[x265] [PATCH] Cleanup

ashok at multicorewareinc.com ashok at multicorewareinc.com
Tue Sep 25 14:45:13 CEST 2018

# HG changeset patch
# User Ashok Kumar Mishra <ashok at multicorewareinc.com>
# Date 1537871551 -19800
#      Tue Sep 25 16:02:31 2018 +0530
# Node ID e5434c75d9ba2a327a06d74bbc93523cf5c81b80
# Parent  bbad4e55b51a938dd4ce1375e0cb4dd4f59a5f27

diff -r bbad4e55b51a -r e5434c75d9ba source/common/frame.cpp
--- a/source/common/frame.cpp	Tue Sep 18 16:34:04 2018 +0530
+++ b/source/common/frame.cpp	Tue Sep 25 16:02:31 2018 +0530
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
         CHECKED_MALLOC_ZERO(m_classifyCount, uint32_t, size);
-    if (m_fencPic->create(param, !!m_param->bCopyPicToFrame) && m_lowres.create(m_fencPic, param->bframes, !!param->rc.aqMode || !!param->bAQMotion, param->rc.qgSize))
+    if (m_fencPic->create(param, !!m_param->bCopyPicToFrame) && m_lowres.create(param, m_fencPic, param->rc.qgSize))
         X265_CHECK((m_reconColCount == NULL), "m_reconColCount was initialized");
         m_numRows = (m_fencPic->m_picHeight + param->maxCUSize - 1)  / param->maxCUSize;
@@ -103,11 +103,8 @@
         if (quantOffsets)
-            int32_t cuCount;
-            if (param->rc.qgSize == 8)
-                cuCount = m_lowres.maxBlocksInRowFullRes * m_lowres.maxBlocksInColFullRes;
-            else
-                cuCount = m_lowres.maxBlocksInRow * m_lowres.maxBlocksInCol;
+            int32_t cuCount = (param->rc.qgSize == 8) ? m_lowres.maxBlocksInRowFullRes * m_lowres.maxBlocksInColFullRes :
+                                                        m_lowres.maxBlocksInRow * m_lowres.maxBlocksInCol;
             m_quantOffsets = new float[cuCount];
         return true;
diff -r bbad4e55b51a -r e5434c75d9ba source/common/lowres.cpp
--- a/source/common/lowres.cpp	Tue Sep 18 16:34:04 2018 +0530
+++ b/source/common/lowres.cpp	Tue Sep 25 16:02:31 2018 +0530
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
 using namespace X265_NS;
-bool Lowres::create(PicYuv *origPic, int _bframes, bool bAQEnabled, uint32_t qgSize)
+bool Lowres::create(x265_param* param, PicYuv *origPic, uint32_t qgSize)
     isLowres = true;
-    bframes = _bframes;
+    bframes = param->bframes;
     width = origPic->m_picWidth / 2;
     lines = origPic->m_picHeight / 2;
     lumaStride = width + 2 * origPic->m_lumaMarginX;
@@ -41,11 +41,7 @@
     maxBlocksInRowFullRes = maxBlocksInRow * 2;
     maxBlocksInColFullRes = maxBlocksInCol * 2;
     int cuCount = maxBlocksInRow * maxBlocksInCol;
-    int cuCountFullRes;
-    if (qgSize == 8)
-        cuCountFullRes = maxBlocksInRowFullRes * maxBlocksInColFullRes;
-    else
-        cuCountFullRes = cuCount;
+    int cuCountFullRes = (qgSize > 8) ? cuCount : cuCount << 2;
     /* rounding the width to multiple of lowres CU size */
     width = maxBlocksInRow * X265_LOWRES_CU_SIZE;
@@ -53,7 +49,7 @@
     size_t planesize = lumaStride * (lines + 2 * origPic->m_lumaMarginY);
     size_t padoffset = lumaStride * origPic->m_lumaMarginY + origPic->m_lumaMarginX;
-    if (bAQEnabled)
+    if (!!param->rc.aqMode)
         CHECKED_MALLOC_ZERO(qpAqOffset, double, cuCountFullRes);
         CHECKED_MALLOC_ZERO(invQscaleFactor, int, cuCountFullRes);
diff -r bbad4e55b51a -r e5434c75d9ba source/common/lowres.h
--- a/source/common/lowres.h	Tue Sep 18 16:34:04 2018 +0530
+++ b/source/common/lowres.h	Tue Sep 25 16:02:31 2018 +0530
@@ -152,14 +152,12 @@
     uint32_t* blockVariance;
     uint64_t  wp_ssd[3];       // This is different than SSDY, this is sum(pixel^2) - sum(pixel)^2 for entire frame
