[x265] [x265 patch] Adaptive Frame Duplication
Pradeep Ramachandran
pradeep at multicorewareinc.com
Fri Oct 4 12:32:45 CEST 2019
On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 3:59 PM Akil <akil at multicorewareinc.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the comments. Fixed accordingly.
> Thanks & Regards
> *Akil R*
> Video Codec Engineer
> Media & AI Analytics
> <https://multicorewareinc.com/>
> On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 3:19 PM Pradeep Ramachandran <
> pradeep at multicorewareinc.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 12:35 PM Akil <akil at multicorewareinc.com> wrote:
>>> # HG changeset patch
>>> # User Akil Ayyappan<akil at multicorewareinc.com>
>>> # Date 1568370446 -19800
>>> # Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> # Node ID fa0d04affb8a4405ac548841ad12cfa2dab87ef2
>>> # Parent c4b098f973e6b0ee4aee3bf0d7b54da4e2734d42
>>> Adaptive Frame duplication
>>> This patch does the following.
>>> 1. Replaces 2-3 near-identical frames with one frame and sets pic_struct
>>> based on frame doubling / tripling.
>>> 2. Add option "--frame-dup" and "--dup-threshold' to enable frame
>>> duplication and to set threshold for frame similarity (optional).
[PR] Pushed to default branch.
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a doc/reST/cli.rst
>>> --- a/doc/reST/cli.rst Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/doc/reST/cli.rst Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -501,6 +501,17 @@
>>> second. The decoder must re-combine the fields in their correct
>>> orientation for display.
>>> +.. option:: --frame-dup, --no-frame-dup
>>> +
>>> + Enable Adaptive Frame duplication. Replaces 2-3 near-identical frames
>>> with one
>>> + frame and sets pic_struct based on frame doubling / tripling.
>>> + Default disabled.
>>> +
>>> +.. option:: --dup-threshold <integer>
>>> +
>>> + Frame similarity threshold can vary between 1 and 99. This requires
>>> Adaptive
>>> + Frame Duplication to be enabled. Default 70.
>>> +
>>> .. option:: --seek <integer>
>>> Number of frames to skip at start of input file. Default 0
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/CMakeLists.txt
>>> --- a/source/CMakeLists.txt Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/CMakeLists.txt Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
>>> option(STATIC_LINK_CRT "Statically link C runtime for release builds"
>>> OFF)
>>> # X265_BUILD must be incremented each time the public API is changed
>>> -set(X265_BUILD 179)
>>> +set(X265_BUILD 180)
>>> configure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/x265.def.in"
>>> "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/x265.def")
>>> configure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/x265_config.h.in"
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/common/frame.cpp
>>> --- a/source/common/frame.cpp Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/common/frame.cpp Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
>>> m_addOnPrevChange = NULL;
>>> m_classifyFrame = false;
>>> m_fieldNum = 0;
>>> + m_picStruct = 0;
>>> }
>>> bool Frame::create(x265_param *param, float* quantOffsets)
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/common/frame.h
>>> --- a/source/common/frame.h Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/common/frame.h Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
>>> float* m_quantOffsets; // points to
>>> quantOffsets in x265_picture
>>> x265_sei m_userSEI;
>>> + uint32_t m_picStruct; // picture structure
>>> SEI message
>>> x265_dolby_vision_rpu m_rpu;
>>> /* Frame Parallelism - notification between FrameEncoders of
>>> available motion reference rows */
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/common/param.cpp
>>> --- a/source/common/param.cpp Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/common/param.cpp Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
>>> /* Source specifications */
>>> param->internalBitDepth = X265_DEPTH;
>>> + param->sourceBitDepth = 8;
>>> param->internalCsp = X265_CSP_I420;
>>> param->levelIdc = 0; //Auto-detect level
>>> param->uhdBluray = 0;
>>> @@ -338,6 +339,9 @@
>>> param->pictureStructure = -1;
>>> param->bEmitCLL = 1;
>>> + param->bEnableFrameDuplication = 0;
>>> + param->dupThreshold = 70;
>>> +
>>> /* SVT Hevc Encoder specific params */
>>> param->bEnableSvtHevc = 0;
>>> param->svtHevcParam = NULL;
>>> @@ -1294,6 +1298,8 @@
>>> OPT("fades") p->bEnableFades = atobool(value);
>>> OPT("field") p->bField = atobool( value );
>>> OPT("cll") p->bEmitCLL = atobool(value);
>>> + OPT("frame-dup") p->bEnableFrameDuplication = atobool(value);
>>> + OPT("dup-threshold") p->dupThreshold = atoi(value);
>>> OPT("hme") p->bEnableHME = atobool(value);
>>> OPT("hme-search")
>>> {
>>> @@ -1680,6 +1686,8 @@
>>> "Supported factor for controlling max AU size is from 0.5 to
>>> 1");
>>> CHECK((param->dolbyProfile != 0) && (param->dolbyProfile != 50) &&
>>> (param->dolbyProfile != 81) && (param->dolbyProfile != 82),
>>> "Unsupported Dolby Vision profile, only profile 5, profile 8.1
>>> and profile 8.2 enabled");
>>> + CHECK(param->dupThreshold < 1 || 99 < param->dupThreshold,
>>> + "Invalid frame-duplication threshold. Value must be between 1
>>> and 99.");
>>> if (param->dolbyProfile)
>>> {
>>> CHECK((param->rc.vbvMaxBitrate <= 0 || param->rc.vbvBufferSize
>>> <= 0), "Dolby Vision requires VBV settings to enable HRD.\n");
>>> @@ -1972,6 +1980,9 @@
>>> s += sprintf(s, " subme=%d", p->subpelRefine);
>>> s += sprintf(s, " merange=%d", p->searchRange);
>>> BOOL(p->bEnableTemporalMvp, "temporal-mvp");
>>> + BOOL(p->bEnableFrameDuplication, "frame-dup");
