[x265] [PATCH] aarch64/pixel-util.S: Optimize scanPosLast_neon

George Steed george.steed at arm.com
Fri Mar 7 16:41:05 UTC 2025

Improve the implementation and clean up comments, in particular:

* The exiting code makes use of XTN + XTN2 to narrow data from 16-bits
  to 8-bits. UZP1 does this in a single instruction.

* The existing code makes use of v31 as a zero vector to allow using
  CMHI for a != 0 comparison. Use CMEQ as a == 0 comparison instead and
  just adjust the surrounding logic to work with the negated condition
  to avoid the need for a zero vector.

* The existing code makes use of repeated ADDV + vector MOV to reduce
  sums. We can use ADDP to incrementally sum both masks simutaneously
  which performs better on some micro-architectures.

* Rather than calculating the popcount of the reduced mask, we can
  instead just sum the mask. This takes advantage of the fact that CMEQ
  sets "true" elements to all 1s, which is equivalent to -1 in binary.
  This means that a single ADDV on the mask gives us the negated
  popcount directly.

Taken together these changes reduce the runtime of the scanPosLast_neon
kernel by 20-35% depending on the micro-architecture and the parameters
the function is called with.
 source/common/aarch64/pixel-util.S | 94 +++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/common/aarch64/pixel-util.S b/source/common/aarch64/pixel-util.S
index d8b3f4365..6635e52b1 100644
--- a/source/common/aarch64/pixel-util.S
+++ b/source/common/aarch64/pixel-util.S
@@ -2213,27 +2213,25 @@ endfunc
 //     const uint16_t* scanCG4x4, // x6
 //     const int trSize)          // x7
 function PFX(scanPosLast_neon)
-    // convert unit of Stride(trSize) to int16_t
+    // Convert unit of trSize stride from elements (int16) to bytes.
     add             x7, x7, x7
-    // load scan table and convert to Byte
+    // Load scan table and convert to bytes.
     ldp             q0, q1, [x6]
-    xtn             v0.8b, v0.8h
-    xtn2            v0.16b, v1.8h   // v0 - Zigzag scan table
+    uzp1            v0.16b, v0.16b, v1.16b  // v0 - Zigzag scan table
     movrel          x10, g_SPL_and_mask
-    ldr             q28, [x10]      // v28 = mask for pmovmskb
-    movi            v31.16b, #0     // v31 = {0, ..., 0}
-    add             x10, x7, x7     // 2*x7
-    add             x11, x10, x7    // 3*x7
-    add             x9, x4, #1      // CG count
-    // position of current CG
+    ldr             q28, [x10]              // v28 = mask for pmovmskb
+    add             x10, x7, x7             // 2*x7
+    add             x11, x7, x7, lsl #1     // 3*x7
+    add             x9, x4, #1              // CG count
+    // Position of current CG.
     ldrh            w6, [x0], #32
     add             x6, x1, x6, lsl #1
-    // loading current CG
+    // Loading current CG and saturate to bytes.
     ldr             d2, [x6]
     ldr             d3, [x6, x7]
     ldr             d4, [x6, x10]
@@ -2243,69 +2241,61 @@ function PFX(scanPosLast_neon)
     sqxtn           v2.8b, v2.8h
     sqxtn2          v2.16b, v4.8h
-    // Zigzag
+    // Apply zigzag.
     tbl             v3.16b, {v2.16b}, v0.16b
-    // get sign
-    cmhi            v5.16b, v3.16b, v31.16b   // v5 = non-zero
-    cmlt            v3.16b, v3.16b, #0        // v3 = negative
+    // Get zero/sign.
+    cmeq            v5.16b, v3.16b, #0   // v5 = zero
+    cmlt            v3.16b, v3.16b, #0   // v3 = negative
-    // val - w13 = pmovmskb(v3)
+    //  val: w13 = pmovmskb(v3)
+    // mask: w15 = pmovmskb(v4)
     and             v3.16b, v3.16b, v28.16b
-    mov             d4, v3.d[1]
-    addv            b23, v3.8b
-    addv            b24, v4.8b
-    mov             v23.b[1], v24.b[0]
-    fmov            w13, s23
-    // mask - w15 = pmovmskb(v5)
-    and             v5.16b, v5.16b, v28.16b
-    mov             d6, v5.d[1]
-    addv            b25, v5.8b
-    addv            b26, v6.8b
-    mov             v25.b[1], v26.b[0]
-    fmov            w15, s25
+    bic             v4.16b, v28.16b, v5.16b
+    addp            v3.16b, v3.16b, v4.16b
+    addp            v3.16b, v3.16b, v3.16b
+    addp            v3.16b, v3.16b, v3.16b
+    fmov            w13, s3
+    lsr             w15, w13, #16
+    // coeffNum = addv(v3 != 0) = 16 - addv(v5)
+    addv            b5, v5.16b
+    smov            w6, v5.b[0]
+    add             w6, w6, #16
+    sub             x5, x5, x6
+    strb            w6, [x4], #1
     // coeffFlag = reverse_bit(w15) in 16-bit
-    rbit            w12, w15
-    lsr             w12, w12, #16
-    fmov            s30, w12
+    rbit            w12, w13
+    and             w12, w12, #0xffff
     strh            w12, [x3], #2
-    // accelerate by preparing w13 = w13 & w15
+    // Pack bits from w13 into w14, based on w15 mask.
     and             w13, w13, w15
     mov             x14, xzr
-    cbz             w15, .pext_end
+    cbz             w15, 3f
     clz             w6, w15
     lsl             w13, w13, w6
     lsl             w15, w15, w6
     extr            w14, w14, w13, #31
-    bfm             w15, wzr, #1, #0
-    b               .Loop_spl_1
+    bfc             w15, #31, #1
+    cbnz            w15, 2b
     strh            w14, [x2], #2
-    // compute coeffNum = popcount(coeffFlag)
-    cnt             v30.8b, v30.8b
-    addp            v30.8b, v30.8b, v30.8b
-    fmov            w6, s30
-    sub             x5, x5, x6
-    strb            w6, [x4], #1
-    cbnz            x5, .Loop_spl
+    cbnz            x5, 1b
-    // count trailing zeros
+    // Count trailing zeros.
     rbit            w13, w12
     clz             w13, w13
     lsr             w12, w12, w13
     strh            w12, [x3, #-2]
-    // get last pos
+    // Get last pos.
     sub             x9, x4, x9
-    lsl             x0, x9, #4
     eor             w13, w13, #15
-    add             x0, x0, x13
+    add             x0, x13, x9, lsl #4

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