[x265] [warning]: unable to parse mastering display color volume info

Paul Littlefield paully.littlefield at gmail.com
Tue May 26 11:04:55 CEST 2020


Ah, found the problem.

I was reading the HDR metadata in to a series of variables for my script
and missed off the part to strip away unwanted characters...

function readhdrvalues () {
  echo "Reading HDR values..."
  echo $1
  ffprobe -loglevel quiet -read_intervals "%+#2" -select_streams v:0
-show_entries side_data "$1" | egrep -m 1 -A 10 'Mastering display
metadata' | grep -v 'Mastering display metadata' | sed 's/\/.*//g'
  ffprobe -loglevel quiet -read_intervals "%+#2" -select_streams v:0
-show_entries side_data "$1" | egrep -m 1 -A 2 'Content light level
metadata' | grep -v 'Content light level metadata' | sed 's/\/.*//g'
  source /tmp/hdrvalues.txt
  cat /tmp/hdrvalues.txt
  echo "...done."



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