     uint64_t  wp_sum[3];
-    uint64_t  frameVariance;
     /* cutree intermediate data */
     uint16_t* propagateCost;
     double    weightedCostDelta[X265_BFRAME_MAX + 2];
     ReferencePlanes weightedRef[X265_BFRAME_MAX + 2];
-    bool create(PicYuv *origPic, int _bframes, bool bAqEnabled, uint32_t qgSize);
+    bool create(x265_param* param, PicYuv *origPic, uint32_t qgSize);
     void destroy();
     void init(PicYuv *origPic, int poc);
diff -r bbad4e55b51a -r e5434c75d9ba source/encoder/analysis.cpp
--- a/source/encoder/analysis.cpp	Tue Sep 18 16:34:04 2018 +0530
+++ b/source/encoder/analysis.cpp	Tue Sep 25 16:02:31 2018 +0530
@@ -3357,13 +3357,13 @@
                 primitives.chroma[m_csp].cu[sizeIdx].copy_pp(reconPic.getCbAddr(cu.m_cuAddr, absPartIdx), reconPic.m_strideC,
                                                          predU, predYuv.m_csize);
-             if (cu.m_cbf[2][0])
-             {
-                 bool reconPicAlign = (reconPic.m_cuOffsetC[cu.m_cuAddr] + reconPic.m_buOffsetC[absPartIdx]) % 64 == 0;
-                 bool predValign = predYuv.getChromaAddrOffset(absPartIdx) % 64 == 0;
-                 primitives.chroma[m_csp].cu[sizeIdx].add_ps[reconPicAlign && predValign && (reconPic.m_strideC % 64 == 0) && (predYuv.m_csize % 64 == 0) &&
-                     (resiYuv.m_csize % 64 == 0)](reconPic.getCrAddr(cu.m_cuAddr, absPartIdx), reconPic.m_strideC, predV, resiYuv.m_buf[2], predYuv.m_csize, resiYuv.m_csize);
-             }
+            if (cu.m_cbf[2][0])
+            {
+                bool reconPicAlign = (reconPic.m_cuOffsetC[cu.m_cuAddr] + reconPic.m_buOffsetC[absPartIdx]) % 64 == 0;
+                bool predValign = predYuv.getChromaAddrOffset(absPartIdx) % 64 == 0;
+                primitives.chroma[m_csp].cu[sizeIdx].add_ps[reconPicAlign && predValign && (reconPic.m_strideC % 64 == 0) && (predYuv.m_csize % 64 == 0) &&
+                    (resiYuv.m_csize % 64 == 0)](reconPic.getCrAddr(cu.m_cuAddr, absPartIdx), reconPic.m_strideC, predV, resiYuv.m_buf[2], predYuv.m_csize, resiYuv.m_csize);
+            }
                 primitives.chroma[m_csp].cu[sizeIdx].copy_pp(reconPic.getCrAddr(cu.m_cuAddr, absPartIdx), reconPic.m_strideC,
                                                          predV, predYuv.m_csize);
@@ -3568,18 +3568,12 @@
             qp += distortionData->offset[ctu.m_cuAddr];
-    int loopIncr;
-    if (m_param->rc.qgSize == 8)
-        loopIncr = 8;
-    else
-        loopIncr = 16;
+    int loopIncr = (m_param->rc.qgSize == 8) ? 8 : 16;
     /* Use cuTree offsets if cuTree enabled and frame is referenced, else use AQ offsets */
     bool isReferenced = IS_REFERENCED(m_frame);
-    double *qpoffs;
-    if (complexCheck)
-        qpoffs = m_frame->m_lowres.qpAqOffset;
-    else
-        qpoffs = (isReferenced && m_param->rc.cuTree) ? m_frame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset : m_frame->m_lowres.qpAqOffset;
+    double *qpoffs = (isReferenced && m_param->rc.cuTree && !complexCheck) ? m_frame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset :
+                                                                             m_frame->m_lowres.qpAqOffset;
     if (qpoffs)
         uint32_t width = m_frame->m_fencPic->m_picWidth;
@@ -3590,13 +3584,11 @@
         uint32_t blockSize = m_param->maxCUSize >> cuGeom.depth;
         double qp_offset = 0;
         uint32_t cnt = 0;
-        uint32_t idx;
         for (uint32_t block_yy = block_y; block_yy < block_y + blockSize && block_yy < height; block_yy += loopIncr)
