[x265] [PATCH] Add new Levels

chen chenm003 at 163.com
Tue Feb 4 23:09:20 UTC 2025

Thank for the revised patch, it looks good to me.

a comment, below code has no problem, however, constant 142606336 in 32-bits range, it is compare without postfix 'ULL'.

+    CHECK((uint64_t)param->sourceWidth * param->sourceHeight > 142606336,



At 2025-02-05 04:09:17, "Richard" <ccc7922 at foxmail.com> wrote:

Here's the new patch.
lumaSamples and maxLumaSamples are now changed back to uint32.
Since the range is now smaller (relatively to uint64), I think allowing override in resolution check with --allow-non-conformance is not safe, so I removed it.
And since the override is removed, the limit is changed to Level 7.2 value to make new levels actually available.
The calculation in the resolution check is kept at uint64, so that the results exceeding uint32 range can be correctly refused.

From:chenchenm003 at 163.com
Sent Time:2025-02-4- 23:06
To:Richardccc7922 at foxmail.com
Cc:Development for x265x265-devel at videolan.org
Subject:Re:Re:Re: [x265] [PATCH] Add new Levels

Thanks, it is my fault, I look into incorrect table.

Now, the only comment is,

-    uint32_t lumaSamples = param.sourceWidth * param.sourceHeight;

-    uint32_t samplesPerSec = (uint32_t)(lumaSamples * ((double)param.fpsNum / param.fpsDenom));

+    uint64_t lumaSamples = param.sourceWidth * param.sourceHeight;

1) unnecessary 64 bits for resolution

2) I double checked output assembly, the statement is (32b * 32b) -> 32b -> 64b, so result is 32 bits.

+    uint64_t samplesPerSec = (uint64_t)(lumaSamples * ((double)param.fpsNum / param.fpsDenom));

we can convert lumaSamples to 64bits here.



At 2025-02-04 20:37:58, "Richard" <ccc7922 at foxmail.com> wrote:

Which should be correct. This is MaxCPB size, MaxBR is in Table A.9.

From:chenchenm003 at 163.com
Sent Time:2025-02-4- 12:10
To:Development for x265x265-devel at videolan.org,ccc7922ccc7922 at foxmail.com
Subject:Re:Re: [x265] [PATCH] Add new Levels


At 2025-02-04 02:07:58, "Richard" <ccc7922 at foxmail.com> wrote:

I think I read the spec (PDF version) correct, but exactly which 240000?

The reason of using uint64 for lumaSamples is that I also changed the resolution check so it can be bypassed by --allow-non-conformance, and the value can potentially exceed uint32.

From:chenchenm003 at 163.com
Sent Time:2025-02-3- 23:47
To:Development for x265x265-devel at videolan.org,ccc7922ccc7922 at foxmail.com
Subject:Re:[x265] [PATCH] Add new Levels

Thank for the patch, I have some comments

From 249a2dd99de9edfd16867430deb0670f35e74941 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

From: Mr-Z-2697 <74594146+Mr-Z-2697 at users.noreply.github.com>

Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 12:35:38 +0800

Subject: [PATCH] Add new Levels

 LevelSpec levels[] =


-    { 36864,    552960,     128,      MAX_UINT, 350,    MAX_UINT, 2, Level::LEVEL1,   "1",   10 },

-    { 122880,   3686400,    1500,     MAX_UINT, 1500,   MAX_UINT, 2, Level::LEVEL2,   "2",   20 },

-    { 245760,   7372800,    3000,     MAX_UINT, 3000,   MAX_UINT, 2, Level::LEVEL2_1, "2.1", 21 },

-    { 552960,   16588800,   6000,     MAX_UINT, 6000,   MAX_UINT, 2, Level::LEVEL3,   "3",   30 },

-    { 983040,   33177600,   10000,    MAX_UINT, 10000,  MAX_UINT, 2, Level::LEVEL3_1, "3.1", 31 },

-    { 2228224,  66846720,   12000,    30000,    12000,  30000,    4, Level::LEVEL4,   "4",   40 },

