[x265] Windows CPU core affinity vs. NUMA pools

Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer contact at ligh.de
Mon Jul 22 11:03:21 CEST 2019

No opinions and thoughts yet?

Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer schrieb am 15.07.2019 um 13:36:
> Currently being discussed in the doom9 forum:
> Is it possible to control the affinity to a subset of available CPU 
> cores via x265 parameters (like --pools) so that multiple instances of 
> x265 can be restricted to specific cores on a multi-core CPU?
> Example: One instance of x265 may be bound to core 1-4, another to core 
> 5-8 ... of a 16-core CPU.
> Despite trying to set the affinity via parameter in a "start" CLI 
> command, x265 selects its own set, the affinity would have to be 
> manually changed in a task manager after the process started, which is 
> very inconvenient.
> https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1879195#post1879195


Fun and success!

Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
maito:contact at ligh.de

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