             for (uint32_t block_xx = block_x; block_xx < block_x + blockSize && block_xx < width; block_xx += loopIncr)
-                idx = ((block_yy / loopIncr) * (maxCols)) + (block_xx / loopIncr);
+                uint32_t idx = ((block_yy / loopIncr) * (maxCols)) + (block_xx / loopIncr);
                 qp_offset += qpoffs[idx];
@@ -3609,10 +3601,7 @@
             int32_t offset = (int32_t)(qp_offset * 100 + .5);
             double threshold = (1 - ((x265_ADAPT_RD_STRENGTH - m_param->dynamicRd) * 0.5));
             int32_t max_threshold = (int32_t)(threshold * 100 + .5);
-            if (offset < max_threshold)
-                return 1;
-            else
-                return 0;
+            return (offset < max_threshold);
diff -r bbad4e55b51a -r e5434c75d9ba source/encoder/ratecontrol.cpp
--- a/source/encoder/ratecontrol.cpp	Tue Sep 18 16:34:04 2018 +0530
+++ b/source/encoder/ratecontrol.cpp	Tue Sep 25 16:02:31 2018 +0530
@@ -2803,12 +2803,8 @@
 /* called to write out the rate control frame stats info in multipass encodes */
 int RateControl::writeRateControlFrameStats(Frame* curFrame, RateControlEntry* rce)
-    FrameData& curEncData = *curFrame->m_encData;
-    int ncu;
-    if (m_param->rc.qgSize == 8)
-        ncu = m_ncu * 4;
-    else
-        ncu = m_ncu;
+    FrameData& curEncData = *curFrame->m_encData;    
+    int ncu = (m_param->rc.qgSize == 8) ? m_ncu * 4 : m_ncu;
     char cType = rce->sliceType == I_SLICE ? (curFrame->m_lowres.sliceType == X265_TYPE_IDR ? 'I' : 'i')
         : rce->sliceType == P_SLICE ? 'P'
         : IS_REFERENCED(curFrame) ? 'B' : 'b';
diff -r bbad4e55b51a -r e5434c75d9ba source/encoder/slicetype.cpp
--- a/source/encoder/slicetype.cpp	Tue Sep 18 16:34:04 2018 +0530
+++ b/source/encoder/slicetype.cpp	Tue Sep 25 16:02:31 2018 +0530
@@ -150,20 +150,14 @@
         curFrame->m_lowres.wp_sum[y] = 0;
-    /* Calculate Qp offset for each 16x16 or 8x8 block in the frame */
-    int blockXY = 0;
-    int blockX = 0, blockY = 0;
-    double strength = 0.f;
+    /* Calculate Qp offset for each 16x16 or 8x8 block in the frame */    
     if ((param->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_NONE || param->rc.aqStrength == 0) || (param->rc.bStatRead && param->rc.cuTree && IS_REFERENCED(curFrame)))
-        /* Need to init it anyways for CU tree */
-        int cuCount = blockCount;
         if (param->rc.aqMode && param->rc.aqStrength == 0)
             if (quantOffsets)
-                for (int cuxy = 0; cuxy < cuCount; cuxy++)
+                for (int cuxy = 0; cuxy < blockCount; cuxy++)
                     curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset[cuxy] = curFrame->m_lowres.qpAqOffset[cuxy] = quantOffsets[cuxy];
                     curFrame->m_lowres.invQscaleFactor[cuxy] = x265_exp2fix8(curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset[cuxy]);
@@ -171,60 +165,55 @@
-                memset(curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset, 0, cuCount * sizeof(double));
-                memset(curFrame->m_lowres.qpAqOffset, 0, cuCount * sizeof(double));
-                for (int cuxy = 0; cuxy < cuCount; cuxy++)
-                    curFrame->m_lowres.invQscaleFactor[cuxy] = 256;
+               memset(curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset, 0, blockCount * sizeof(double));
+               memset(curFrame->m_lowres.qpAqOffset, 0, blockCount * sizeof(double));
+               for (int cuxy = 0; cuxy < blockCount; cuxy++)
+                   curFrame->m_lowres.invQscaleFactor[cuxy] = 256;
         /* Need variance data for weighted prediction and dynamic refinement*/
