[vlc-devel] ANLoc Localisation Project

Ibraahiima SAAR ibrahima.sarr at pulaagu.com
Wed May 25 11:43:51 CEST 2011

I downloaded the Fulah file and I am working on it right now. Wow!! All
those strings marked "fuzzy"!! I noticed that many translations have nothing
to do with the original string. Is is because strings have changed?
Anyway work is in progress for Fulah and I hope to finish it as soon as

Ibrahima SARR
Fulah team

2011/5/20 Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at chewa.net>

> Hello,
> On Fri, Apr 22, 11 at 17:48 +0000, Jojoo Imbeah wrote:
> > af - Afrikaans
> > ach - Acholi
> > am - Ahmaric
> > cgg - Chiga
> > lg - Luganda
> > zu - Zulu
> I have eventually merged these in Git.
> However, it appears that some strings change slightly since you generate
> mini_vlc.pot (some = 1148).
> So these 1148 strings are marked as fuzzy at the moment.
> So what would ve very good is that each translator download his .po from
> http://git.videolan.org/?p=vlc/vlc-1.1.git;a=tree;f=po  (by clicking on
> raw), review the strings marked as fuzzy, and send me or put the file
> online and send us the link.
> As fuzzy strings don't appear in VLC, there is only 1240 strings
> translated from mini_vlc.pot, so it's a bit just to activate the
> translations.
> Once review and fix of fuzzy strings is done, there will be 2400 strings
> and it will be good to activate
> Regards,
> --
> Xtophe
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