Newbie Question: Problems on Mac OS X

Andreas Gschwendtner a.gschwendtner at
Sat Dec 15 13:02:21 CET 2001

On Samstag, Dezember 15, 2001, at 05:08  Uhr, Florian G. Pflug wrote:
> Hi
> Do you use the precompiles 0.2.92-pre1 version from the homepage, or 
> did you
> compile vlc yourself?
> In any case, please call vlc (from the command-line) with the argument
> "-vvvvvvvvv", and mail me the output of vlc.
> I'd like to try if VOB which crashed on your machine plays on mine - is
> there one which is small enough to mail/download it?
> Without more information, there is not much I can do....
> greetings, Florian Pflug

Hi Florian,

I downloaded the precompiled binary from The file was 
named vlc-0.2.91-MacOSX.tar.gz. When I installed and ran this binary 
however, in the "vlc"-->"About" menu it displays version number 0.2.90 - 
I always found this strange...
I just visited the videolan homepage but couldn't find a precompiled 
0.2.92-pre1 version - could you e-mail me a llink where I can download 

I will try to compile vlc myself if you think that might help, I just 
didn't have the time yet (I will have to read through a lot of docs, as 
I never compiled anything on a unix system so far. I have made my whole 
computer experience with Windows PCs and Macs, Mac Os X is my very first 
contact with a unix system :) ).

I will e-mail you a small VOB ( 5-10 MB, just a few frames...) that 
doesn't play with vlc as soon as I can. I will also e-mail you the 
output from the command line, as you told me. Thanks again for your help!

Greetings, Andreas

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