[vlc-devel] Can't compile 1.0.5

Sumit Aggarwal sumit.aggarwal at vvdntech.com
Wed Mar 31 07:29:23 CEST 2010

Hello Jacques Boileau,

I'm facing same problem as you. But after copying gcc 4.4.2 I'm still getting 
Udefined reference for SjLjs.

In fact "gcc --version" and "g++ --version" returns 4.4.2.

Can you tell what extra changes you did to solve the problem?

Can you give exact version of contribs?

I'm using "contrib-20100109-win32-bin-gcc-4.4.2-runtime-3.17-only.tar"

from link http://people.videolan.org/~jb/Contribs/



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