[x265] How to compile with the Intel C/C++ compiler on Windows

Michael Lackner michael.lackner at unileoben.ac.at
Thu Dec 6 12:06:46 CET 2018


I would like to compare the MSVC and Intel compilers on Windows, for multilib builds. So
I've looked at other people's solutions to do this, like calling Intels' compilervars.bat
instead of vcvarsall.bat, setting the -T "Intel C++ Compiler XE 19.0" option for the cmake
lines in multilib.bat, setting CC/CXX in there as well etc., but it always fails

By default, when using the Intel terminal / running Intel's compilervars.bat, the cmake
build system still uses the MSVC platform toolset.

So I would like to ask how to switch the compiler. Building multilib releases with just
MSVC is super easy, and works fine (Visual Studio 2017), but I just can't figure out what
I need to do to build with Intel's C++ Compiler XE 19.0.

On Linux and UNIX, all I need to do is export CC & CXX to switch compilers, but it's not
so easy on Windows it seems...

Any hints?

Thank you very much!

Michael Lackner
Lehrstuhl für Informationstechnologie (CiT)
Montanuniversität Leoben
Tel.: +43 (0)3842/402-1505 | Mail: michael.lackner at unileoben.ac.at
Fax.: +43 (0)3842/402-1502 | Web: http://institute.unileoben.ac.at/infotech

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