speed tip

Jauder Ho jauderho at carumba.com
Fri Aug 10 18:39:31 CEST 2001

I'm using a IBM TP600E with a 366 PII chip so I am trying to wring out
every last piece of performance out of this laptop in order to watch dvds.

The following is something which you can try. It did improve the framerate
by several frames per second for me. YMMV. I am averaging around 20fps
using the default size right now.

[root at turtle linux]# cat /proc/ide/hdc/settings
name                    value           min             max
----                    -----           ---             ---
breada_readahead        64              0               127             rw
current_speed           34              0               69              rw
dsc_overlap             0               0               1               rw
file_readahead          0               0               2097151         rw
ide_scsi                0               0               1               rw
init_speed              34              0               69              rw
io_32bit                1               0               3               rw
keepsettings            0               0               1               rw
max_kb_per_request      127             1               127             rw
nice1                   1               0               1               rw
number                  2               0               3               rw
pio_mode                write-only      0               255             w
slow                    0               0               1               rw
unmaskirq               1               0               1               rw
using_dma               1               0               1               rw

I set the file_readahead and current_speed.

[root at turtle linux]# echo file_readahead:2000000 >/proc/ide/hdc/settings
[root at turtle linux]# echo current_speed:69 >/proc/ide/hdc/settings

Looking into the other params right now...


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