[x265] [PATCH v3 5/5] Unroll C implementation of pelFilterChroma_H

Micro Daryl Robles microdaryl.robles at arm.com
Tue Feb 18 14:10:28 UTC 2025

Unrolling improves performance by 7-9% on Arm Neoverse server platforms.
 source/common/loopfilter.cpp | 67 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/common/loopfilter.cpp b/source/common/loopfilter.cpp
index 9e3fe5aea..d378fa9b2 100644
--- a/source/common/loopfilter.cpp
+++ b/source/common/loopfilter.cpp
@@ -154,27 +154,6 @@ static void pelFilterLumaStrong_c(pixel* src, intptr_t srcStep, intptr_t offset,
-/* Deblocking of one line/column for the chrominance component
-* \param src     pointer to picture data
-* \param offset  offset value for picture data
-* \param tc      tc value
-* \param maskP   indicator to disable filtering on partP
-* \param maskQ   indicator to disable filtering on partQ */
-static void pelFilterChroma_c(pixel* src, intptr_t srcStep, intptr_t offset, int32_t tc, int32_t maskP, int32_t maskQ)
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < UNIT_SIZE; i++, src += srcStep)
-    {
-        int16_t m4 = (int16_t)src[0];
-        int16_t m3 = (int16_t)src[-offset];
-        int16_t m5 = (int16_t)src[offset];
-        int16_t m2 = (int16_t)src[-offset * 2];
-        int32_t delta = x265_clip3(-tc, tc, ((((m4 - m3) * 4) + m2 - m5 + 4) >> 3));
-        src[-offset]  = x265_clip(m3 + (delta & maskP));
-        src[0]        = x265_clip(m4 - (delta & maskQ));
-    }
 void pelFilterChroma_V_c(pixel *src, intptr_t srcStep, intptr_t offset, int32_t tc,
                          int32_t maskP, int32_t maskQ)
@@ -219,6 +198,50 @@ void pelFilterChroma_V_c(pixel *src, intptr_t srcStep, intptr_t offset, int32_t
     src[3 * srcStep + 0] = x265_clip(m4 - (delta & maskQ));
+void pelFilterChroma_H_c(pixel *src, intptr_t srcStep, intptr_t offset, int32_t tc,
+                         int32_t maskP, int32_t maskQ)
+    X265_CHECK(srcStep == 1, "srcStep value must be 1 for Chroma Horizontal\n");
+    (void)srcStep;
+    int16_t m2 = (int16_t)src[0 - offset * 2];
+    int16_t m3 = (int16_t)src[0 - offset * 1];
+    int16_t m4 = (int16_t)src[0 + offset * 0];
+    int16_t m5 = (int16_t)src[0 + offset * 1];
+    int32_t delta = x265_clip3(-tc, tc, ((m4 - m3) * 4 + m2 - m5 + 4) >> 3);
+    src[0 - offset * 1] = x265_clip(m3 + (delta & maskP));
+    src[0 + offset * 0] = x265_clip(m4 - (delta & maskQ));
+    m2 = (int16_t)src[1 - offset * 2];
+    m3 = (int16_t)src[1 - offset * 1];
+    m4 = (int16_t)src[1 + offset * 0];
+    m5 = (int16_t)src[1 + offset * 1];
+    delta = x265_clip3(-tc, tc, ((m4 - m3) * 4 + m2 - m5 + 4) >> 3);
+    src[1 - offset * 1] = x265_clip(m3 + (delta & maskP));
+    src[1 + offset * 0] = x265_clip(m4 - (delta & maskQ));
+    m2 = (int16_t)src[2 - offset * 2];
+    m3 = (int16_t)src[2 - offset * 1];
+    m4 = (int16_t)src[2 + offset * 0];
+    m5 = (int16_t)src[2 + offset * 1];
+    delta = x265_clip3(-tc, tc, ((m4 - m3) * 4 + m2 - m5 + 4) >> 3);
+    src[2 - offset * 1] = x265_clip(m3 + (delta & maskP));
+    src[2 + offset * 0] = x265_clip(m4 - (delta & maskQ));
+    m2 = (int16_t)src[3 - offset * 2];
+    m3 = (int16_t)src[3 - offset * 1];
+    m4 = (int16_t)src[3 + offset * 0];
+    m5 = (int16_t)src[3 + offset * 1];
+    delta = x265_clip3(-tc, tc, ((m4 - m3) * 4 + m2 - m5 + 4) >> 3);
+    src[3 - offset * 1] = x265_clip(m3 + (delta & maskP));
+    src[3 + offset * 0] = x265_clip(m4 - (delta & maskQ));
 namespace X265_NS {
@@ -238,6 +261,6 @@ void setupLoopFilterPrimitives_c(EncoderPrimitives &p)
     p.pelFilterLumaStrong[0] = pelFilterLumaStrong_c;
     p.pelFilterLumaStrong[1] = pelFilterLumaStrong_c;
     p.pelFilterChroma[0]     = pelFilterChroma_V_c;
-    p.pelFilterChroma[1]     = pelFilterChroma_c;
+    p.pelFilterChroma[1]     = pelFilterChroma_H_c;

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