unable to play dvds

Ryan Reddy rred8594 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 10 23:15:08 CEST 2001

Thanks again for the advice I appreciate it.  Just a
couple questions though.

> - first remove all the files in
> /usr/lib/videolan/vlc (to be sure old plugins 
> are deleted)
> - build vlc from scratch with just a plain
> ./configure (with no options)
> - don't do a make install, just run vlc from there,
> and try the x11 output as 
> well as the sdl output.

How do I initialize sdl output?
> PS: you could also try to get your nvidia driver
> working (It would be nicer  
> if you could use Xvideo anyway). 

I went through the NVIDIA install the way it said to
in the instructions but I have no way of testing
whether or not it properly installed.
Try to get hold on
> another software which 
> uses xvideo, and see if it works (maybe try the Xine
> DVD player ;-) . If it 
> doesn't work than chances are your driver is not
> working properly.

XINE and OLGA did not work.  If its not already
painfully noticeable, I am quite the Linux newbie so I
guess I just have to keep working on it.

> Sorry I can't help more.
> --
> Gildas

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