Fw: is this project alive?

Peter Jay Salzman p at belial.ucdavis.edu
Wed Oct 11 10:31:23 CEST 2000

> On Wed, Oct 11, 2000, bharat  tewari wrote:
> > well i don't know whether this project is still alive or not but i
> > have a question.
>    The project is still alive, but as the new term has just started
> here, we first have to organize a bit as to which students will do what
> (it's mostly a school project, and we have to deal with a few additional
> constraints).
sam, fwiw, i think a lot of people are using livid because the dvd playing
howto only mentions this option for playing dvd's.

i stumbled onto vlc via the debian mailing list, and got my dvd playing
within a few minutes via your vlc rpm.

after compiling the source with ppro and mmx enabled, dvd playing was
nearly flawless under a PII/400.  it WAS flawless after setting up the
mtrr's correctly and switching from enlightenment to the mwm window

i mentioned this on the livid mailing list, and a WHOLE BUNCH of people
asked me about the videolan project.  everyone was impressed by the project;
livid cvs hasn't compiled (and i'm not newbie) for quite some time.  it's
been very frustrating for a lot of people.  vlc is fantastic software.

on behalf of linux dvd owners, i wanted to thank you and the vlc developers
and give you my utmost encouragement for your project.

simply put, you guys are fantastic.  thank you!


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