[Translators] Alternative translation for words muxer, demuxer?

Marián Hikaník podnety at mojepreklady.net
Thu Jun 26 16:49:04 CEST 2014

I was informed by user, that SK translation for VLC contains two words, that are not official standardized in the Slovak language. Everybody 
undestands it, but nobody standardized it. :-)   I could use alternative translations for these words, but I am not sure, if the alternative 
translation will have the same meaning, if is here the same function...

Problematic words are "muxer" and "demuxer" and here are my two questions:
- As muxer (now translated as "muxér") is denoted multiplexer?
- As demuxer (now translated as “demuxér) is denoted demultiplexer?

If yes, I can use an alternative translation for these words, the words can be then translated as "multiplexor" and "demultiplexor" (in 
Slovak language). This could be better solution, because these words are standardized in Slovak language. But if the meaning is not the 
same, I will not change translation for these words, of course.
Could you please inform me, if will be this change OK from developer´s and functional point of view? Thank you in advance. Best regards,

Marián Hikaník

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