[vlc-devel] Some commits have disappeared
Rémi Denis-Courmont
remi at remlab.net
Tue Nov 17 13:15:36 CET 2020
1) I have yet to see any outrageous actions.
2) My will to take responsibility for something is my prerogative. I think it is normal considering that I asked for that thing in the first place. I don't understand and I don't really care why you have a problem with it.
3) You have all but refused to revert considering your statements in response to my revert requests.
4) It was supposed to happen because you violated the review rules.
Now I'm surprised that there was no message in vlc-commits and #videolan if somebody indeed force-pushed. IIRC, that used to happen, and you'd know who did it from the commiter field.
Now I'm left assuming somebody did it because I asked, and it makes sense for me to take responsibility then. Or maybr it was just a mismanipulation from me or someone else.
Le 17 novembre 2020 13:49:58 GMT+02:00, Steve Lhomme <robux4 at ycbcr.xyz> a écrit :
>On 2020-11-17 12:31, Rémi Denis-Courmont wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Considering that I asked to revert, there was notice. You can argue
>> semantics whether that's quite a notice or not. You can argue thay
>> revert and removal are different (though I think removal is better
>> possible). And as I said, I will take responsibility for both of
>> inconsistencies.
>You shouldn't take responsibility for someone else's outrageous
>> But you're being contradictory. Steve has refused to revert. Can't
>I never refused it. I never even had the time to do it. I only noticed
>the commits where gone when Romain mentioned it on Monday.
>> exactly blame a revert that was supposed to happen. This is just
>How can you come to the conclusion it was supposed to happen. You don't
>decide for everyone else, starting with me. At the very least it should
>have been discussed. And we did continue the discussion on the patches.
>I have no problem with that.
>> diverting attention from the real issue of a certain developer's
>> attitude to code review.
>> (And I don't think I ever ignored code review on core since it's been
>> made mandatory. I specifically went through code review for all the
>> parts of the YT-DL work.)
>> Le 17 novembre 2020 13:18:37 GMT+02:00, Thomas Guillem
><thomas at gllm.fr>
>> a écrit :
>> On Tue, Nov 17, 2020, at 12:01, Rémi Denis-Courmont wrote:
>>> Those patches had no rights to merged and I correctly asked for
>>> them to be removed.
>> It already happened in the past: problem of communication,
>> to patch that is pushed but should not have to. This is not a CoC
>> violation, it's a developing error / ML incomprehension. When it
>> happens, we generally ask for a revert and the developer
>> fix his commits or revert them. There is no need to push force
>> that situation occurs.
>>> Thanks to whomever did it.
>>> I find your false accusations of outrageous and in violation of
>>> the CoC. The one who violated the rules is Steve.
>> Which accusations are outrageous? I don't think I accused anyone.
>>> And then he insulted me on top.
>>> Le 17 novembre 2020 12:00:49 GMT+02:00, Thomas Guillem
>>> <thomas at gllm.fr> a écrit :
>>> Ping.
>>> Somebody push --forced without notifying us on the ML. This
>>> a CoC violation or a security issue.
>>> https://wiki.videolan.org/Code_of_Conduct/
>>> <https://wiki.videolan.org/Code_of_Conduct/>
>>> "Do NOT delete another developer's commit without approval
>>> using push --force."
>>> On Mon, Nov 16, 2020, at 11:10, Romain Vimont wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When I git-pulled this morning, it refused:
>>> fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting.
>>> Some commits I retrieved previously have been removed
>>> the master
>>> branch:
>>> $ git log --oneline origin/master..master
>>> e326d846bf (master) decoder: make sure decoder updates
>>> enough
>>> output pictures
>>> 270d501bf3 video_output: change the deinterlacing filter
>>> before
>>> displaying the picture
>>> 9591771a6b video_output: allow changing the interlacing
>>> mode while
>>> locked
>>> 3d0e4ebb14 video_output: get rid of the internal
>>> "deinterlace-needed" variable
>>> 05acaa1e45 video_output: let the deinterlacing code
>>> vout_thread_interlacing_t
>>> ebbbdf7d83 video_output: use a separate structure for
>>> deinterlacing state
>>> 14588c7d06 video_output: change the filters before
>>> checking for
>>> late frames
>>> d4c036a5f3 video_output: allow flushing filters without
>>> flusing the
>>> displayed.current
>>> 3d13aad3b4 video_output: keep the displayed.current in
>>> frame by
>>> frame if next is not ready
>>> b7503cbfec video_output: move up a test on NULL
>>> displayed.current
>>> 42011517f3 video_output: don't use displayed.next in
>>> by frame
>>> mode
>>> 9eb231ed0d libvlc: set a name on the medialist seek
>>> d6f0a4215a modules: set names to threads created in
>>> 2415cec16a core: set names to threads created in the
>>> 5bc16beec1 thread: add a function to give names to
>>> Was it on purpose?
>>> Regards
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>>> --
>>> Envoyé de mon appareil Android avec Courriel K-9 Mail. Veuillez
>>> excuser ma brièveté.
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>> --
>> Envoyé de mon appareil Android avec Courriel K-9 Mail. Veuillez
>> ma brièveté.
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Envoyé de mon appareil Android avec Courriel K-9 Mail. Veuillez excuser ma brièveté.
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