[vlc-devel] [PATCH 2/2] LUA: AirPlay target support

Brendon Justin brendonjustin at gmail.com
Wed Feb 29 04:02:46 CET 2012


> Hello,
>> >  @@ -123,6 +123,12 @@ static char *MakeConfig( intf_thread_t *p_intf, const char *name )
>> >                free( psz_rc_host );
>> >            }
>> >        }
>> >  +#ifdef __APPLE__
>> >  +    else if( !strcmp( name, "airplay" ) )
>> >  +    {
>> >  +        asprintf(&psz_config, "airplay" );
>> >  +    }
>> >  +#endif
> I fail to see what this achieves. MakeConfig() is useful for including
> configuration variables into the lua script config, but apparently you
> have none.

I did have a config option before, but I took it out (setting the port 
on the HTTP server the interface uses).  I left that in case I could add 
it back, but did not see a way to do so.  I will remove it.

On the same note, if there is any way to set the port for the HTTP 
server just for this, I would like to know.  I only know how to change 
it via the command-line arguments as for the LUA HTTP interface.

>> >  +#ifdef __APPLE__
>> >  +    add_submodule ()
>> >  +        set_section( N_("Lua AirPlay"), 0 )
>> >  +        set_capability( "interface", 0 )
>> >  +        set_callbacks( Open_LuaAirplay, Close_LuaIntf )
>> >  +        set_description( N_("Lua AirPlay") )
>> >  +        add_shortcut( "luaairplay", "airplay" )
>> >  +#endif
> I don't think that the lua-prepended shortcut "luaairplay" is very
> useful for a novelty.

I was copying the other interfaces.  I will remove 'luaairplay' since it 
is of no use.

>> >  +--[==========================================================================[
>> >  +Configuration options:
>> >  + * none (port must be passed as a command-line argument to VLC)
>> >  +--]==========================================================================]
>> >  [...]
>> >  +if config then
>> >  +    if config.host then
>> >  +        vlc.msg.err("\""..config.host.."\" HTTP host ignored")
>> >  +        local port = string.match(config.host, ":(%d+)[^]]*$")
>> >  +        vlc.msg.info("Pass --http-host=IP "..(port and "and --http-port="..port.." " or "").."on the command line instead.")
>> >  +    end
>> >  +end
> This is useless since you have no config variable (and never had any
> since the script is new).
Another part I missed removing after I took out the config options.  
Will remove.
> Also what does this interface do exactly? I haven't had time to read it
> all but I share R?mi's concerns about expanding the lua API.
The interface is for showing a video from an iPhone/iPod touch/iPad on a 
computer through VLC.  For example, I could have a video on YouTube open 
on my phone, then switch to showing it on VLC and pause/seek from my 
phone.  It is useful when I want to watch a video that I have up on my 
phone, but on a bigger screen.  I think a lot of people would use it if 
it is in VLC, but I only know that I find it useful.

Advertising the service using Bonjour is necessary for devices to see 
it, and I did not find any other way to start advertising when the 
interface is started.  As I said in my last message, I hope to change 
the current method to a general interface for Bonjour and an interface 
for Avahi.  I will hold off on doing so if there are concerns about the 

Brendon Justin

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