>>> + if(p->bEnableFrameDuplication)
>>> + s += sprintf(s, " dup-threshold=%d", p->dupThreshold);
>>> BOOL(p->bEnableHME, "hme");
>>> if (p->bEnableHME)
>>> s += sprintf(s, " Level 0,1,2=%d,%d,%d", p->hmeSearchMethod[0],
>>> p->hmeSearchMethod[1], p->hmeSearchMethod[2]);
>>> @@ -2209,6 +2220,7 @@
>>> if (src->csvfn) dst->csvfn = strdup(src->csvfn);
>>> else dst->csvfn = NULL;
>>> dst->internalBitDepth = src->internalBitDepth;
>>> + dst->sourceBitDepth = src->sourceBitDepth;
>>> dst->internalCsp = src->internalCsp;
>>> dst->fpsNum = src->fpsNum;
>>> dst->fpsDenom = src->fpsDenom;
>>> @@ -2263,6 +2275,8 @@
>>> dst->subpelRefine = src->subpelRefine;
>>> dst->searchRange = src->searchRange;
>>> dst->bEnableTemporalMvp = src->bEnableTemporalMvp;
>>> + dst->bEnableFrameDuplication = src->bEnableFrameDuplication;
>>> + dst->dupThreshold = src->dupThreshold;
>>> dst->bEnableHME = src->bEnableHME;
>>> if (src->bEnableHME)
>>> {
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/encoder/api.cpp
>>> --- a/source/encoder/api.cpp Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/encoder/api.cpp Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -923,6 +923,7 @@
>>> pic->userSEI.numPayloads = 0;
>>> pic->rpu.payloadSize = 0;
>>> pic->rpu.payload = NULL;
>>> + pic->picStruct = 0;
>>> if ((param->analysisSave || param->analysisLoad) ||
>>> (param->bAnalysisType == AVC_INFO))
>>> {
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/encoder/encoder.cpp
>>> --- a/source/encoder/encoder.cpp Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/encoder/encoder.cpp Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -117,6 +117,8 @@
>>> m_cR = 1.0;
>>> for (int i = 0; i < X265_MAX_FRAME_THREADS; i++)
>>> m_frameEncoder[i] = NULL;
>>> + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < DUP_BUFFER; i++)
>>> + m_dupBuffer[i] = NULL;
>>> MotionEstimate::initScales();
>>> @@ -160,6 +162,53 @@
>>> int rows = (p->sourceHeight + p->maxCUSize - 1) >>
>>> g_log2Size[p->maxCUSize];
>>> int cols = (p->sourceWidth + p->maxCUSize - 1) >>
>>> g_log2Size[p->maxCUSize];
>>> + if (m_param->bEnableFrameDuplication)
>>> + {
>>> + size_t framesize = 0;
>>> + int pixelbytes = p->sourceBitDepth > 8 ? 2 : 1;
>>> + for (int i = 0; i < x265_cli_csps[p->internalCsp].planes; i++)
>>> + {
>>> + int stride = (p->sourceWidth >>
>>> x265_cli_csps[p->internalCsp].width[i]) * pixelbytes;
>>> + framesize += (stride * (p->sourceHeight >>
>>> x265_cli_csps[p->internalCsp].height[i]));
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + //Sets the picture structure and emits it in the picture timing
>>> SEI message
>>> + m_param->pictureStructure = 0;
>>> +
>>> + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < DUP_BUFFER; i++)
>>> + {
>>> + m_dupBuffer[i] =
>>> (AdaptiveFrameDuplication*)x265_malloc(sizeof(AdaptiveFrameDuplication));
>>> + m_dupBuffer[i]->dupPic = NULL;
>>> + m_dupBuffer[i]->dupPic = x265_picture_alloc();
>>> + x265_picture_init(p, m_dupBuffer[i]->dupPic);
>>> + m_dupBuffer[i]->dupPlane = NULL;
>>> + m_dupBuffer[i]->dupPlane = X265_MALLOC(char, framesize);
>>> + m_dupBuffer[i]->dupPic->planes[0] =
>>> m_dupBuffer[i]->dupPlane;
>>> + m_dupBuffer[i]->bOccupied = false;
>>> + m_dupBuffer[i]->bDup = false;
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + if (!(p->sourceBitDepth == 8 && p->internalBitDepth == 8))
>>> + {
>>> + int size = p->sourceWidth * p->sourceHeight;
>>> + int hshift = CHROMA_H_SHIFT(p->internalCsp);
>>> + int vshift = CHROMA_V_SHIFT(p->internalCsp);
>>> + int widthC = p->sourceWidth >> hshift;
>>> + int heightC = p->sourceHeight >> vshift;
>>> +
>>> + m_dupPicOne[0] = X265_MALLOC(pixel, size);
>>> + m_dupPicTwo[0] = X265_MALLOC(pixel, size);
>>> + if (p->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I400)
>>> + {
>>> + for (int k = 1; k < 3; k++)
>>> + {
>>> + m_dupPicOne[k] = X265_MALLOC(pixel, widthC *
>>> heightC);
>>> + m_dupPicTwo[k] = X265_MALLOC(pixel, widthC *
>>> heightC);
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> // Do not allow WPP if only one row or fewer than 3 columns, it is
>>> pointless and unstable
>>> if (rows == 1 || cols < 3)
>>> {
>>> @@ -771,6 +820,33 @@
>>> m_exportedPic = NULL;
>>> }
>>> + if (m_param->bEnableFrameDuplication)
>>> + {
>>> + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < DUP_BUFFER; i++)
>>> + {
>>> + X265_FREE(m_dupBuffer[i]->dupPlane);
>>> + x265_picture_free(m_dupBuffer[i]->dupPic);
>>> + X265_FREE(m_dupBuffer[i]);
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + if (!(m_param->sourceBitDepth == 8 && m_param->internalBitDepth
>>> == 8))
>>> + {
>>> + for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
>>> + {
>>> + if (k == 0)
>>> + {
>>> + X265_FREE(m_dupPicOne[k]);
>>> + X265_FREE(m_dupPicTwo[k]);
>>> + }
>>> + else if(k >= 1 && m_param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I400)
>>> + {
>>> + X265_FREE(m_dupPicOne[k]);
>>> + X265_FREE(m_dupPicTwo[k]);
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> for (int i = 0; i < m_param->frameNumThreads; i++)
>>> {
>>> if (m_frameEncoder[i])
>>> @@ -981,6 +1057,250 @@
>>> }
>>> }
>>> +//Find Sum of Squared Difference (SSD) between two pictures
>>> +uint64_t Encoder::computeSSD(pixel *fenc, pixel *rec, intptr_t stride,
>>> uint32_t width, uint32_t height, x265_param *param)
>>> +{
>>> + uint64_t ssd = 0;
>>> +
>>> + if (!param->bEnableFrameDuplication || (width & 3))
>>> + {
>>> + if ((width | height) & 3)
>>> + {
>>> + /* Slow Path */
>>> + for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; y++)
>>> + {
>>> + for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; x++)
>>> + {
>>> + int diff = (int)(fenc[x] - rec[x]);
