[Translators] Basque revisited

Julen Ruiz Aizpuru julenx at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 08:37:02 CET 2012

ar., 2012.eko azaren 20a 04:29(e)an, Edward Wang(e)k idatzi zuen:
> Hello translators,
> The cold war between the Basque translators seems to continue on, with
> both sides ignoring each other as always. Previous communications at [1]
> and [2] seemed to have little effect.
> Recently on this list, both of the Basque translators sent a VLC Android
> translation. So I took the liberty of seeing just how different the
> files were (you can find them attached to this mail).
> The results is that they are quite significantly different. A few of the
> lines both translators agree on, such as "Hobespenak" for preferences,
> "Honi buruz" for about, and "Pausatu" for pause. Most of the lines
> however differ by quite a bit, as evident if you look under a diff.
> It would help to see what the difference actually means in terms of
> vocabulary, etc and if the translators would speak up instead of playing
> the cold war game.

I thought things were quite clear since July, but apparently they aren't?

Sorry, but I'm not playing cold war games and I don't pretend to, 
specially because I'm not interested in and have no time for that.

I offered facts and evidences in the previous messages you linked. The 
responses to any offerings have been words in the line of "my work is 
the best, I'm not working with anyone". Hard to ignore.

If you want to get a broader picture, don't just compare the files 
between them but also compare the source of the differing terms with 
already existing translations in the FOSS & non-FOSS world:

That will give you a better grasp of the use of our language in software 


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