (!this->input || this->input->isFail())
>>>>>      {
>>>>> @@ -439,7 +450,30 @@
>>>>>                      param->sourceWidth, param->sourceHeight,
>>>>> param->fpsNum, param->fpsDenom,
>>>>>                      x265_source_csp_names[param->internalCsp]);
>>>>>      }
>>>>> +    if (!reconfn)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "recon file must be specified
>>>>> to get VMAF score, try --help for help\n");
>>>>> +        return true;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    const char *str = strrchr(info.filename, '.');
>>>>> +    if (!strcmp(str, ".y4m"))
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "VMAF supports YUV file
>>>>> format only.\n");
>>>>> +        return true;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    if(param->internalCsp == X265_CSP_I420 || param->internalCsp ==
>>>>> X265_CSP_I422 || param->internalCsp == X265_CSP_I444)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        vmafData->reference_file = x265_fopen(inputfn, "rb");
>>>>> +        vmafData->distorted_file = x265_fopen(reconfn, "rb");
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +    else
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        x265_log(param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "VMAF will support only
>>>>> yuv420p, yu422p, yu444p, yuv420p10le, yuv422p10le, yuv444p10le formats.\n");
>>>>> +        return true;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>      this->output = OutputFile::open(outputfn, info);
>>>>>      if (this->output->isFail())
>>>>>      {
>>>>> @@ -555,7 +589,9 @@
>>>>>      x265_param* param = cliopt.param;
>>>>>      const x265_api* api = cliopt.api;
>>>>> -
>>>>> +    x265_vmaf_data* vmafdata = cliopt.vmafData;
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>      /* This allows muxers to modify bitstream format */
>>>>>      cliopt.output->setParam(param);
>>>>> @@ -712,7 +748,7 @@
>>>>>          if (!numEncoded)
>>>>>              break;
>>>>>      }
>>>>> -
>>>>> +
>>>>>      /* clear progress report */
>>>>>      if (cliopt.bProgress)
>>>>>          fprintf(stderr, "%*s\r", 80, " ");
>>>>> @@ -723,7 +759,11 @@
>>>>>      api->encoder_get_stats(encoder, &stats, sizeof(stats));
>>>>>      if (param->csvfn && !b_ctrl_c)
>>>>> +        api->vmaf_encoder_log(encoder, argc, argv, param, vmafdata);
>>>>> +#else
>>>>>          api->encoder_log(encoder, argc, argv);
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>      api->encoder_close(encoder);
>>>>>      int64_t second_largest_pts = 0;
>>>>> diff -r 04a337abd70d -r 27e3b161cd8b source/x265.h
>>>>> --- a/source/x265.h     Thu Apr 12 15:10:59 2018 +0530
>>>>> +++ b/source/x265.h     Tue Feb 13 18:54:50 2018 +0530
>>>>> @@ -209,6 +209,7 @@
>>>>>      x265_cu_stats    cuStats;
>>>>>      x265_pu_stats    puStats;
>>>>>      double           totalFrameTime;
>>>>> +    double           vmafFrameScore;
>>>>>  } x265_frame_stats;
>>>>>  typedef struct x265_ctu_info_t
>>>>> @@ -536,6 +537,7 @@
>>>>>      double                elapsedEncodeTime;    /* wall time since
>>>>> encoder was opened */
>>>>>      double                elapsedVideoTime;     /* encoded picture
>>>>> count / frame rate */
>>>>>      double                bitrate;              /* accBits / elapsed
>>>>> video time */
>>>>> +    double                aggregateVmafScore;   /* aggregate VMAF
>>>>> score for input video*/
>>>>>      uint64_t              accBits;              /* total bits output
>>>>> thus far */
>>>>>      uint32_t              encodedPictureCount;  /* number of output
>>>>> pictures thus far */
>>>>>      uint32_t              totalWPFrames;        /* number of
>>>>> uni-directional weighted frames used */
>>>>> @@ -572,6 +574,47 @@
>>>>>      float bitrateFactor;
>>>>>  } x265_zone;
>>>>> +/* data to calculate aggregate VMAF score */
>>>>> +typedef struct x265_vmaf_data
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    int width;
>>>>> +    int height;
>>>>> +    size_t offset;
>>>>> +    int internalBitDepth;
>>>>> +    FILE *reference_file; /* FILE pointer for input file */
>>>>> +    FILE *distorted_file; /* FILE pointer for recon file generated*/
>>>>> +}x265_vmaf_data;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +/* data to calculate frame level VMAF score */