>>> + ssd += diff * diff;
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + fenc += stride;
>>> + rec += stride;
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + return ssd;
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + uint32_t y = 0;
>>> +
>>> + /* Consume rows in ever narrower chunks of height */
>>> + for (int size = BLOCK_64x64; size >= BLOCK_4x4 && y < height;
>>> size--)
>>> + {
>>> + uint32_t rowHeight = 1 << (size + 2);
>>> +
>>> + for (; y + rowHeight <= height; y += rowHeight)
>>> + {
>>> + uint32_t y1, x = 0;
>>> +
>>> + /* Consume each row using the largest square blocks
>>> possible */
>>> + if (size == BLOCK_64x64 && !(stride & 31))
>>> + for (; x + 64 <= width; x += 64)
>>> + ssd += primitives.cu[BLOCK_64x64].sse_pp(fenc + x,
>>> stride, rec + x, stride);
>>> +
>>> + if (size >= BLOCK_32x32 && !(stride & 15))
>>> + for (; x + 32 <= width; x += 32)
>>> + for (y1 = 0; y1 + 32 <= rowHeight; y1 += 32)
>>> + ssd += primitives.cu[BLOCK_32x32].sse_pp(fenc
>>> + y1 * stride + x, stride, rec + y1 * stride + x, stride);
>>> +
>>> + if (size >= BLOCK_16x16)
>>> + for (; x + 16 <= width; x += 16)
>>> + for (y1 = 0; y1 + 16 <= rowHeight; y1 += 16)
>>> + ssd += primitives.cu[BLOCK_16x16].sse_pp(fenc
>>> + y1 * stride + x, stride, rec + y1 * stride + x, stride);
>>> +
>>> + if (size >= BLOCK_8x8)
>>> + for (; x + 8 <= width; x += 8)
>>> + for (y1 = 0; y1 + 8 <= rowHeight; y1 += 8)
>>> + ssd += primitives.cu[BLOCK_8x8].sse_pp(fenc +
>>> y1 * stride + x, stride, rec + y1 * stride + x, stride);
>>> +
>>> + for (; x + 4 <= width; x += 4)
>>> + for (y1 = 0; y1 + 4 <= rowHeight; y1 += 4)
>>> + ssd += primitives.cu[BLOCK_4x4].sse_pp(fenc + y1 *
>>> stride + x, stride, rec + y1 * stride + x, stride);
>>> +
>>> + fenc += stride * rowHeight;
>>> + rec += stride * rowHeight;
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + /* Handle last few rows of frames for videos
>>> + with height not divisble by 4 */
>>> + uint32_t h = height % y;
>>> + if (param->bEnableFrameDuplication && h)
>>> + {
>>> + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h; i++)
>>> + {
>>> + for (uint32_t j = 0; j < width; j++)
>>> + {
>>> + int diff = (int)(fenc[j] - rec[j]);
>>> + ssd += diff * diff;
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + fenc += stride;
>>> + rec += stride;
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + return ssd;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +//Compute the PSNR weightage between two pictures
>>> +double Encoder::ComputePSNR(x265_picture *firstPic, x265_picture
>>> *secPic, x265_param *param)
>>> +{
>>> + uint64_t ssdY = 0, ssdU = 0, ssdV = 0;
>>> + intptr_t strideL, strideC;
>>> + uint32_t widthL, heightL, widthC, heightC;
>>> + double psnrY = 0, psnrU = 0, psnrV = 0, psnrWeight = 0;
>>> + int width = firstPic->width;
>>> + int height = firstPic->height;
>>> + int hshift = CHROMA_H_SHIFT(firstPic->colorSpace);
>>> + int vshift = CHROMA_V_SHIFT(firstPic->colorSpace);
>>> + pixel *yFirstPic = NULL, *ySecPic = NULL;
>>> + pixel *uFirstPic = NULL, *uSecPic = NULL;
>>> + pixel *vFirstPic = NULL, *vSecPic = NULL;
>>> +
>>> + strideL = widthL = width;
>>> + heightL = height;
>>> +
>>> + strideC = widthC = widthL >> hshift;
>>> + heightC = heightL >> vshift;
>>> +
>>> + int size = width * height;
>>> + int maxvalY = 255 << (X265_DEPTH - 8);
>>> + int maxvalC = 255 << (X265_DEPTH - 8);
>>> + double refValueY = (double)maxvalY * maxvalY * size;
>>> + double refValueC = (double)maxvalC * maxvalC * size / 4.0;
>>> +
>>> + if (firstPic->bitDepth == 8 && X265_DEPTH == 8)
>>> + {
>>> + yFirstPic = (pixel*)firstPic->planes[0];
>>> + ySecPic = (pixel*)secPic->planes[0];
>>> + if (param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I400)
>>> + {
>>> + uFirstPic = (pixel*)firstPic->planes[1];
>>> + uSecPic = (pixel*)secPic->planes[1];
>>> + vFirstPic = (pixel*)firstPic->planes[2];
>>> + vSecPic = (pixel*)secPic->planes[2];
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> + else if (firstPic->bitDepth == 8 && X265_DEPTH > 8)
>>> + {
>>> + int shift = (X265_DEPTH - 8);
>>> + uint8_t *yChar1, *yChar2, *uChar1, *uChar2, *vChar1, *vChar2;
>>> +
>>> + yChar1 = (uint8_t*)firstPic->planes[0];
>>> + yChar2 = (uint8_t*)secPic->planes[0];
>>> +
>>> + primitives.planecopy_cp(yChar1, firstPic->stride[0] /
>>> sizeof(*yChar1), m_dupPicOne[0], firstPic->stride[0] / sizeof(*yChar1),
>>> width, height, shift);
>>> + primitives.planecopy_cp(yChar2, secPic->stride[0] /
>>> sizeof(*yChar2), m_dupPicTwo[0], secPic->stride[0] / sizeof(*yChar2),
>>> width, height, shift);
>>> +
>>> + if (param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I400)
>>> + {
>>> + uChar1 = (uint8_t*)firstPic->planes[1];
>>> + uChar2 = (uint8_t*)secPic->planes[1];
>>> + vChar1 = (uint8_t*)firstPic->planes[2];
>>> + vChar2 = (uint8_t*)secPic->planes[2];
>>> +
>>> + primitives.planecopy_cp(uChar1, firstPic->stride[1] /
>>> sizeof(*uChar1), m_dupPicOne[1], firstPic->stride[1] / sizeof(*uChar1),
>>> widthC, heightC, shift);
>>> + primitives.planecopy_cp(uChar2, secPic->stride[1] /
>>> sizeof(*uChar2), m_dupPicTwo[1], secPic->stride[1] / sizeof(*uChar2),
>>> widthC, heightC, shift);
>>> +
>>> + primitives.planecopy_cp(vChar1, firstPic->stride[2] /
>>> sizeof(*vChar1), m_dupPicOne[2], firstPic->stride[2] / sizeof(*vChar1),
>>> widthC, heightC, shift);
>>> + primitives.planecopy_cp(vChar2, secPic->stride[2] /
>>> sizeof(*vChar2), m_dupPicTwo[2], secPic->stride[2] / sizeof(*vChar2),
>>> widthC, heightC, shift);
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> + else
>>> + {
>>> + uint16_t *yShort1, *yShort2, *uShort1, *uShort2, *vShort1,
