[streaming] Re: vlc 0.8.2 rtsp streaming problem using darwin server - does not quit

Huang Zhiteng shhky at ict.ac.cn
Thu Sep 1 04:23:57 CEST 2005

Hi Yuvraj,
  Do you want to use VLC to stream a video or play a video?  I have the
same requirement if you were streaming video.  This is how I do it:
 vlc file_to_stream vlc:quit --sout #duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,
mux=ts, url=[xx.xx.xx.xx]:xx}}
  Hope this can do some help.

> I have a question about vlc with Darwin 
> streaming server & live.com and was wondering if 
> you could help me out with it.
> I am using vlc- and have 
> compiled it from sources. I also used 
> the live.com tarball from the live.com site 
> (live.2005.08.26.tar.tar) to compile 
> vlc with live.com support. 
> I have the command line version of vlc now working.
> I need to use vlc to play an rtsp stream and then 
> quit immediately. Unfortunately vlc plays the rtsp 
> stream fine but then does not quit - it continuously 
> spits out a message.. : 
>      TaskInterrupt 
>      TaskInterrupt
>      .
> I tried putting a vlc:quit after the rtsp file name 
> but it did not work. Any advice is appreciated.
> Thanks
> Yuvraj 

Huang Zhiteng <shhky at ict.ac.cn>
Information Network Lab
Institute of Computing Technology(ICT)
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tel: (86-10) 6256 5533-9225

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