[vlc-devel] Set of configure patches

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at remlab.net
Tue Jan 13 20:33:43 CET 2015

Le 2015-01-13 15:41, Martell Malone a écrit :
> Attached are 3 patches that enhance building for windows with
> configure.ac [1]
> 1. Search for freeaddrinfo in SOCKET_LIBS
> This patch was created by Ray Donnelly who I have CCd in this email.

This patch makes no sense. If defines a macro that is not used 
anywhere. I expect its only effect will be to break the OS/2 build.

> 2. Search for pollfd incase we are building for a target beyond
> windows xp.

There is already code for this, so this patch is either redundant or 

> 3. localtime_r and gmtime_r are now defined as inline in mingw64 and
> are behind a guard _POSIX this patch fixes their discovery.

So fix mingw64? No ways we had kilometers of copy paste code like this 
because they abuse inlines.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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