>>> *vShort2;
>>> + /* defensive programming, mask off bits that are supposed to be
>>> zero */
>>> + uint16_t mask = (1 << X265_DEPTH) - 1;
>>> + int shift = abs(firstPic->bitDepth - X265_DEPTH);
>>> +
>>> + yShort1 = (uint16_t*)firstPic->planes[0];
>>> + yShort2 = (uint16_t*)secPic->planes[0];
>>> +
>>> + if (firstPic->bitDepth > X265_DEPTH)
>>> + {
>>> + /* shift right and mask pixels to final size */
>>> + primitives.planecopy_sp(yShort1, firstPic->stride[0] /
>>> sizeof(*yShort1), m_dupPicOne[0], firstPic->stride[0] / sizeof(*yShort1),
>>> width, height, shift, mask);
>>> + primitives.planecopy_sp(yShort2, secPic->stride[0] /
>>> sizeof(*yShort2), m_dupPicTwo[0], secPic->stride[0] / sizeof(*yShort2),
>>> width, height, shift, mask);
>>> + }
>>> + else /* Case for (pic.bitDepth <= X265_DEPTH) */
>>> + {
>>> + /* shift left and mask pixels to final size */
>>> + primitives.planecopy_sp_shl(yShort1, firstPic->stride[0] /
>>> sizeof(*yShort1), m_dupPicOne[0], firstPic->stride[0] / sizeof(*yShort1),
>>> width, height, shift, mask);
>>> + primitives.planecopy_sp_shl(yShort2, secPic->stride[0] /
>>> sizeof(*yShort2), m_dupPicTwo[0], secPic->stride[0] / sizeof(*yShort2),
>>> width, height, shift, mask);
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + if (param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I400)
>>> + {
>>> + uShort1 = (uint16_t*)firstPic->planes[1];
>>> + uShort2 = (uint16_t*)secPic->planes[1];
>>> + vShort1 = (uint16_t*)firstPic->planes[2];
>>> + vShort2 = (uint16_t*)secPic->planes[2];
>>> +
>>> + if (firstPic->bitDepth > X265_DEPTH)
>>> + {
>>> + primitives.planecopy_sp(uShort1, firstPic->stride[1] /
>>> sizeof(*uShort1), m_dupPicOne[1], firstPic->stride[1] / sizeof(*uShort1),
>>> widthC, heightC, shift, mask);
>>> + primitives.planecopy_sp(uShort2, secPic->stride[1] /
>>> sizeof(*uShort2), m_dupPicTwo[1], secPic->stride[1] / sizeof(*uShort2),
>>> widthC, heightC, shift, mask);
>>> +
>>> + primitives.planecopy_sp(vShort1, firstPic->stride[2] /
>>> sizeof(*vShort1), m_dupPicOne[2], firstPic->stride[2] / sizeof(*vShort1),
>>> widthC, heightC, shift, mask);
>>> + primitives.planecopy_sp(vShort2, secPic->stride[2] /
>>> sizeof(*vShort2), m_dupPicTwo[2], secPic->stride[2] / sizeof(*vShort2),
>>> widthC, heightC, shift, mask);
>>> + }
>>> + else /* Case for (pic.bitDepth <= X265_DEPTH) */
>>> + {
>>> + primitives.planecopy_sp_shl(uShort1,
>>> firstPic->stride[1] / sizeof(*uShort1), m_dupPicOne[1], firstPic->stride[1]
>>> / sizeof(*uShort1), widthC, heightC, shift, mask);
>>> + primitives.planecopy_sp_shl(uShort2, secPic->stride[1]
>>> / sizeof(*uShort2), m_dupPicTwo[1], secPic->stride[1] / sizeof(*uShort2),
>>> widthC, heightC, shift, mask);
>>> +
>>> + primitives.planecopy_sp_shl(vShort1,
>>> firstPic->stride[2] / sizeof(*vShort1), m_dupPicOne[2], firstPic->stride[2]
>>> / sizeof(*vShort1), widthC, heightC, shift, mask);
>>> + primitives.planecopy_sp_shl(vShort2, secPic->stride[2]
>>> / sizeof(*vShort2), m_dupPicTwo[2], secPic->stride[2] / sizeof(*vShort2),
>>> widthC, heightC, shift, mask);
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + if (!(firstPic->bitDepth == 8 && X265_DEPTH == 8))
>>> + {
>>> + yFirstPic = m_dupPicOne[0]; ySecPic = m_dupPicTwo[0];
>>> + uFirstPic = m_dupPicOne[1]; uSecPic = m_dupPicTwo[1];
>>> + vFirstPic = m_dupPicOne[2]; vSecPic = m_dupPicTwo[2];
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + //Compute SSD
>>> + ssdY = computeSSD(yFirstPic, ySecPic, strideL, widthL, heightL,
>>> param);
>>> + psnrY = (ssdY ? 10.0 * log10(refValueY / (double)ssdY) : 99.99);
>>> +
>>> + if (param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I400)
>>> + {
>>> + ssdU = computeSSD(uFirstPic, uSecPic, strideC, widthC, heightC,
>>> param);
>>> + ssdV = computeSSD(vFirstPic, vSecPic, strideC, widthC, heightC,
>>> param);
>>> + psnrU = (ssdU ? 10.0 * log10(refValueC / (double)ssdU) : 99.99);
>>> + psnrV = (ssdV ? 10.0 * log10(refValueC / (double)ssdV) : 99.99);
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + //Compute PSNR(picN,pic(N+1))
>>> + return psnrWeight = (psnrY * 6 + psnrU + psnrV) / 8;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +void Encoder::copyPicture(x265_picture *dest, const x265_picture *src)
>>> +{
>>> + dest->poc = src->poc;
>>> + dest->pts = src->pts;
>>> + dest->userSEI = src->userSEI;
>>> + dest->bitDepth = src->bitDepth;
>>> + dest->framesize = src->framesize;
>>> + dest->height = src->height;
>>> + dest->width = src->width;
>>> + dest->colorSpace = src->colorSpace;
>>> + dest->userSEI = src->userSEI;
>>> + dest->rpu.payload = src->rpu.payload;
>>> + dest->picStruct = src->picStruct;
>>> + dest->stride[0] = src->stride[0];
>>> + dest->stride[1] = src->stride[1];
>>> + dest->stride[2] = src->stride[2];
>>> + memcpy(dest->planes[0], src->planes[0], src->framesize *
>>> sizeof(char));
>>> + dest->planes[1] = (char*)dest->planes[0] + src->stride[0] *
>>> src->height;
>>> + dest->planes[2] = (char*)dest->planes[1] + src->stride[1] *
>>> (src->height >> x265_cli_csps[src->colorSpace].height[1]);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> /**
>>> * Feed one new input frame into the encoder, get one frame out. If
>>> pic_in is
>>> * NULL, a flush condition is implied and pic_in must be NULL for all
>>> subsequent
>>> @@ -1004,6 +1324,10 @@
>>> if (m_aborted)
>>> return -1;
>>> + const x265_picture* inputPic = NULL;
>>> + static int written = 0, read = 0;
>>> + bool dontRead = false;
>>> +
>>> if (m_exportedPic)
>>> {
>>> if (!m_param->bUseAnalysisFile && m_param->analysisSave)
>>> @@ -1012,25 +1336,84 @@
>>> m_exportedPic = NULL;
>>> m_dpb->recycleUnreferenced();
>>> }
