[Translators] Help to translate the VLC Skin Editor
Myckel Habets
myckel at sdf.lonestar.org
Sun Feb 8 19:38:46 CET 2009
Hello Daniel,
Here is the Dutch translation for the VLC skin editor.
On Thu, 22 Jan 2009 11:11:55 +0100
Daniel Dreibrodt <daniel.dreibrodt at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Version 0.8 of the VLC Skin Editor
> <http://www.videolan.org/vlc/skineditor.html> will include
> multi-language support and I plan to release it soon.
> Download 0.8.0.dev (Development build)
> * Windows: Setup
> <http://d-gfx.kognetwork.ch/VLC/skineditor/VLCSkinEditor_0_8_dev_setup.exe>
> * Windows: ZIP
> <http://d-gfx.kognetwork.ch/VLC/skineditor/VLCSkinEditor_0_8_dev_w32.zip>
> * Linux/Unix: tar.gz
> <http://d-gfx.kognetwork.ch/VLC/skineditor/VLCSkinEditor_0_8_dev_unix.tar.gz>
> I need your help so that it gets translated into more languages. Here
> is a HowTo on translation for the Skin Editor:
> How to translate
> All language files are in the lang folder. Each language file is
> encoded in UTF-8 and that has to be the encoding of any new language
> file you create as otherwise non-latin characters will not be
> displayed correctly.
> The file languages.txt tells the program about available languages. It
> contains entries in the following formate, one entry per line:
> ISO language code|English name of the language|Language file
> So start by adding a new line for the language you want to translate
> to. e.g.
> fr|French|fr.txt
> Copy the English language file (or that of any other language you
> understand best), and rename it to the name you specified in
> languages.txt.
> Now start editing the copied language file.
> In most places you find helpful comments, started by a # at the
> beginning of the line, explaining the following entries.
> Each entry consists of the String ID followed by a | and then the
> translated text.
> To create line breaks in the translated text write \n
> In some entries you can use variables which are a % followed by the
> variable name, e.g. %i for an ID.
> Also Some entries may contain HTML formatted text, in order that this
> works the translated string has to begin with <html> and end with
> </html>.
> I hope you understand how to translate for the Skin Editor through
> this short information. If you have any questions just post them in
> this thread.
> If you want to do a translation post it in the forums
> (http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=54810) and if you're
> finished please send the language file along with the name of the
> language to skin-designer at videolan.org
> <mailto:skin-designer at videolan.org>
> Already available languages are:
> * English
> * German
> Thanks, Daniel.
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