[x265] How is X265_REVISION_ID determined?

Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer contact at ligh.de
Fri Aug 9 15:08:19 UTC 2024

I use to build x265 irregularly but at least after some important 
commits. Now that there is some trouble with the changes in some 
interfaces making x265 incompatible to the current headers in 
libavcodec, based on earlier definitions, I tried to use the build IDs 
saved in x265.rc in the fields FileVersion and ProductVersion.

And I am confused why many of them are completely unrelated to any 
commit ID in x265's source repo. So, where else are they derived from?

The media-autobuild suite uses git to retrieve the sources from 
https://bitbucket.org/multicoreware/x265_git.git which is logged. The 
last logs report (omitting a few lines which contain compiler and linker 
flags which don't belong to git):

++ git rev-parse --git-dir
+ [[ -f .git/shallow ]]
+ unshallow=
+ git fetch --all -Ppft
 From https://bitbucket.org/multicoreware/x265_git
    7afb5179d..1cb70f6b4  master     -> origin/master
+ git remote set-head -a origin
origin/HEAD set to master

vcs_reset origin/HEAD
++ vcs_get_latest_tag origin/HEAD
++ case $1 in
++ false
++ echo origin/HEAD
+ git checkout --no-track -fB ab-suite origin/HEAD
Reset branch 'ab-suite'
+ git log --oneline --no-merges --no-color -n 1
+ tee /dev/null
1cb70f6b4 Fix segmentation fault in linux

And x265.rc contains these attributes:
         VALUE "FileDescription",  "HEVC video encoder"
         VALUE "FileVersion",      "3.6+65-3c3d03746"
         VALUE "InternalName",     "x265"
         VALUE "LegalCopyright",   "Multicoreware: GPLv2 or commercial"
         VALUE "OriginalFilename", "libx265.dll"
         VALUE "ProductName",      "x265"
         VALUE "ProductVersion",   "3.6+65-3c3d03746"

Commit 1cb70f6b4 is listed in the repo's Commits viewer.

3c3d03746 is not known as commit ID, no search results.


Fun and success!

Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
maito:contact at ligh.de

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