>>> - if (pic_in && (!m_param->chunkEnd || (m_encodedFrameNum <
>>> m_param->chunkEnd)))
>>> - {
>>> - if (m_latestParam->forceFlush == 1)
>>> + if ((pic_in && (!m_param->chunkEnd || (m_encodedFrameNum <
>>> m_param->chunkEnd))) || (m_param->bEnableFrameDuplication && !pic_in &&
>>> (read < written)))
>>> + {
>>> + if ((m_param->bEnableFrameDuplication && !pic_in && (read <
>>> written)))
>>> + dontRead = true;
>>> + else
>>> {
>>> - m_lookahead->setLookaheadQueue();
>>> - m_latestParam->forceFlush = 0;
>>> + if (m_latestParam->forceFlush == 1)
>>> + {
>>> + m_lookahead->setLookaheadQueue();
>>> + m_latestParam->forceFlush = 0;
>>> + }
>>> + if (m_latestParam->forceFlush == 2)
>>> + {
>>> + m_lookahead->m_filled = false;
>>> + m_latestParam->forceFlush = 0;
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + if (pic_in->bitDepth < 8 || pic_in->bitDepth > 16)
>>> + {
>>> + x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "Input bit depth (%d)
>>> must be between 8 and 16\n",
>>> + pic_in->bitDepth);
>>> + return -1;
>>> + }
>>> }
>>> - if (m_latestParam->forceFlush == 2)
>>> +
>>> + if (m_param->bEnableFrameDuplication)
>>> {
>>> - m_lookahead->m_filled = false;
>>> - m_latestParam->forceFlush = 0;
>>> + double psnrWeight = 0;
>>> +
>>> + if (!dontRead)
>>> + {
>>> + if (!m_dupBuffer[0]->bOccupied)
>>> + {
>>> + copyPicture(m_dupBuffer[0]->dupPic, pic_in);
>>> + m_dupBuffer[0]->bOccupied = true;
>>> + written++;
>>> + return 0;
>>> + }
>>> + else if (!m_dupBuffer[1]->bOccupied)
>>> + {
>>> + copyPicture(m_dupBuffer[1]->dupPic, pic_in);
>>> + m_dupBuffer[1]->bOccupied = true;
>>> + written++;
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + psnrWeight = ComputePSNR(m_dupBuffer[0]->dupPic,
>>> m_dupBuffer[1]->dupPic, m_param);
>>> +
>>> + if (psnrWeight >= m_param->dupThreshold)
>>> + {
>>> + if (m_dupBuffer[0]->bDup)
>>> + {
>>> + m_dupBuffer[0]->dupPic->picStruct = tripling;
>>> + m_dupBuffer[0]->bDup = false;
>>> + read++;
>>> + }
>>> + else
>>> + {
>>> + m_dupBuffer[0]->dupPic->picStruct = doubling;
>>> + m_dupBuffer[0]->bDup = true;
>>> + m_dupBuffer[1]->bOccupied = false;
>>> + read++;
>>> + return 0;
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> + else if (m_dupBuffer[0]->bDup)
>>> + m_dupBuffer[0]->bDup = false;
>>> + else
>>> + m_dupBuffer[0]->dupPic->picStruct = 0;
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + if (read < written)
>>> + {
>>> + inputPic = m_dupBuffer[0]->dupPic;
>>> + read++;
>>> + }
>>> }
>>> -
>>> - if (pic_in->bitDepth < 8 || pic_in->bitDepth > 16)
>>> - {
>>> - x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_ERROR, "Input bit depth (%d)
>>> must be between 8 and 16\n",
>>> - pic_in->bitDepth);
>>> - return -1;
>>> - }
>>> + else
>>> + inputPic = pic_in;
>>> Frame *inFrame;
>>> x265_param* p = (m_reconfigure || m_reconfigureRc) ?
>>> m_latestParam : m_param;
>>> @@ -1038,7 +1421,7 @@
>>> {
>>> inFrame = new Frame;
>>> inFrame->m_encodeStartTime = x265_mdate();
>>> - if (inFrame->create(p, pic_in->quantOffsets))
>>> + if (inFrame->create(p, inputPic->quantOffsets))
>>> {
>>> /* the first PicYuv created is asked to generate the CU
>>> and block unit offset
>>> * arrays which are then shared with all subsequent
>>> PicYuv (orig and recon)
>>> @@ -1098,34 +1481,35 @@
>>> }
>>> /* Copy input picture into a Frame and PicYuv, send to
>>> lookahead */
>>> - inFrame->m_fencPic->copyFromPicture(*pic_in, *m_param,
>>> m_sps.conformanceWindow.rightOffset, m_sps.conformanceWindow.bottomOffset);
>>> + inFrame->m_fencPic->copyFromPicture(*inputPic, *m_param,
>>> m_sps.conformanceWindow.rightOffset, m_sps.conformanceWindow.bottomOffset);
>>> inFrame->m_poc = ++m_pocLast;
>>> - inFrame->m_userData = pic_in->userData;
>>> - inFrame->m_pts = pic_in->pts;
>>> - inFrame->m_forceqp = pic_in->forceqp;
>>> + inFrame->m_userData = inputPic->userData;
>>> + inFrame->m_pts = inputPic->pts;
>>> + inFrame->m_forceqp = inputPic->forceqp;
>>> inFrame->m_param = (m_reconfigure || m_reconfigureRc) ?
>>> m_latestParam : m_param;
>>> + inFrame->m_picStruct = inputPic->picStruct;
>>> if (m_param->bField && m_param->interlaceMode)
>>> - inFrame->m_fieldNum = pic_in->fieldNum;
>>> -
>>> - copyUserSEIMessages(inFrame, pic_in);
>>> -
>>> - /*Copy Dolby Vision RPU from pic_in to frame*/
>>> - if (pic_in->rpu.payloadSize)
>>> + inFrame->m_fieldNum = inputPic->fieldNum;
>>> +
>>> + copyUserSEIMessages(inFrame, inputPic);
>>> +
>>> + /*Copy Dolby Vision RPU from inputPic to frame*/
>>> + if (inputPic->rpu.payloadSize)
>>> {
>>> - inFrame->m_rpu.payloadSize = pic_in->rpu.payloadSize;
>>> - inFrame->m_rpu.payload = new
>>> uint8_t[pic_in->rpu.payloadSize];
>>> - memcpy(inFrame->m_rpu.payload, pic_in->rpu.payload,
>>> pic_in->rpu.payloadSize);
>>> + inFrame->m_rpu.payloadSize = inputPic->rpu.payloadSize;
>>> + inFrame->m_rpu.payload = new
>>> uint8_t[inputPic->rpu.payloadSize];
>>> + memcpy(inFrame->m_rpu.payload, inputPic->rpu.payload,
>>> inputPic->rpu.payloadSize);
>>> }
>>> - if (pic_in->quantOffsets != NULL)
>>> + if (inputPic->quantOffsets != NULL)
>>> {
>>> int cuCount;
>>> if (m_param->rc.qgSize == 8)
>>> cuCount = inFrame->m_lowres.maxBlocksInRowFullRes *
>>> inFrame->m_lowres.maxBlocksInColFullRes;
>>> else
>>> cuCount = inFrame->m_lowres.maxBlocksInRow *
>>> inFrame->m_lowres.maxBlocksInCol;
>>> - memcpy(inFrame->m_quantOffsets, pic_in->quantOffsets,
>>> cuCount * sizeof(float));
>>> + memcpy(inFrame->m_quantOffsets, inputPic->quantOffsets,
>>> cuCount * sizeof(float));
>>> }
>>> if (m_pocLast == 0)
>>> @@ -1147,9 +1531,9 @@
>>> }
>>> /* Use the frame types from the first pass, if available */
>>> - int sliceType = (m_param->rc.bStatRead) ?