-    { 2228224,  133693440,  20000,    50000,    20000,  50000,    4, Level::LEVEL4_1, "4.1", 41 },

-    { 8912896,  267386880,  25000,    100000,   25000,  100000,   6, Level::LEVEL5,   "5",   50 },

-    { 8912896,  534773760,  40000,    160000,   40000,  160000,   8, Level::LEVEL5_1, "5.1", 51 },

-    { 8912896,  1069547520, 60000,    240000,   60000,  240000,   8, Level::LEVEL5_2, "5.2", 52 },

-    { 35651584, 1069547520, 60000,    240000,   60000,  240000,   8, Level::LEVEL6,   "6",   60 },

-    { 35651584, 2139095040, 120000,   480000,   120000, 480000,   8, Level::LEVEL6_1, "6.1", 61 },

-    { 35651584, 4278190080U, 240000,  800000,   240000, 800000,   6, Level::LEVEL6_2, "6.2", 62 },

-    { MAX_UINT, MAX_UINT, MAX_UINT, MAX_UINT, MAX_UINT, MAX_UINT, 1, Level::LEVEL8_5, "8.5", 85 },

+    { 36864,      552960,         128,      MAX_UINT, 350,     MAX_UINT, 2, Level::LEVEL1,   "1",   10 },

+    { 122880,     3686400,        1500,     MAX_UINT, 1500,    MAX_UINT, 2, Level::LEVEL2,   "2",   20 },

+    { 245760,     7372800,        3000,     MAX_UINT, 3000,    MAX_UINT, 2, Level::LEVEL2_1, "2.1", 21 },

+    { 552960,     16588800,       6000,     MAX_UINT, 6000,    MAX_UINT, 2, Level::LEVEL3,   "3",   30 },

+    { 983040,     33177600,       10000,    MAX_UINT, 10000,   MAX_UINT, 2, Level::LEVEL3_1, "3.1", 31 },

+    { 2228224,    66846720,       12000,    30000,    12000,   30000,    4, Level::LEVEL4,   "4",   40 },

+    { 2228224,    133693440,      20000,    50000,    20000,   50000,    4, Level::LEVEL4_1, "4.1", 41 },

+    { 8912896,    267386880,      25000,    100000,   25000,   100000,   6, Level::LEVEL5,   "5",   50 },

+    { 8912896,    534773760,      40000,    160000,   40000,   160000,   8, Level::LEVEL5_1, "5.1", 51 },

+    { 8912896,    1069547520,     60000,    240000,   60000,   240000,   8, Level::LEVEL5_2, "5.2", 52 },

+    { 35651584,   1069547520,     60000,    240000,   60000,   240000,   8, Level::LEVEL6,   "6",   60 },

+    { 35651584,   2139095040,     120000,   480000,   120000,  480000,   8, Level::LEVEL6_1, "6.1", 61 },

+    { 35651584,   4278190080U,    240000,   800000,   240000,  800000,   6, Level::LEVEL6_2, "6.2", 62 },

+    { 80216064,   4812963840ULL,  320000,   1600000,  240000,  1600000,  6, Level::LEVEL6_3, "6.3", 63 },

+    { 142606336,  4812963840ULL,  320000,   1600000,  240000,  1600000,  6, Level::LEVEL7,   "7",   70 },

mismatch to HEVC spec, 240000?


 static inline int _confirm(x265_param* param, bool bflag, const char* message)

@@ -152,8 +156,8 @@ void determineLevel(const x265_param &param, VPS& vps)

         vps.ptl.profileCompatibilityFlag[Profile::MAINSCC] = true;



-    uint32_t lumaSamples = param.sourceWidth * param.sourceHeight;

-    uint32_t samplesPerSec = (uint32_t)(lumaSamples * ((double)param.fpsNum / param.fpsDenom));

+    uint64_t lumaSamples = param.sourceWidth * param.sourceHeight;

Maximum picture size is 142,606,336, it is in 32-bits range

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