>>>>> +typedef struct x265_vmaf_framedata
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    int width;
>>>>> +    int height;
>>>>> +    int frame_set;
>>>>> +    int internalBitDepth;
>>>>> +    void *reference_frame; /* points to fenc of particular frame */
>>>>> +    void *distorted_frame; /* points to recon of particular frame */
>>>>> +}x265_vmaf_framedata;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +/* common data needed to calculate both frame level and video level
>>>>> VMAF scores */
>>>>> +typedef struct x265_vmaf_commondata
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    char *format;
>>>>> +    char *model_path;
>>>>> +    char *log_path;
>>>>> +    char *log_fmt;
>>>>> +    int disable_clip;
>>>>> +    int disable_avx;
>>>>> +    int enable_transform;
>>>>> +    int phone_model;
>>>>> +    int psnr;
>>>>> +    int ssim;
>>>>> +    int ms_ssim;
>>>>> +    char *pool;
>>>>> +}x265_vmaf_commondata;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +static const x265_vmaf_commondata vcd[] = {NULL, (char
>>>>> *)"/usr/local/share/model/vmaf_v0.6.1.pkl", NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0,
>>>>> 0, 0, 0, NULL};
>>>>> +
>>>>>  /* x265 input parameters
>>>>>   *
>>>>>   * For version safety you may use x265_param_alloc/free() to manage
>>>>> the
>>>>> @@ -1811,6 +1854,22 @@
>>>>>  /* In-place downshift from a bit-depth greater than 8 to a bit-depth
>>>>> of 8, using
>>>>>   * the residual bits to dither each row. */
>>>>>  void x265_dither_image(x265_picture *, int picWidth, int picHeight,
>>>>> int16_t *errorBuf, int bitDepth);
>>>>> +/* x265_calculate_vmafScore:
>>>>> + *    returns VMAF score for the input video.
>>>>> + *    This api must be called only after encoding was done. */
>>>>> +double x265_calculate_vmafscore(x265_param*, x265_vmaf_data*);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +/* x265_calculate_vmaf_framelevelscore:
>>>>> + *    returns VMAF score for each frame in a given input video. */
>>>>> +double x265_calculate_vmaf_framelevelscore(x265_vmaf_framedata*);
>>>>> +/* x265_vmaf_encoder_log:
>>>>> + *       write a line to the configured CSV file.  If a CSV filename
>>>>> was not
>>>>> + *       configured, or file open failed, this function will perform
>>>>> no write.
>>>>> + *       This api will be called only when ENABLE_LIBVMAF cmake
>>>>> option is set */
>>>>> +void x265_vmaf_encoder_log(x265_encoder *encoder, int argc, char
>>>>> **argv, x265_param*, x265_vmaf_data*);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>  #define X265_MAJOR_VERSION 1
>>>>> @@ -1864,6 +1923,11 @@
>>>>>      void          (*csvlog_encode)(const x265_param*, const
>>>>> x265_stats *, int, int, int, char**);
>>>>>      void          (*dither_image)(x265_picture*, int, int, int16_t*,
>>>>> int);
>>>>>      int           (*set_analysis_data)(x265_encoder *encoder,
>>>>> x265_analysis_data *analysis_data, int poc, uint32_t cuBytes);
>>>>> +    double        (*calculate_vmafscore)(x265_param *,
>>>>> x265_vmaf_data *);
>>>>> +    double        (*calculate_vmaf_framelevelscore)(x265_vmaf_framedata
>>>>> *);
>>>>> +    void          (*vmaf_encoder_log)(x265_encoder*, int, char**,
>>>>> x265_param *, x265_vmaf_data *);
>>>>> +#endif
>>>>>      /* add new pointers to the end, or increment X265_MAJOR_VERSION */
>>>>>  } x265_api;
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> x265-devel mailing list
>>>>> x265-devel at videolan.org
>>>>> https://mailman.videolan.org/listinfo/x265-devel
>>>> Thanks. Pushed to default.
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> x265-devel mailing list
>>>> x265-devel at videolan.org
>>>> https://mailman.videolan.org/listinfo/x265-devel
>>> --
>>> Deepthi
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> x265-devel mailing list
>>> x265-devel at videolan.org
>>> https://mailman.videolan.org/listinfo/x265-devel
>> _______________________________________________
>> x265-devel mailing list
>> x265-devel at videolan.org
>> https://mailman.videolan.org/listinfo/x265-devel
> --
> Deepthi
> _______________________________________________
> x265-devel mailing list
> x265-devel at videolan.org
> https://mailman.videolan.org/listinfo/x265-devel
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