[vlc-devel] Re: [Announcement] jvlc 0.0.6 released

Filippo Carone filippo at carone.org
Tue Jun 6 17:55:48 CEST 2006

Kuldipsingh Pabla ha scritto:
> Thanx Filippo,
> I'll give it a try today it self and get back to you if I run into any 
> issues. Is there a readme or changes file that talks about new API?

Take a look at org/videolan/*Intf.java to see the available APIs. 
There's a new class, called Status, which keeps an eye on the playlist 
and checks if there's an input running or not. So you may check in this way:

if ( jvlc.status.inputPlaying ) {
   here you are sure an input is really going on

if ( jvlc.status.inputVout ) {
   here you are sure an input has a video output window

The Status class is a threads which runs as soon as the JVLC class is 


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