[x265] Another issue with MSYS2/MinGW windres: Output not writeable

Mario Rohkrämer contact at ligh.de
Thu Jan 3 18:45:13 CET 2019

Since you published the recent patches (e.g. to fix the version numbers),  
there was a report in the MABS project that windres failed again (here  

> x265.rc:2: fatal error: when writing output to : Broken pipe

I tried that too, my error message is different but similar (here MinGW32):

> x265.rc:2:0: fatal error: when writing output to : No such file or  
> directory

In both cases, no recognizable output file name, so I guess that is an  
important factor.

Please consider using an MSYS environment (like MABS, which can be  
configured to build only x265 and possibly ffmpeg linking only libx265 via  
import config file) regularly for testing patches in parallel to MSVS.


Fun and success!
Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
mailto:contact at ligh.de

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