[vlc-devel] [PATCH 2/8] modules/stream_extractor: added libarchive extractor

Filip Roséen filip at atch.se
Tue Jan 24 03:38:22 CET 2017

Hi again,

On 2017-01-23 15:58, Filip Roséen wrote:

> > > +    uint8_t buffer[ 8096 ];
> > 
> > Any reason for this value?
> Other than being `2^N` and a reasonable size in terms of buffering,
> not really. Do you have some other buffer size in mind?

I just got an email from *Nick Briggs* that noted that `8096` of
course isn't `2^N`, the value should be `8192` for the reasoning to
make sense.

I honestly did not notice the typo related to `4096` and `8192`,
though I will reply with a revised patch shortly (that includes the
necessary change in question).

Best Regards,\
Filip Roséen
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