>>> m_rateControl->rateControlSliceType(inFrame->m_poc) : pic_in->sliceType;
>>> -
>>> - /* In analysisSave mode, x265_analysis_data is allocated in
>>> pic_in and inFrame points to this */
>>> + int sliceType = (m_param->rc.bStatRead) ?
>>> m_rateControl->rateControlSliceType(inFrame->m_poc) : inputPic->sliceType;
>>> +
>>> + /* In analysisSave mode, x265_analysis_data is allocated in
>>> inputPic and inFrame points to this */
>>> /* Load analysis data before lookahead->addPicture, since
>>> sliceType has been decided */
>>> if (m_param->analysisLoad)
>>> {
>>> @@ -1157,7 +1541,7 @@
>>> static int paramBytes = 0;
>>> if (!inFrame->m_poc && m_param->bAnalysisType != HEVC_INFO)
>>> {
>>> - x265_analysis_data analysisData = pic_in->analysisData;
>>> + x265_analysis_data analysisData =
>>> inputPic->analysisData;
>>> paramBytes = validateAnalysisData(&analysisData, 0);
>>> if (paramBytes == -1)
>>> {
>>> @@ -1178,10 +1562,10 @@
>>> uint32_t outOfBoundaryLowresH = extendedHeight -
>>> m_param->sourceHeight / 2;
>>> if (outOfBoundaryLowresH * 2 >= m_param->maxCUSize)
>>> cuLocInFrame.skipHeight = true;
>>> - readAnalysisFile(&inFrame->m_analysisData,
>>> inFrame->m_poc, pic_in, paramBytes, cuLocInFrame);
>>> + readAnalysisFile(&inFrame->m_analysisData,
>>> inFrame->m_poc, inputPic, paramBytes, cuLocInFrame);
>>> }
>>> else
>>> - readAnalysisFile(&inFrame->m_analysisData,
>>> inFrame->m_poc, pic_in, paramBytes);
>>> + readAnalysisFile(&inFrame->m_analysisData,
>>> inFrame->m_poc, inputPic, paramBytes);
>>> inFrame->m_poc = inFrame->m_analysisData.poc;
>>> sliceType = inFrame->m_analysisData.sliceType;
>>> inFrame->m_lowres.bScenecut =
>>> !!inFrame->m_analysisData.bScenecut;
>>> @@ -1202,9 +1586,9 @@
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> - if (m_param->bUseRcStats && pic_in->rcData)
>>> + if (m_param->bUseRcStats && inputPic->rcData)
>>> {
>>> - RcStats* rc = (RcStats*)pic_in->rcData;
>>> + RcStats* rc = (RcStats*)inputPic->rcData;
>>> m_rateControl->m_accumPQp = rc->cumulativePQp;
>>> m_rateControl->m_accumPNorm = rc->cumulativePNorm;
>>> m_rateControl->m_isNextGop = true;
>>> @@ -1228,6 +1612,18 @@
>>> }
>>> m_param->bUseRcStats = 0;
>>> }
>>> +
>>> + if (m_param->bEnableFrameDuplication && ((read < written) ||
>>> (m_dupBuffer[0]->dupPic->picStruct == tripling && (read <= written))))
>>> + {
>>> + if (m_dupBuffer[0]->dupPic->picStruct == tripling)
>>> + m_dupBuffer[0]->bOccupied = m_dupBuffer[1]->bOccupied =
>>> false;
>>> + else
>>> + {
>>> + copyPicture(m_dupBuffer[0]->dupPic,
>>> m_dupBuffer[1]->dupPic);
>>> + m_dupBuffer[1]->bOccupied = false;
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> if (m_reconfigureRc)
>>> inFrame->m_reconfigureRc = true;
>>> @@ -1262,7 +1658,7 @@
>>> Slice *slice = outFrame->m_encData->m_slice;
>>> x265_frame_stats* frameData = NULL;
>>> - /* Free up pic_in->analysisData since it has already been
>>> used */
>>> + /* Free up inputPic->analysisData since it has already been
>>> used */
>>> if ((m_param->analysisLoad && !m_param->analysisSave) ||
>>> ((m_param->bAnalysisType == AVC_INFO) && slice->m_sliceType != I_SLICE))
>>> x265_free_analysis_data(m_param,
>>> &outFrame->m_analysisData);
>>> @@ -3174,6 +3570,30 @@
>>> p->dynamicRd = 0;
>>> x265_log(p, X265_LOG_WARNING, "Dynamic-rd disabled, requires RD
>>> <= 4, VBV and aq-mode enabled\n");
>>> }
>>> +
>>> + if (!p->bEnableFrameDuplication && p->dupThreshold &&
>>> p->dupThreshold != 70)
>>> + {
>>> + x265_log(p, X265_LOG_WARNING, "Frame-duplication threshold
>>> works only with frame-duplication enabled. Enabling frame-duplication.\n");
>>> + p->bEnableFrameDuplication = 1;
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + if (p->bEnableFrameDuplication && p->interlaceMode)
>>> + {
>>> + x265_log(p, X265_LOG_WARNING, "Frame-duplication does not
>>> support interlace mode. Disabling Frame Duplication.\n");
>>> + p->bEnableFrameDuplication = 0;
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + if (p->bEnableFrameDuplication && p->pictureStructure != 0 &&
>>> p->pictureStructure != -1)
>>> + {
>>> + x265_log(p, X265_LOG_WARNING, "Frame-duplication works only
>>> with pic_struct = 0. Setting pic-struct = 0.\n");
>>> + p->pictureStructure = 0;
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + if (m_param->bEnableFrameDuplication && (!bIsVbv ||
>>> !m_param->bEmitHRDSEI))
>>> + {
>>> + x265_log(m_param, X265_LOG_WARNING, "Frame-duplication require
>>> NAL HRD and VBV parameters. Disabling frame duplication\n");
>>> + m_param->bEnableFrameDuplication = 0;
>>> + }
>>> #ifdef ENABLE_HDR10_PLUS
>>> if (m_param->bDhdr10opt && m_param->toneMapFile == NULL)
>>> {
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/encoder/encoder.h
>>> --- a/source/encoder/encoder.h Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/encoder/encoder.h Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -88,6 +88,9 @@
>>> };
>>> #define MAX_NUM_REF_IDX 64
>>> +#define DUP_BUFFER 2
>>> +#define doubling 7
>>> +#define tripling 8
>>> struct RefIdxLastGOP
>>> {
>>> @@ -141,6 +144,18 @@
>>> }
>>> };
>>> +struct AdaptiveFrameDuplication
>>> +{
>>> + x265_picture* dupPic;
>>> + char* dupPlane;
>>> +
>>> + //Flag to denote the availability of the picture buffer.
>>> + bool bOccupied;
>>> +
>>> + //Flag to check whether the picture has duplicated.
