[streaming] streaming a v4l device

Spiceland, Michael D. Mr. RTTC Michael.Spiceland at rttc.army.mil
Wed Aug 13 23:34:28 CEST 2003

I trying to get vls working to stream a v4l stream.  We are evaluation
several options for streaming live video for a project here.  It sure would
be neat to be able to use a Linux box with VideoLan instead of using one of
the other options (really expensive Cisco and other brands' dedicated
hardware solution).

I'm having the same problem as other's are reporting about getting a "input
type "v4l" input invalid.  I followed the developer CVS links to download

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at anoncvs.videolan.org:/var/cvs/videolan login
cvs -z 3 -d :pserver:anonymous at cvs.videolan.org:/cvs/videolan checkout -P -r
v0_5_0 vls

After that, I basically used the instructions in the HOWTO under

I'm not all that familiar with CVS.  Can someone give me the correct CVS
options to download a version that has working v4l support?  Also, for a
unicast v4l stream for highest quality video would vlc or vls give better
results?  I couldn't get 0.6.1 vlc to recognize v4l either :-(

Thanks in advance,
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