Fw: is this project alive?

Samuel Hocevar sam at via.ecp.fr
Wed Oct 11 10:10:22 CEST 2000

On Wed, Oct 11, 2000, bharat  tewari wrote:

> well i don't know whether this project is still alive or not but i
> have a question.

   The project is still alive, but as the new term has just started
here, we first have to organize a bit as to which students will do what
(it's mostly a school project, and we have to deal with a few additional

> when i tried using the vlc (vlc-0.1.99i) i was able to compile,
> install everything but when i play the mpeg2 video then the entire
> colormap is screwed up and i dont see any worthwhile picture. I am
> using xfree86 4.1 and yeah btw my plugin for display is x11, the
> plugins that are loaded are x11, yuv, yuvmmx, dsp and dummy plugins.

   Ah, this is a bug under XFree4 no one has fixed yet. What we do is
list the pixmap formats for the current display and deduce the screen
depth (in bytes). This method doesn't work with XFree4.

   A quick kludge would be in plugins/x11/vout_x11.c, line 417, remove
the for() loop and fix your wished value for p_vout->i_bytes_per_pixel.
This is ugly, so if anyone can come with a nice solution that works with
all versions of X, he's welcome.

> display but its almost green. I feel that this is because while
> getting the display data, the MMX functions for converting the color
> space to RGB is done which i want to comment out so that i can get the
> picture. I am trying but i am unable to figure out as to where to make
> this change. If somebody can help me out on this.

   This is a tricky problem. The next big thing to happen to vlc is a
big rewrite of the thread communication structure, which will allow us
to get a nicer interface, and -- what you are looking for -- hardware
acceleration. I've been extremely busy lately, with a few additional
personal issues, and am slightly recovering from this, so I couldn't
brief yet the other developers on how I'd like things to be done.

   You have two options: try to hack a dirty kludge so that it works
at least for you, or wait for the new stuff to be done (no deadline in
mind, sorry). As you already guessed, the problem mostly lies in telling
the yuv plugin to do a memcopy instead of the YUV transformation. Doing
it nicely is another job :)

Samuel Hocevar <sam at via.ecp.fr>                     http://www.via.ecp.fr/~sam/
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