[streaming] Meaning of i_pts_delay

Christophe Mutricy xtophe at nxtelevision.com
Fri Sep 14 17:21:26 CEST 2007

>    Another question is regarding vlc's support for dynamically loadable
>    modules as stated in the developer documentation? Could someone please
>    elaborate on this? Does vlc load any kernel modules dynamically?

VLC has a modular architecture. So when you ask him to play an url, it
will try to load a module to access the stream, another module to demux
it, another to decode and another to display it. They all have to be VLC
modules. no relation with the kernel at all.
What makes an vlc module are the bits between vlc_module_begin(); and
vlc_module_end() where you declare name, configuration options, type of
module  and what functions are to be called when you load and unload the



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