[Android] Network caching setter does nothing?

Edward Wang edward.c.wang at compdigitec.com
Sat Feb 22 20:49:17 CET 2014

On 2014-02-22 14:42, Jorge Suárez de Lis <yo at jorgesuarezdelis.name> wrote:
> I'm having a problem with libvlc for Android. The method 
> setNetworkCaching seems to do nothing. Even when I set the network 
> caching to 20000 (that's 20000ms, I guess), the player starts 
> inmediately. There is no difference at all from 1000 or 5000.

Well, it does the same thing that --network-caching would do on desktop 
VLC. See the documentation for it:

       --network-caching <integer [0 .. 60000]>
                                  Network caching (ms)

In your case I'm not sure what's going on. Does it do the same with the 
same stream on desktop VLC?

         Edward Wang

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