         if (param->bEnableWeightedPred || param->bEnableWeightedBiPred)
-        {            
-            for (blockY = 0; blockY < maxRow; blockY += loopIncr)
-                for (blockX = 0; blockX < maxCol; blockX += loopIncr)                
+        {
+            for (int blockY = 0; blockY < maxRow; blockY += loopIncr)
+                for (int blockX = 0; blockX < maxCol; blockX += loopIncr)                
                     acEnergyCu(curFrame, blockX, blockY, param->internalCsp, param->rc.qgSize);                
-        blockXY = 0;
-        double avg_adj_pow2 = 0, avg_adj = 0, qp_adj = 0;
-        double bias_strength = 0.f;
+        int blockXY = 0;
+        double avg_adj_pow2 = 0.f, avg_adj = 0.f, qp_adj = 0.f;
+        double bias_strength = 0.f, strength = 0.f;
         if (param->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE || param->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE_BIASED)
-            double bit_depth_correction = 1.f / (1 << (2*(X265_DEPTH-8)));
-            curFrame->m_lowres.frameVariance = 0;
-            uint64_t rowVariance = 0;
-            for (blockY = 0; blockY < maxRow; blockY += loopIncr)
-            {
-                rowVariance = 0;
-                for (blockX = 0; blockX < maxCol; blockX += loopIncr)
+            double bit_depth_correction = 1.f / (1 << (2*(X265_DEPTH-8)));            
+            for (int blockY = 0; blockY < maxRow; blockY += loopIncr)
+            {                
+                for (int blockX = 0; blockX < maxCol; blockX += loopIncr)
-                    uint32_t energy = acEnergyCu(curFrame, blockX, blockY, param->internalCsp, param->rc.qgSize);
-                    rowVariance += energy;
+                    uint32_t energy = acEnergyCu(curFrame, blockX, blockY, param->internalCsp, param->rc.qgSize);                    
                     qp_adj = pow(energy * bit_depth_correction + 1, 0.1);
                     curFrame->m_lowres.qpCuTreeOffset[blockXY] = qp_adj;
                     avg_adj += qp_adj;
                     avg_adj_pow2 += qp_adj * qp_adj;
-                curFrame->m_lowres.frameVariance += (rowVariance / maxCol);
-            curFrame->m_lowres.frameVariance /= maxRow;
             avg_adj /= blockCount;
             avg_adj_pow2 /= blockCount;
             strength = param->rc.aqStrength * avg_adj;
-            avg_adj = avg_adj - 0.5f * (avg_adj_pow2 - (modeTwoConst)) / avg_adj;
+            avg_adj = avg_adj - 0.5f * (avg_adj_pow2 - modeTwoConst) / avg_adj;
             bias_strength = param->rc.aqStrength;
             strength = param->rc.aqStrength * 1.0397f;
         blockXY = 0;
-        for (blockY = 0; blockY < maxRow; blockY += loopIncr)
+        for (int blockY = 0; blockY < maxRow; blockY += loopIncr)
-            for (blockX = 0; blockX < maxCol; blockX += loopIncr)
+            for (int blockX = 0; blockX < maxCol; blockX += loopIncr)
                 if (param->rc.aqMode == X265_AQ_AUTO_VARIANCE_BIASED)
@@ -310,9 +299,9 @@
     if (param->bDynamicRefine)
-        blockXY = 0;
-        for (blockY = 0; blockY < maxRow; blockY += loopIncr)
-            for (blockX = 0; blockX < maxCol; blockX += loopIncr)
+        int blockXY = 0;
+        for (int blockY = 0; blockY < maxRow; blockY += loopIncr)
+            for (int blockX = 0; blockX < maxCol; blockX += loopIncr)
                 curFrame->m_lowres.blockVariance[blockXY] = acEnergyCu(curFrame, blockX, blockY, param->internalCsp, param->rc.qgSize);
-------------- next part --------------
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