[x265] v2.6+37 (MinGW): HEVC encoder version & build info = (null)

Mario Rohkrämer contact at ligh.de
Thu Feb 1 22:03:53 CET 2018

I just built x265 2.6+37-1949157705ce in MSYS2/MinGW with GCC 7.3.0.  
Printing a full help page reports at first:

x265 [info]: HEVC encoder version (null)
x265 [info]: build info (null)

A previous version reported e.g.:

x265 [info]: HEVC encoder version 2.6+27-2f3c4158cf35
x265 [info]: build info [Windows][GCC 7.2.0][64 bit] 8bit+10bit+12bit

The only recent patch I would suspect as reason would be:

CMake: blacklist mingw implicit link libraries


Did it go one step beyond the intended purpose?


Fun and success!
Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
mailto:contact at ligh.de

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