>>> + bool bDup;
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> class FrameEncoder;
>>> class DPB;
>>> @@ -189,6 +204,10 @@
>>> x265_param* m_latestParam; // Holds latest param during
>>> a reconfigure
>>> RateControl* m_rateControl;
>>> Lookahead* m_lookahead;
>>> + AdaptiveFrameDuplication* m_dupBuffer[DUP_BUFFER]; // picture
>>> buffer of size 2
>>> + /*Frame duplication: Two pictures used to compute PSNR */
>>> + pixel* m_dupPicOne[3];
>>> + pixel* m_dupPicTwo[3];
>>> bool m_externalFlush;
>>> /* Collect statistics globally */
>>> @@ -324,6 +343,12 @@
>>> void calcRefreshInterval(Frame* frameEnc);
>>> + uint64_t computeSSD(pixel *fenc, pixel *rec, intptr_t stride,
>>> uint32_t width, uint32_t height, x265_param *param);
>>> +
>>> + double ComputePSNR(x265_picture *firstPic, x265_picture *secPic,
>>> x265_param *param);
>>> +
>>> + void copyPicture(x265_picture *dest, const x265_picture *src);
>>> +
>>> void initRefIdx();
>>> void analyseRefIdx(int *numRefIdx);
>>> void updateRefIdx();
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/encoder/frameencoder.cpp
>>> --- a/source/encoder/frameencoder.cpp Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/encoder/frameencoder.cpp Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -713,6 +713,8 @@
>>> sei->m_picStruct = (poc & 1) ? 2 /* bottom */ :
>>> 1 /* top */;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> + else if (m_param->bEnableFrameDuplication)
>>> + sei->m_picStruct = m_frame->m_picStruct;
>>> else
>>> sei->m_picStruct = m_param->pictureStructure;
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/encoder/framefilter.cpp
>>> --- a/source/encoder/framefilter.cpp Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/encoder/framefilter.cpp Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
>>> using namespace X265_NS;
>>> -static uint64_t computeSSD(pixel *fenc, pixel *rec, intptr_t stride,
>>> uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
>>> static float calculateSSIM(pixel *pix1, intptr_t stride1, pixel *pix2,
>>> intptr_t stride2, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, void *buf, uint32_t&
>>> cnt);
>>> namespace X265_NS
>>> @@ -673,7 +672,7 @@
>>> uint32_t width = reconPic->m_picWidth - m_pad[0];
>>> uint32_t height = m_parallelFilter[row].getCUHeight();
>>> - uint64_t ssdY = computeSSD(fencPic->getLumaAddr(cuAddr),
>>> reconPic->getLumaAddr(cuAddr), stride, width, height);
>>> + uint64_t ssdY =
>>> m_frameEncoder->m_top->computeSSD(fencPic->getLumaAddr(cuAddr),
>>> reconPic->getLumaAddr(cuAddr), stride, width, height, m_param);
>>> m_frameEncoder->m_SSDY += ssdY;
>>> if (m_param->internalCsp != X265_CSP_I400)
>>> @@ -682,8 +681,8 @@
>>> width >>= m_hChromaShift;
>>> stride = reconPic->m_strideC;
>>> - uint64_t ssdU = computeSSD(fencPic->getCbAddr(cuAddr),
>>> reconPic->getCbAddr(cuAddr), stride, width, height);
>>> - uint64_t ssdV = computeSSD(fencPic->getCrAddr(cuAddr),
>>> reconPic->getCrAddr(cuAddr), stride, width, height);
>>> + uint64_t ssdU =
>>> m_frameEncoder->m_top->computeSSD(fencPic->getCbAddr(cuAddr),
>>> reconPic->getCbAddr(cuAddr), stride, width, height, m_param);
>>> + uint64_t ssdV =
>>> m_frameEncoder->m_top->computeSSD(fencPic->getCrAddr(cuAddr),
>>> reconPic->getCrAddr(cuAddr), stride, width, height, m_param);
>>> m_frameEncoder->m_SSDU += ssdU;
>>> m_frameEncoder->m_SSDV += ssdV;
>>> @@ -825,71 +824,6 @@
>>> }
>>> }
>>> -static uint64_t computeSSD(pixel *fenc, pixel *rec, intptr_t stride,
>>> uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
>>> -{
>>> - uint64_t ssd = 0;
>>> -
>>> - if ((width | height) & 3)
>>> - {
>>> - /* Slow Path */
>>> - for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; y++)
>>> - {
>>> - for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; x++)
>>> - {
>>> - int diff = (int)(fenc[x] - rec[x]);
>>> - ssd += diff * diff;
>>> - }
>>> -
>>> - fenc += stride;
>>> - rec += stride;
>>> - }
>>> -
>>> - return ssd;
>>> - }
>>> -
>>> - uint32_t y = 0;
>>> -
>>> - /* Consume rows in ever narrower chunks of height */
>>> - for (int size = BLOCK_64x64; size >= BLOCK_4x4 && y < height;
>>> size--)
>>> - {
>>> - uint32_t rowHeight = 1 << (size + 2);
>>> -
>>> - for (; y + rowHeight <= height; y += rowHeight)
>>> - {
>>> - uint32_t y1, x = 0;
>>> -
>>> - /* Consume each row using the largest square blocks
>>> possible */
>>> - if (size == BLOCK_64x64 && !(stride & 31))
>>> - for (; x + 64 <= width; x += 64)
>>> - ssd += primitives.cu[BLOCK_64x64].sse_pp(fenc + x,
>>> stride, rec + x, stride);
>>> -
>>> - if (size >= BLOCK_32x32 && !(stride & 15))
>>> - for (; x + 32 <= width; x += 32)
>>> - for (y1 = 0; y1 + 32 <= rowHeight; y1 += 32)
>>> - ssd += primitives.cu[BLOCK_32x32].sse_pp(fenc
>>> + y1 * stride + x, stride, rec + y1 * stride + x, stride);
>>> -
>>> - if (size >= BLOCK_16x16)
>>> - for (; x + 16 <= width; x += 16)
>>> - for (y1 = 0; y1 + 16 <= rowHeight; y1 += 16)
>>> - ssd += primitives.cu[BLOCK_16x16].sse_pp(fenc
>>> + y1 * stride + x, stride, rec + y1 * stride + x, stride);
>>> -
>>> - if (size >= BLOCK_8x8)
>>> - for (; x + 8 <= width; x += 8)
>>> - for (y1 = 0; y1 + 8 <= rowHeight; y1 += 8)
>>> - ssd += primitives.cu[BLOCK_8x8].sse_pp(fenc +
>>> y1 * stride + x, stride, rec + y1 * stride + x, stride);
>>> -
>>> - for (; x + 4 <= width; x += 4)
>>> - for (y1 = 0; y1 + 4 <= rowHeight; y1 += 4)
>>> - ssd += primitives.cu[BLOCK_4x4].sse_pp(fenc + y1 *
>>> stride + x, stride, rec + y1 * stride + x, stride);
>>> -
>>> - fenc += stride * rowHeight;
>>> - rec += stride * rowHeight;
>>> - }
>>> - }
>>> -
>>> - return ssd;
>>> -}
>>> -
>>> /* Function to calculate SSIM for each row */
>>> static float calculateSSIM(pixel *pix1, intptr_t stride1, pixel *pix2,
>>> intptr_t stride2, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, void *buf, uint32_t& cnt)
>>> {
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/input/y4m.cpp
>>> --- a/source/input/y4m.cpp Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/input/y4m.cpp Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -388,6 +388,7 @@
>>> pic.bitDepth = depth;
>>> pic.framesize = framesize;
>>> pic.height = height;
>>> + pic.width = width;
