[x265] Issue #479: x265 2.8: Build script x265_2.8\build\vc15-x86_64\multilib.bat doesn't work with Visual Studio Community 2017 (multicoreware/x265)

Anonymous issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Fri Mar 8 05:47:21 CET 2019

New issue 479: x265 2.8: Build script x265_2.8\build\vc15-x86_64\multilib.bat doesn't work with Visual Studio Community 2017

Former user:

I have Visual Studio Community 2017 installed but failed to build x265 because VS2017 has changed the path of vcvarsall.bat and its default parameters. I have to make the following change to make x265_2.8\build\vc15-x86_64\multilib.bat to work with Visual Studio Community 2017:
call "%VS150COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64 10.0.17763.0
Please update x265_2.8\build\vc15-x86_64\multilib.bat.

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