[x265] information about --hevc-aq follow up

Kalyan Goswami kalyan at multicorewareinc.com
Mon Feb 4 11:04:41 CET 2019


We are looking into this problem. Would you please share the exact CLI
options that you have used for this test?

Kalyan Goswami, PhD
Video Architect @ MulticoreWare
http: <http://www.multicorewareinc.com/>//www.multicorewareinc.com
+91 9884989331

On Sun, Jan 27, 2019 at 8:11 PM nalla shanaha <shananalla88 at gmail.com>

> Following on from the previous email, here are results of some testing.
> The files are 1080p videos from youtube
> 1) mortal engines movie trailer  (youtube.com/watch?v=IRsFc2gguEg)
> 2) polar movie trailer           (youtube.com/watch?v=oMHwRal-AR8)
> 3) solo  movie trailer           (youtube.com/watch?v=XRRNxIZfjHA)
> All ratio are normalized taking x265 2.8+74-fd517ae68f93 as base
> x265 3.0 is version 3.0_RC+10-42b51d791a34
> x265 2.8 is from
> https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/releases/ffmpeg-release-amd64-static.tar.xz
> x265
> <https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/releases/ffmpeg-release-amd64-static.tar.xzx265>
> 3.0 is from
> https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-amd64-static.tar.xz
> all videos were encoded with 1.77 aspect ratio, i.e 424x240,
> 640x360,854x480 from the 1080p source videos
> --preset faster --crf 28 was used in all cases.
> +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+
> |   file   |                 bit rate ratios (x265 2.8 is 1x)
>    |
> +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | 1)Polar  |
> +--------------+--------------+------------+-------------------+ |
> |          | | video height | --no-hevc-aq | --hevc-aq  | percent
> reduction | |
> |          |
> +--------------+--------------+------------+-------------------+ |
> |          | |     240      |    1.231     |   0.725    |        41.1
>  | |
> |          | |     360      |    1.115     |   0.649    |        41.8
>  | |
> |          | |     480      |    1.104     |   0.679    |        38.5
>  | |
> |          |
> +--------------+--------------+------------+-------------------+ |
> | 2)Mortal |
> +--------------+--------------+------------+-------------------+ |
> |          | | video height | --no-hevc-aq | --hevc-aq  | percent
> reduction | |
> |          |
> +--------------+--------------+------------+-------------------+ |
> |          | |     240      |    1.164     |   0.633    |        45.6
>  | |
> |          | |     360      |    1.149     |   0.681    |        40.7
>  | |
> |          | |     480      |    1.079     |   0.668    |        38.1
>  | |
> |          |
> +--------------+--------------+------------+-------------------+ |
> |  3)Solo  |
> +--------------+--------------+------------+-------------------+ |
> |          | | video height | --no-hevc-aq | --hevc-aq  | percent
> reduction | |
> |          |
> +--------------+--------------+------------+-------------------+ |
> |          | |     240      |    1.088     |   0.711    |        34.7
>  | |
> |          | |     360      |    1.046     |   0.741    |        29.1
>  | |
> |          | |     480      |    0.995     |   0.739    |        25.8
>  | |
> |          |
> +--------------+--------------+------------+-------------------+ |
> +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+
> +----------+----------------------------------------------+
> |   file   |        speed ratios (x265 2.8 is 1x)         |
> +----------+----------------------------------------------+
> | 1)Polar  | +--------------+--------------+------------+ |
> |          | | video height | --no-hevc-aq | --hevc-aq  | |
> |          | +--------------+--------------+------------+ |
> |          | |     240      |    0.936     |   0.147    | |
> |          | |     360      |    0.998     |   1.035    | |
> |          | |     480      |    1.013     |   1.055    | |
> |          | +--------------+--------------+------------+ |
> | 2)Mortal | +--------------+--------------+------------+ |
> |          | | video height | --no-hevc-aq | --hevc-aq  | |
> |          | +--------------+--------------+------------+ |
> |          | |     240      |    0.917     |   1.008    | |
> |          | |     360      |    0.966     |   1.077    | |
> |          | |     480      |    0.969     |   1.037    | |
> |          | +--------------+--------------+------------+ |
> |  3)Solo  | +--------------+--------------+------------+ |
> |          | | video height | --no-hevc-aq | --hevc-aq  | |
> |          | +--------------+--------------+------------+ |
> |          | |     240      |    0.944     |   0.998    | |
> |          | |     360      |    1.017     |   1.044    | |
> |          | |     480      |    0.989     |   1.033    | |
> |          | +--------------+--------------+------------+ |
> +----------+----------------------------------------------+
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