>>> pic.colorSpace = colorSpace;
>>> pic.stride[0] = width * pixelbytes;
>>> pic.stride[1] = pic.stride[0] >>
>>> x265_cli_csps[colorSpace].width[1];
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/input/yuv.cpp
>>> --- a/source/input/yuv.cpp Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/input/yuv.cpp Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -204,6 +204,7 @@
>>> pic.bitDepth = depth;
>>> pic.framesize = framesize;
>>> pic.height = height;
>>> + pic.width = width;
>>> pic.stride[0] = width * pixelbytes;
>>> pic.stride[1] = pic.stride[0] >>
>>> x265_cli_csps[colorSpace].width[1];
>>> pic.stride[2] = pic.stride[0] >>
>>> x265_cli_csps[colorSpace].width[2];
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/test/regression-tests.txt
>>> --- a/source/test/regression-tests.txt Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/test/regression-tests.txt Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -156,6 +156,7 @@
>>> 720p50_parkrun_ter.y4m,--preset medium --bitrate 400 --hme
>>> ducks_take_off_420_1_720p50.y4m,--preset medium --aq-mode 4 --crf 22
>>> --no-cutree
>>> ducks_take_off_420_1_720p50.y4m,--preset medium --selective-sao 4 --sao
>>> --crf 20
>>> +Traffic_4096x2048_30p.y4m, --preset medium --frame-dup --dup-threshold
>>> 60 --hrd --bitrate 10000 --vbv-bufsize 15000 --vbv-maxrate 12000
>>> # Main12 intraCost overflow bug test
>>> 720p50_parkrun_ter.y4m,--preset medium
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/x265.cpp
>>> --- a/source/x265.cpp Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/x265.cpp Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -541,10 +541,11 @@
>>> return true;
>>> }
>>> - /* Unconditionally accept height/width/csp from file info */
>>> + /* Unconditionally accept height/width/csp/bitDepth from file info
>>> */
>>> param->sourceWidth = info.width;
>>> param->sourceHeight = info.height;
>>> param->internalCsp = info.csp;
>>> + param->sourceBitDepth = info.depth;
>>> /* Accept fps and sar from file info if not specified by user */
>>> if (param->fpsDenom == 0 || param->fpsNum == 0)
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/x265.h
>>> --- a/source/x265.h Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/x265.h Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -455,16 +455,21 @@
>>> * multi pass ratecontrol mode. */
>>> void* rcData;
>>> - uint64_t framesize;
>>> + size_t framesize;
>>> int height;
>>> + int width;
>>> +
>> [PR] Please add new fields in an externally-exposed structure only to the
>> end to ensure backwards compatibility with applications that cannot / don't
>> want to recompile.
>>> // pts is reordered in the order of encoding.
>>> int64_t reorderedPts;
>>> //Dolby Vision RPU metadata
>>> x265_dolby_vision_rpu rpu;
>>> -
>>> +
>>> + //SEI picture structure message
>>> + uint32_t picStruct;
>>> +
>>> int fieldNum;
>>> } x265_picture;
>>> @@ -844,6 +849,9 @@
>>> * Future builds may support 12bit pixels. */
>>> int internalBitDepth;
>>> + /*Input sequence bit depth. It can be either 8bit, 10bit or 12bit.*/
>>> + int sourceBitDepth;
>>> +
>> [PR] Please add new fields in an externally-exposed structure only to the
>> end to ensure backwards compatibility with applications that cannot / don't
>> want to recompile.
>>> /* Color space of internal pictures, must match color space of input
>>> * pictures */
>>> int internalCsp;
>>> @@ -1327,6 +1335,19 @@
>>> * */
>>> int pictureStructure;
>>> + /*
>>> + * Signals picture structure SEI timing message for every frame
>>> + * picture structure 7 is signalled for frame doubling
>>> + * picture structure 8 is signalled for frame tripling
>>> + * */
>>> + int bEnableFrameDuplication;
>>> +
>>> + /*
>>> + * For adaptive frame duplication, a threshold is set above which
>>> the frames are similar.
>>> + * User can set a variable threshold. Default 70.
>>> + * */
>>> + int dupThreshold;
>>> +
>> [PR] Please add new fields in an externally-exposed structure only to the
>> end to ensure backwards compatibility with applications that cannot / don't
>> want to recompile.
>>> struct
>>> {
>>> /* Explicit mode of rate-control, necessary for API users. It
>>> must
>>> diff -r c4b098f973e6 -r fa0d04affb8a source/x265cli.h
>>> --- a/source/x265cli.h Tue Aug 13 10:51:21 2019 +0530
>>> +++ b/source/x265cli.h Fri Sep 13 15:57:26 2019 +0530
>>> @@ -321,6 +321,9 @@
>>> { "hevc-aq", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
>>> { "no-hevc-aq", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
>>> { "qp-adaptation-range", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
>>> + { "frame-dup", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
>>> + { "no-frame-dup", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
>>> + { "dup-threshold", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
>>> #ifdef SVT_HEVC
>>> { "svt", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
>>> { "no-svt", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
>>> @@ -638,6 +641,8 @@
>>> H1(" --recon-depth <integer> Bit-depth of reconstructed raw
>>> image file. Defaults to input bit depth, or 8 if Y4M\n");
>>> H1(" --recon-y4m-exec <string> pipe reconstructed frames to
>>> Y4M viewer, ex:\"ffplay -i pipe:0 -autoexit\"\n");
>>> H0(" --lowpass-dct Use low-pass subband dct
>>> approximation. Default %s\n", OPT(param->bLowPassDct));
>>> + H0(" --[no-]frame-dup Enable Frame duplication.
>>> Default %s\n", OPT(param->bEnableFrameDuplication));
>>> + H0(" --dup-threshold <integer> PSNR threshold for Frame
>>> duplication. Default %d\n", param->dupThreshold);
>>> #ifdef SVT_HEVC
>>> H0(" --[no]svt Enable SVT HEVC encoder %s\n",
>>> OPT(param->bEnableSvtHevc));
>>> H0(" --[no-]svt-hme Enable Hierarchial motion
>>> estimation(HME) in SVT HEVC encoder \n");
>>> _______________________________________________
>> x265-devel mailing list
>> x265-devel at videolan.org
>> https://mailman.videolan.org/listinfo/x265-devel
> _______________________________________________
> x265-devel mailing list
> x265-devel at videolan.org
> https://mailman.videolan.org/listinfo/x265-devel
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